Commit 67e9186e authored by iker_martin's avatar iker_martin
Browse files

Modificado los Makefile. Ahora funciona correctamente

parent 45b5c571
objects := ini.o read_ini.o results.o
DISTRI_LOC = $(TOP)/malleability/distribution_methods/block_distribution.h
CC := gcc
MCC := mpicc
CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra
all: $(objects)
ini.o: ini.c ini.h
echo $(BUILDDIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@ $<
read_ini.o: read_ini.c read_ini.h ini.h $(DISTRI_LOC)
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@ $<
results.o: results.c results.h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@ $<
#$@ --> Objeto
#$< --> Source
objects1 := computing_func comunication_func linear_reg
objects2 := process_stage
objects3 := Main
#Pasar nombre a level -- Los objects/headers/source añadir sufijo
DISTRI_LOC = $(TOP)/malleability/distribution_methods/block_distribution.h
MALLEABILITY_DEPENDS = $(TOP)/malleability/CommDist.h $(TOP)/malleability/malleabilityStates.h $(TOP)/malleability/malleabilityManager.h
DEPENDS := Main_datatypes.h
CC := gcc
MCC := mpicc
CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra
all: $(objects1) $(objects2) $(objects3)
$(objects1): %: %.c %.h $(DEPENDS)
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects2): %: %.c %.h $(objects1).h $(DEPENDS) $(DISTRI_LOC)
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects3): %: %.c $(objects2).h $(DEPENDS) $(TOP)/IOcodes/read_ini.h $(TOP)/IOcodes/results.h $(MALLEABILITY_DEPENDS)
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
export TOP := $(dir $(CURDIR)/$(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
BUILD := build
EXEC := exec
EXECDIR := $(addprefix $(TOP),$(EXEC))
export BUILDDIR = $(addprefix $(TOP),$(BUILD))
SUBDIRS := IOcodes Main malleability
.PHONY: subdirs $(SUBDIRS) build all clean clear
CC := gcc
MCC := mpicc
CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra
LIBFLAGS := -lm -lslurm -pthread
all: subdirs exec
exec: subdirs
mkdir -p $(EXECDIR) all
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(EXECDIR)/a.out $(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/*.o) $(LIBFLAGS)
subdirs: $(SUBDIRS)
$(MAKE) -C $@
# Carpeta en la que almacenar los compilados y los ejecutables
mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
CC = gcc
MCC = mpicc
C_FLAGS_ALL = -Wfatal-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wconversion -Wshadow
C_FLAGS = -Wall
LD_FLAGS = -lm -lslurm -pthread
.PHONY : clean clear
# Final binary
BIN = a.out
# Put all auto generated stuff to this build dir.
BUILD_DIR = ./build
# List of all directories where source files are located
SRCDIRS = IOcodes Main malleability malleability/spawn_methods malleability/distribution_methods
# List of all .c source files.
C_FILES = $(foreach dire, $(SRCDIRS), $(wildcard $(dire)/*.c))
# All .o files go to build dir.
OBJ = $(C_FILES:%.c=$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o)
# Gcc will create these .d files containing dependencies.
DEP = $(OBJ:%.o=%.d)
# Default target named after the binary.
$(BIN) : $(BUILD_DIR)/$(BIN)
# Actual target of the binary - depends on all .o files.
$(BUILD_DIR)/$(BIN) : $(OBJ)
$(MCC) $(C_FLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LD_FLAGS)
# Include all .d files
# .d files are used for knowing the dependencies of each source file
-include $(DEP)
