import random import sys import gdb import re import common_functions as cf # All common functions will be at common_functions module import common_parameters as cp # All common parameters will be at common_parameters module # from collections import deque """ BitFlip class to implement the bit flip process. The methods in this class will execute only inside a CUDA kernel """ class BitFlip: def __init__(self, **kwargs): # If kernel is not accessible it must return self.__bits_to_flip = kwargs.get('bits_to_flip') self.__fault_model = kwargs.get('fault_model') self.__logging = kwargs.get('logging') self.__injection_site = kwargs.get('injection_site') self.fault_injected = False """ print exception info """ @staticmethod def __exception_str(): exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() return "Exception type {} at line {}".format(exc_type, exc_tb.tb_lineno) """ TODO: Describe the method """ def single_event(self): # fault_injected attribute will be set by the methods that perform fault injection # Focusing the thread. If focus succeed, otherwise not if self.__thread_focus(): # Do the fault injection magic # Register File mode if cp.RF == self.__injection_site: # Select the register before the injection self.__select_register() # RF is the default mode of injection self.__rf_generic_injector() # Instruction Output mode elif cp.INST_OUT == self.__injection_site: self.__inst_generic_injector() # Instruction Address mode elif cp.INST_ADD == self.__injection_site: self.__logging.exception("INST_ADD NOT IMPLEMENTED YET") self.__logging.exception(self.__exception_str()) self.fault_injected = False # Test fault injection result"Fault Injection " + ("Successful" if self.fault_injected else "Went Wrong")) """ Selects a valid thread for a specific kernel return the coordinates for the block and the thread """ def __thread_focus(self): try: # Selecting the block, it must be a valid block blocks = cf.execute_command(gdb=gdb, to_execute="info cuda blocks") # empty lists are always false while blocks: chosen_block = random.choice(blocks) # remove it from the options blocks.remove(chosen_block) m = re.match(r".*\(.*\).*\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\).*", chosen_block) # Try to focus if m: change_focus_block_cmd = "cuda block {},{},{}".format(,, block_focus = cf.execute_command(gdb=gdb, to_execute=change_focus_block_cmd) # empty lists are always false if block_focus: # Thread focus return information"CUDA_BLOCK_FOCUS:{}".format(block_focus)) # No need to continue to seek break # Selecting the thread threads = cf.execute_command(gdb=gdb, to_execute="info cuda threads") while threads: chosen_thread = random.choice(threads) # remove it from the options threads.remove(chosen_thread) m = re.match(r".*\(.*\).*\(.*\).*\(.*\).*\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\).*", chosen_thread) # Try to focus if m: change_focus_thread_cmd = "cuda thread {},{},{}".format(,, thread_focus = cf.execute_command(gdb=gdb, to_execute=change_focus_thread_cmd) # empty lists are always false if thread_focus: # Thread focus return information"CUDA_THREAD_FOCUS:{}".format(thread_focus)) # No need to continue to seek break except Exception as err: err_str = str(err) self.__logging.exception("CUDA_FOCUS_CANNOT_BE_REQUESTED, ERROR:" + err_str) # No need to continue if no active kernel if err_str == cp.FOCUS_ERROR_STRING: return False # If we are inside the kernel return true return True """ Flip a bit or multiple bits based on a fault model """ def __rf_generic_injector(self): try: # get register content reg_cmd = cf.execute_command(gdb, "p/t ${}".format(self.__register)) m = re.match(r'\$(\d+)[ ]*=[ ]*(\S+).*', reg_cmd[0]) reg_content_old = str( # Make sure that binary value will have max size register reg_content_full_bits = str( '0' * (cp.SINGLE_MAX_SIZE_REGISTER - len(reg_content_old))) + reg_content_old reg_content_new = '' # Single or double bit flip or Least significant bits if self.__fault_model in [cp.FLIP_SINGLE_BIT, cp.FLIP_TWO_BITS, cp.LEAST_16_BITS, cp.LEAST_8_BITS]: # single bit flip or Double bit flip reg_content_new = reg_content_full_bits for bit_to_flip in self.__bits_to_flip: reg_content_new = self.__flip_a_bit(int(bit_to_flip), reg_content_new) reg_content_new = hex(int(reg_content_new, 2)) # Random value or Zero value elif self.__fault_model == cp.RANDOM_VALUE or self.__fault_model == cp.ZERO_VALUE: # random value is stored at bits_to_flip[0] reg_content_new = self.__bits_to_flip[0] # send the new value to gdb flip_command = "set ${} = {}".format(self.__register, reg_content_new) reg_cmd_flipped = cf.execute_command(gdb, flip_command) # ['$2 = 100000000111111111111111'] modify_output = cf.execute_command(gdb, "p/t ${}".format(self.__register))[0] # With string split it is easier to crash reg_modified = re.match(r"(.*)=(.*)", modify_output).group(2).strip() # Return the fault confirmation self.fault_injected = reg_content_old != reg_modified # Log the register only if the fault was injected, reduce unnecessary file write if self.fault_injected: # LOGGING"SELECTED_REGISTER:{}".format(self.__register)) # Logging info result extracted from register"old_value:{}".format(reg_content_old)) # Also logging the new value"new_value:{}".format(reg_modified)) # Log if something was printed # empty list is always false if reg_cmd_flipped:"flip command return:{}".format(reg_cmd_flipped)) except Exception as err: self.__logging.exception("fault_injection_python_exception: {}".format(err)) self.__logging.exception(self.__exception_str()) self.fault_injected = False """ Flip only a bit in a register content """ @staticmethod def __flip_a_bit(bit_to_flip, reg_content): return reg_content[:bit_to_flip] + ('0' if reg_content[bit_to_flip] == '1' else '1') + reg_content[ bit_to_flip + 1:] """ Runtime select register """ def __select_register(self): # Start on 1 to consider R0 max_num_register = 0 # registers_list.popleft() registers_list = cf.execute_command(gdb=gdb, to_execute="info registers") for line in registers_list: m = re.match(r".*R.*0x([0-9a-fA-F]+).*", line) if m and != '0': ("LIne salida:{}".format( max_num_register += 1"LIne entrada {}--max{}".format(line,max_num_register)) self.__register = "R{}".format(random.randint(0, max_num_register-1))"MAX_NUM_REGISTER:{}".format(max_num_register)) """ Instruction injector """ def __inst_generic_injector(self): disassemble_array = cf.execute_command(gdb=gdb, to_execute="disassemble") # Search the line to inject # -1 will use the next instruction after program counter for i in range(0, len(disassemble_array) - 1): next_line = disassemble_array[i + 1] # => defines where the program counter is # There is an instruction on this line # then inject in the output register if "=>" in disassemble_array[i] and re.match(r".*:\t(\S+) .*", next_line): # If it gets the PC + 1 then I must inject in the input of the next instruction # Which is the most right register (-1 index) self.__register = "R{}".format(re.findall(r"R(\d+)", next_line)[-1])"SELECTED_REGISTER:{}".format(self.__register))"ASSM_LINE:{}".format(next_line)) # __rf_generic_injector will set fault_injected attribute self.__rf_generic_injector() break # avoid execute the else else: self.__logging.exception("SEARCH_FOR_PC_INDICATOR_FAILED") self.fault_injected = False