#!/usr/bin/sh # SDC checking diff # Must compare all things here # Any particular output comparison must be made here # To be considered as an SDC or CRASH the # DIFF_LOG and DIFF_ERR_LOG files must not be empty # INJ_OUTPUT_PATH, INJ_ERR_PATH, GOLD_OUTPUT_PATH, GOLD_ERR_PATH # are environment variables defined by the fault_injector.py # diff stdout diff -B ${INJ_OUTPUT_PATH} ${GOLD_OUTPUT_PATH} > ${DIFF_LOG} # Special comparison like the following one can be done in this script grep -q "Result = FAIL" ${INJ_OUTPUT_PATH} >> ${DIFF_LOG} # diff stderr diff -B ${INJ_ERR_PATH} ${GOLD_ERR_PATH} > ${DIFF_ERR_LOG} # Must exit 0 exit 0