# Build target for every single object file.
# The potential dependency on header files is covered
# by calling `-include $(DEP)`.
# The -MMD flags additionaly creates a .d file with
# the same name as the .o file.
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o : %.c
mkdir -p $(@D)
$(MCC) $(C_FLAGS) -MMD -c $< -o $@
-rm $(BUILDDIR)/*.o
-rm $(BUILD_DIR)/$(BIN) $(OBJ) $(DEP)
-rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
-rm -rf $(EXECDIR)
dir_targets := distribution_methods
objects1 := CommDist
objects2 := malleabilityTypes ProcessDist
objects3 := malleabilityZombies
objects4 := malleabilityManager
DEPENDS := $(addsuffix .h, malleabilityDataStructures malleabilityStates)
CC := gcc
MCC := mpicc
CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra
.PHONY: $(dir_targets) subdir
all: subdir $(objects1) $(objects2) $(objects3) $(objects4)
subdir: $(dir_targets)
$(dir_targets): %:
$(MAKE) -C $@
$(objects1): %: %.c %.h $(DEPENDS) $(dir_targets)/block_distribution.h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects2): %: %.c %.h $(DEPENDS)
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects3): %: %.c %.h $(DEPENDS) $(TOP)/IOcodes/results.h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects4): %: %.c %.h $(objects1).h $(objects2).h $(objects3).h $(DEPENDS) \
$(TOP)/IOcodes/read_ini.h $(TOP)/IOcodes/results.h $(TOP)/Main/Main_datatypes.h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <slurm/slurm.h>
#include "ProcessDist.h"
int commState = MAL_NOT_STARTED;
struct Slurm_data *slurm_data;
pthread_t spawn_thread;
pthread_mutex_t spawn_mutex;
MPI_Comm *returned_comm;
double end_time; //FIXME REFACTOR
struct Slurm_data {
char *cmd; // Executable name
char *nodelist;
int num_cpus, num_nodes;
int qty_procs, result_procs;
MPI_Info info;
int type_creation;
int spawn_is_single;
typedef struct {
char *argv;
int numP_childs, myId, root, already_created;
int type_dist;
int spawn_is_single;
int spawn_method;
MPI_Comm comm;
//--------------PRIVATE SPAWN TYPE DECLARATIONS---------------//
void* thread_work(void* creation_data_arg);
//--------------PRIVATE DECLARATIONS---------------//
void processes_dist(char *argv, int numP_childs, int already_created, int type_dist);
void generic_spawn(int myId, int root, int is_single, MPI_Comm *child, MPI_Comm comm);
void single_spawn_connection(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *child);
int create_processes(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *child, MPI_Comm comm);
void node_dist(int type, int total_procs, int already_created, int **qty, int *used_nodes);
void fill_str_hostfile(int *qty, int used_nodes, char **hostfile_str);
int write_str_node(char **hostfile_str, int len_og, int qty, char *node_name);
//@deprecated functions
int create_hostfile(char *jobId, char **file_name);
int write_hostfile_node(int ptr, int qty, char *node_name);
void fill_hostfile(slurm_job_info_t job_record, int ptr, int *qty, int used_nodes);
//--------------PUBLIC FUNCTIONS---------------//
* Se solicita la creacion de un nuevo grupo de "numP" procesos con una distribucion
* fisica "type_dist".
* Se puede solicitar en primer plano, encargandose por tanto el proceso que llama a esta funcion,
* o en segundo plano, donde un hilo se encarga de configurar esta creacion.
* Si se pide en primer plano, al terminarla es posible llamar a "check_slurm_comm()" para crear
* los procesos.
* Si se pide en segundo plano, llamar a "check_slurm_comm()" comprobara si la configuracion para
* crearlos esta lista, y si es asi, los crea.
* Devuelve el estado de el procedimiento. Si no devuelve "COMM_FINISHED", es necesario llamar a
* "check_slurm_comm()".
