import os,signal import gdb import time from classes.BitFlip import BitFlip from classes.Logging import Logging import common_parameters as cp """ Handler attached to exit event """ def exit_handler(event): global global_logging os.system ("kill -s USR2 " + str(pid))"event type: exit")) print ("llego el final") try:"exit code: {}".format(str(event.exit_code))) except Exception as err: err_str = "ERROR: {}".format(str(err)) global_logging.exception(err_str) """ Handler that will put a breakpoint on the kernel after signal """ def set_event(event): # Accessing global vars global global_logging, was_hit, bit_flip,bp,t if (isinstance(event, gdb.BreakpointEvent)):"Before breakpoint"+ str(time.clock()-t)) ("Enviado senal a "+ str(pid)) os.system ("kill -s USR1 " + str(pid)) bp.enabled=False gdb.execute('c') # #os.system ("killall -2 python3") elif (isinstance(event, gdb.SignalEvent)): try: # Just checking if it was hit if bit_flip.fault_injected is False: bit_flip.single_event()"BIT FLIP SET ON SIGNAL {}".format(event.stop_signal)) ("Enviado senal a "+ str(pid)) #os.system ("kill -s USR1 " + str(pid)) except Exception as err: global_logging.exception("EVENT DIFFERENT FROM STOP SIGNAL: {}".format(str(err))) #De esta forma, si llega un event por nexti (event.stop), no realiza nada. """ Main function """ def main(): global global_logging, register, injection_site, bits_to_flip, fault_model, was_hit, bit_flip, arg0,t,kernel,pid,bp was_hit = False # Initialize GDB to run the app gdb.execute("set confirm off") gdb.execute("set pagination off") gdb.execute("set target-async off") gdb.execute("set non-stop off") # Connecting to a exit handler event # Connecting to a stop signal event # Get variables values from environment # Firsn parse line [kernel,pid,max_regs,bits_to_flip, fault_model, flip_log_file, gdb_init_strings, injection_site] = arg0.split('|') # Logging global_logging = Logging(log_file=flip_log_file)"Starting flip_value script "+" called by " + str(pid) + " for stop kernel " + str(kernel)); try: for init_str in gdb_init_strings.split(";"): gdb.execute(init_str)"initializing setup: " + str(init_str)) except gdb.error as err: global_logging.exception("ERROR on initializing setup: {}".format(str(err))) # Set Breakpoint attributes to be use bits_to_flip = [i for i in bits_to_flip.split(",")] fault_model = int(fault_model) bit_flip = BitFlip(bits_to_flip=bits_to_flip, fault_model=fault_model,max_regs=max_regs, logging=global_logging, injection_site=cp.INJECTION_SITES[injection_site]) # Start app execution t=time.clock(); #gdb.execute("break "+kernel) bp=gdb.Breakpoint(kernel)"Put Break "+ str(time.clock()-t)) gdb.execute("r") i = 0 try: while 'The program' not in gdb.execute('c', to_string=True): i += 1 except Exception as err:"CONTINUED {} times".format(i)) err_str = str(err).rstrip() global_logging.exception("IGNORED CONTINUE ERROR: {}".format(err_str)) # Make sure that it is going to finish if 'Failed' in err_str: gdb.execute('quit') global_logging.exception("QUIT REQUIRED") # Call main execution global_logging = None register = None bits_to_flip = None fault_model = None was_hit = False injection_site = None bit_flip = None main()