Commit f9aab839 authored by German Leon's avatar German Leon
Browse files

parent 48d8f7ed
# start the four cores
export MYHOME=$(echo $0|cut -d'/' -f1-3)
#chmod 0666 /dev/ttyS0
#chmod a+rw /dev/watchdog0
# Nos vamos al directorio donde estan los test
cd `grep -v \# dir_test`
date>> reboot.log
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64
echo "Solo lo mantenemos vivo..."
# Nos vamos al directorio donde estan los test
cd `grep -v \# dir_test`
if test -f "deleteindex.flag"; then
rm lastFiNumber deleteindex.flag
$MYHOME/bin/iamalive_ini 20 10 &
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