int init_slurm_comm(char *argv, int num_cpus, int num_nodes, char *nodelist, int myId, int numP, int numC, int root, int type_dist, int type_creation, int spawn_is_single, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *child) {
int spawn_qty, already_created = 0;
slurm_data = malloc(sizeof(struct Slurm_data));
spawn_thread = pthread_self();
slurm_data->type_creation = type_creation;
slurm_data->spawn_is_single = spawn_is_single;
slurm_data->result_procs = numC;
slurm_data->num_cpus = num_cpus;
slurm_data->num_nodes = num_nodes;
slurm_data->nodelist = nodelist;
spawn_qty = numC;
if(type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_MERGE || type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_MERGE_PTHREAD) {
if (numP < slurm_data->result_procs) {
spawn_qty = slurm_data->result_procs - numP;
already_created = numP;
if(type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_SERIAL || slurm_data->type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_MERGE) {
if(myId == root) {
processes_dist(argv, spawn_qty, already_created, type_dist);
} else {
slurm_data->cmd = malloc(1 * sizeof(char));
slurm_data->info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
generic_spawn(myId, root, slurm_data->spawn_is_single, child, comm);
if(myId == root && slurm_data->info != MPI_INFO_NULL) {
} else if(type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_PTHREAD || slurm_data->type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_MERGE_PTHREAD) {
if((spawn_is_single && myId == root) || !spawn_is_single || (slurm_data->type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_MERGE_PTHREAD && numP > slurm_data->result_procs)) {
Creation_data *creation_data = (Creation_data *) malloc(sizeof(Creation_data));
creation_data->argv = argv;
creation_data->numP_childs = spawn_qty;
creation_data->already_created = already_created;
creation_data->myId = myId;
creation_data->root = root;
creation_data->type_dist = type_dist;
creation_data->comm = comm;
if(pthread_create(&spawn_thread, NULL, thread_work, (void *)creation_data)) {
printf("Error al crear el hilo de contacto con SLURM\n");
return -1;
return commState;
* Comprueba si una configuracion para crear un nuevo grupo de procesos esta lista,
* y en caso de que lo este, se devuelve el communicador a estos nuevos procesos.
int check_slurm_comm(int myId, int root, int numP, MPI_Comm *child, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm comm_thread, double *real_time) {
if(slurm_data->type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_PTHREAD || slurm_data->type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_MERGE_PTHREAD) {
if (slurm_data->type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_MERGE_PTHREAD && numP > slurm_data->result_procs) { //TODO REFACTOR
printf("Error Check spawn: Configuracion invalida\nSe intenta usar el método Spawn junto a un Shrink merge\n");
return -10;
if(!slurm_data->spawn_is_single || commState == MAL_SPAWN_SINGLE_PENDING || commState == MAL_SPAWN_COMPLETED) {
int state=-10;
//printf("[%d][3] Test min\n", myId); fflush(stdout);
//pthread_mutex_lock(&spawn_mutex); // TODO Descomentar
MPI_Allreduce(&commState, &state, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, comm);
if(state != MAL_SPAWN_COMPLETED) return state; // Continue only if asynchronous process creation has ended
//printf("[%d][5] Test Passed-----------\n", myId); fflush(stdout);
if(pthread_join(spawn_thread, NULL)) {
printf("Error al esperar al hilo\n");
return -10;
*child = *returned_comm;
} else if (slurm_data->spawn_is_single) {
//pthread_mutex_lock(&spawn_mutex); // TODO Descomentar
MPI_Bcast(&commState, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm);
int threads_not_spawned = pthread_equal(pthread_self(), spawn_thread);
// Non-root processes join root to finalize the spawn
// They also must join if the application has ended its work
if(commState == MAL_SPAWN_SINGLE_START) {
if(myId != root && threads_not_spawned) {
Creation_data *creation_data = (Creation_data *) malloc(sizeof(Creation_data));
creation_data->argv = NULL;
creation_data->numP_childs = -1;
creation_data->already_created = -1;
creation_data->myId = myId;
creation_data->root = root;
creation_data->type_dist = -1;
creation_data->comm = comm_thread;
if(pthread_create(&spawn_thread, NULL, thread_work, (void *)creation_data)) {
printf("Error al crear el hilo de apoyo\n");
return -1;
// Continue only if asynchronous process creation has ended or application does not have more work
if(commState != MAL_SPAWN_COMPLETED) return commState;
//printf("[%d][4] Test Passed-----------\n", myId); fflush(stdout);
//Asegurar que los hilos han terminado
if(pthread_join(spawn_thread, NULL)) {
printf("Error al esperar al hilo\n");
return -10;
*child = *returned_comm;
} else {
printf("Error Check spawn: Configuracion invalida\n");
return -10;
} else {
return commState;
//Free memory
if(myId == root && slurm_data->info != MPI_INFO_NULL) {
spawn_thread = pthread_self();
return commState;
* Conectar grupo de hijos con grupo de padres
* Devuelve un intercomunicador para hablar con los padres
* Solo se utiliza cuando la creación de los procesos ha sido
* realizada por un solo proceso padre
void malleability_establish_connection(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *intercomm) {
char *port_name;
MPI_Comm newintercomm;
if(myId == root) {
port_name = (char *) malloc(MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME * sizeof(char));
MPI_Open_port(MPI_INFO_NULL, port_name);
MPI_Send(port_name, MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME, MPI_CHAR, root, 130, *intercomm);
} else {
port_name = malloc(1);
MPI_Comm_accept(port_name, MPI_INFO_NULL, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &newintercomm);
if(myId == root) {
*intercomm = newintercomm;
//--------------PRIVATE THREAD FUNCTIONS---------------//
* Funcion llamada por un hilo para que este se encarge
* de configurar la creacion de un nuevo grupo de procesos.
