import time from classes.Logging import Logging from threading import Thread from random import uniform import common_parameters as cp # All common parameters will bet at common_parameters module import os,signal import sys """ Signal the app to stop so GDB can execute the script to flip a value """ class SignalApp(Thread): def __init__(self,file_connection, max_wait_time, log_path, unique_id, signals_to_send, init_sleep, syncro,waitfinish): global crashsystem,hang hang=False super(SignalApp, self).__init__() self.__file_connection = file_connection os.system("rm -f {}".format(log_path)) self.__log = Logging(log_file=log_path, unique_id=unique_id) # Most of the benchmarks we cannot wait until the end of the processing # Considering most of 90% of the time #self.__init_wait_time = uniform(init_sleep, max_wait_time * cp.MAX_SIGNAL_BEFORE_ENDING) self.__init_wait_time = uniform(0, max_wait_time * cp.MAX_SIGNAL_BEFORE_ENDING) self.__signals_to_send = signals_to_send self.__time_to_sleep = (max_wait_time - self.__init_wait_time) / self.__signals_to_send # self.__time_to_sleep = (max_wait_time) / self.__signals_to_send self._syncro=syncro self._waitfinish=waitfinish def run(self): # Send a series of signal to make sure gdb will flip a value in one of the interrupt signals #log_string = "Sending a signal using command: {} after {}s and each {}s.".format(self.__signal_cmd, self.__init_wait_time,self.__time_to_sleep) log_string = "Sending a signal each {}s of {} times.".format(self.__time_to_sleep,self.__signals_to_send ) if cp.DEBUG: crashsystem=False try: (self._syncro).wait() #except threading.BrokenBarrierError: except: (self._syncro).abort()"Breakpoint inicial fuera de tiempo") #(self._waitfinish).wait() (self._syncro).reset() crashsystem=True return"Timeout syncron of breakpoint\n") pidf=open(self.__file_connection,"r") pid=int( pidf.close() #os.remove(self.__file_connection) #os.system(self.__signal_cmd) #pidf = (os.popen(self.__signal_cmd)) #print("Comando {} y resultado {} de tipo {}".format(self.__signal_cmd,pid, type (pid)) ) #pid=int(pid.split('\n')[0]) #pidf.close() print(" resultado pid {} de tipo {}".format(pid, type (pid)) ) # Time random #print ("INIT:"+str(self.__init_wait_time)+"sleep"+str()) time.sleep(self.__init_wait_time) crash=False for signals in range(0, self.__signals_to_send): #os.system("{} > /dev/null 2>/dev/null".format(self.__signal_cmd)) try: os.kill(pid,signal.SIGINT)"sending signal {}".format(signals)) except:"Process is dead. Crash?") os.kill(pid,signal.SIGKILL) (self._waitfinish).abort() (self._waitfinish).reset() (self._syncro).abort() (self._syncro).reset() crash=True break try: (self._syncro).wait() except: (self._syncro).abort() #break #print("Breakpoint fuera de tiempo") (self._syncro).reset() time.sleep(self.__time_to_sleep) #(self._syncro).reset() if not crash: try: (self._waitfinish).wait() #except threading.BrokenBarrierError: except: (self._waitfinish).abort()"Hang timeout execution") hang=True"Timeout execution programa") (self._waitfinish).reset() def ishang (self): return hang def get_int_wait_time(self): return self.__init_wait_time