* Una vez esta lista la configuracion y es posible crear los procesos
* se avisa al hilo maestro.
void* thread_work(void* creation_data_arg) {
Creation_data *creation_data = (Creation_data*) creation_data_arg;
returned_comm = (MPI_Comm *) malloc(sizeof(MPI_Comm));
if(creation_data->myId == creation_data->root) {
processes_dist(creation_data->argv, creation_data->numP_childs, creation_data->already_created, creation_data->type_dist);
} else {
slurm_data->cmd = malloc(1 * sizeof(char));
slurm_data->info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
generic_spawn(creation_data->myId, creation_data->root, slurm_data->spawn_is_single, returned_comm, creation_data->comm);
//--------------PRIVATE SPAWN CREATION FUNCTIONS---------------//
* Funcion generica para la creacion de procesos. Obtiene la configuracion
* y segun esta, elige como deberian crearse los procesos.
* Cuando termina, modifica la variable global para indicar este cambio
void generic_spawn(int myId, int root, int spawn_is_single, MPI_Comm *child, MPI_Comm comm) {
if(spawn_is_single) {
single_spawn_connection(myId, root, comm, child);
} else {
int rootBcast = MPI_PROC_NULL;
if(myId == root) rootBcast = MPI_ROOT;
create_processes(myId, root, child, comm);
MPI_Bcast(&spawn_is_single, 1, MPI_INT, rootBcast, *child);
end_time = MPI_Wtime();
* Crea un grupo de procesos segun la configuracion indicada por la funcion
* "processes_dist()".
int create_processes(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *child, MPI_Comm comm) {
int spawn_err = MPI_Comm_spawn(slurm_data->cmd, MPI_ARGV_NULL, slurm_data->qty_procs, slurm_data->info, root, comm, child, MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE);
if(spawn_err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("Error creating new set of %d procs.\n", slurm_data->qty_procs);
return spawn_err;
* Si la variable "type" es 1, la creación es con la participación de todo el grupo de padres
* Si el valor es diferente, la creación es solo con la participación del proceso root
void single_spawn_connection(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *child){
char *port_name;
int auxiliar_conf = COMM_SPAWN_SINGLE;
MPI_Comm newintercomm;
if (myId == root) {
create_processes(myId, root, child, MPI_COMM_SELF);
MPI_Bcast(&auxiliar_conf, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ROOT, *child);
port_name = (char *) malloc(MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME * sizeof(char));
MPI_Recv(port_name, MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME, MPI_CHAR, root, 130, *child, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
commState = MAL_SPAWN_SINGLE_START; // Indicate other processes to join root to end spawn procedure
} else {
port_name = malloc(1);
MPI_Comm_connect(port_name, MPI_INFO_NULL, root, comm, &newintercomm);
if(myId == root)
*child = newintercomm;
//--------------PRIVATE MERGE TYPE FUNCTIONS---------------//
* Se encarga de que el grupo de procesos resultante se
* encuentren todos en un intra comunicador, uniendo a
* padres e hijos en un solo comunicador.
* Se llama antes de la redistribución de datos.
void proc_adapt_expand(int *numP, int numC, MPI_Comm intercomm, MPI_Comm *comm, int is_children_group) {
MPI_Comm new_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
MPI_Intercomm_merge(intercomm, is_children_group, &new_comm); //El que pone 0 va primero
//MPI_Comm_free(intercomm); TODO Nueva redistribucion para estos casos y liberar aqui
// *intercomm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
*numP = numC;
if(*comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD && *comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
* Se encarga de que el grupo de procesos resultante se
* eliminen aquellos procesos que ya no son necesarios.
* Los procesos eliminados se quedaran como zombies.
* Se llama una vez ha terminado la redistribución de datos.
void proc_adapt_shrink(int numC, MPI_Comm *comm, int myId) {
int color = MPI_UNDEFINED;
MPI_Comm new_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
if(myId < numC) {
color = 1;
MPI_Comm_split(*comm, color, myId, &new_comm);
if(*comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD && *comm != MPI_COMM_NULL)
//MPI_Comm_free(comm); FIXME
* Configura la creacion de un nuevo grupo de procesos, reservando la memoria
* para una llamada a MPI_Comm_spawn, obteniendo una distribucion fisica
* para los procesos y creando un fichero hostfile.
void processes_dist(char *argv, int numP_childs, int already_created, int type) {
//int jobId;
//char *tmp;
//job_info_msg_t *j_info;
//slurm_job_info_t last_record;
int used_nodes=0;
int *procs_array;
char *hostfile;
// Get Slurm job info
//tmp = getenv("SLURM_JOB_ID");
//jobId = atoi(tmp);
//slurm_load_job(&j_info, jobId, 1);
//last_record = j_info->job_array[j_info->record_count - 1];
slurm_data->cmd = malloc(strlen(argv) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(slurm_data->cmd, argv);
node_dist(type, numP_childs, already_created, &procs_array, &used_nodes);
slurm_data->qty_procs = numP_childs;
int ptr;
ptr = create_hostfile(tmp, &hostfile);
MPI_Info_set(slurm_data->info, "hostfile", hostfile);
fill_hostfile(last_record, ptr, procs_array, used_nodes);
fill_str_hostfile(procs_array, used_nodes, &hostfile);
MPI_Info_set(slurm_data->info, "hosts", hostfile);
// Free JOB INFO
* Obtiene la distribucion fisica del grupo de procesos a crear, devolviendo
* cuantos nodos se van a utilizar y la cantidad de procesos que alojara cada
* nodo.
* Se permiten dos tipos de distribuciones fisicas segun el valor de "type":
* COMM_PHY_NODES (1): Orientada a equilibrar el numero de procesos entre
* todos los nodos disponibles.
* COMM_PHY_CPU (2): Orientada a completar la capacidad de un nodo antes de
* ocupar otro nodo.
void node_dist(int type, int total_procs, int already_created, int **qty, int *used_nodes) {
int i, asigCores;
int tamBl, remainder;
int *procs;
procs = calloc(slurm_data->num_nodes, sizeof(int)); // Numero de procesos por nodo
if(type == 1) { // DIST NODES
*used_nodes = slurm_data->num_nodes;
tamBl = total_procs / slurm_data->num_nodes;
remainder = total_procs % slurm_data->num_nodes;
for(i=0; i<remainder; i++) {
procs[i] = tamBl + 1;
for(i=remainder; i<slurm_data->num_nodes; i++) {
procs[i] = tamBl;
} else if (type == 2) { // DIST CPUs
tamBl = slurm_data->num_cpus / slurm_data->num_nodes;
asigCores = 0;
i = *used_nodes = already_created / tamBl;
remainder = already_created % tamBl;
//First node could already have existing procs
if (remainder) {
procs[i] = asigCores = tamBl - remainder;
i = (i+1) % slurm_data->num_nodes;
//Assing tamBl to each node
while(asigCores+tamBl <= total_procs) {
asigCores += tamBl;
procs[i] += tamBl;
i = (i+1) % slurm_data->num_nodes;
//Last node could have less procs than tamBl
if(asigCores < total_procs) {
procs[i] += total_procs - asigCores;
if(*used_nodes > slurm_data->num_nodes) *used_nodes = slurm_data->num_nodes; //FIXME Si ocurre esto no es un error?
*qty = calloc(*used_nodes, sizeof(int)); // Numero de procesos por nodo
for(i=0; i< *used_nodes; i++) {
(*qty)[i] = procs[i];
* Crea y devuelve una cadena para ser utilizada por la llave "hosts"
* al crear procesos e indicar donde tienen que ser creados.
void fill_str_hostfile(int *qty, int used_nodes, char **hostfile_str) {
int i=0, len=0;
char *host;
hostlist_t hostlist;
hostlist = slurm_hostlist_create(slurm_data->nodelist);
while ( (host = slurm_hostlist_shift(hostlist)) && i < used_nodes) {
if(qty[i] != 0) {
len = write_str_node(hostfile_str, len, qty[i], host);
* Añade en una cadena "qty" entradas de "node_name".
* Realiza la reserva de memoria y la realoja si es necesario.
int write_str_node(char **hostfile_str, int len_og, int qty, char *node_name) {
int err, len_node, len, i;
char *ocurrence;
len_node = strlen(node_name);
len = qty * (len_node + 1);
if(len_og == 0) { // Memoria no reservada
*hostfile_str = (char *) malloc(len * sizeof(char) - (1 * sizeof(char)));
} else { // Cadena ya tiene datos
*hostfile_str = (char *) realloc(*hostfile_str, (len_og + len) * sizeof(char) - (1 * sizeof(char)));
if(hostfile_str == NULL) return -1; // No ha sido posible alojar la memoria
ocurrence = (char *) malloc((len_node+1) * sizeof(char));
if(ocurrence == NULL) return -1; // No ha sido posible alojar la memoria
err = sprintf(ocurrence, ",%s", node_name);
if(err < 0) return -2; // No ha sido posible escribir sobre la variable auxiliar
if(len_og == 0) { // Si se inicializa, la primera es una copia
strcpy(*hostfile_str, node_name);
for(; i<qty; i++){ // Las siguientes se conctanenan
strcat(*hostfile_str, ocurrence);
return len+len_og;
//============DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS====================
* @deprecated
* Crea un fichero que se utilizara como hostfile
* para un nuevo grupo de procesos.
* El nombre es devuelto en el argumento "file_name",
* que tiene que ser un puntero vacio.
* Ademas se devuelve un descriptor de fichero para
* modificar el fichero.
int create_hostfile(char *jobId, char **file_name) {
int ptr, err, len;
len = strlen(jobId) + 11;
*file_name = NULL;
*file_name = malloc( len * sizeof(char));
if(*file_name == NULL) return -1; // No ha sido posible alojar la memoria
err = snprintf(*file_name, len, "hostfile.o%s", jobId);
if(err < 0) return -2; // No ha sido posible obtener el nombre de fichero
ptr = open(*file_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
if(ptr < 0) return -3; // No ha sido posible crear el fichero
return ptr; // Devolver puntero a fichero
* @deprecated
* Rellena un fichero hostfile indicado por ptr con los nombres
* de los nodos a utilizar indicados por "job_record" y la cantidad
* de procesos que alojara cada nodo indicado por "qty".
void fill_hostfile(slurm_job_info_t job_record, int ptr, int *qty, int used_nodes) {
int i=0;
char *host;
hostlist_t hostlist;
hostlist = slurm_hostlist_create(job_record.nodes);
while ( (host = slurm_hostlist_shift(hostlist)) && i < used_nodes) {
write_hostfile_node(ptr, qty[i], host);
* @deprecated
* Escribe en el fichero hostfile indicado por ptr una nueva linea.
* Esta linea indica el nombre de un nodo y la cantidad de procesos a
* alojar en ese nodo.
int write_hostfile_node(int ptr, int qty, char *node_name) {
int err, len_node, len_int, len;
char *line;
len_node = strlen(node_name);
len_int = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", qty);
len = len_node + len_int + 3;
line = malloc(len * sizeof(char));
if(line == NULL) return -1; // No ha sido posible alojar la memoria
err = snprintf(line, len, "%s:%d\n", node_name, qty);
if(err < 0) return -2; // No ha sido posible escribir en el fichero
write(ptr, line, len-1);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <slurm/slurm.h>
#include "malleabilityStates.h"
int init_slurm_comm(char *argv, int num_cpus, int num_nodes, char *nodelist, int myId, int numP, int numC, int root, int type_dist, int type_creation, int spawn_is_single, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *child);
int check_slurm_comm(int myId, int root, int numP, MPI_Comm *child, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm comm_thread, double *end_real_time);
void malleability_establish_connection(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *intercomm);
void proc_adapt_expand(int *numP, int numC, MPI_Comm intercomm, MPI_Comm *comm, int is_children_group);
void proc_adapt_shrink(int numC, MPI_Comm *comm, int myId);
objects1 := block_distribution
CC := gcc
MCC := mpicc
CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra
all: $(objects1)
$(objects1): %: %.c %.h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
objects1 := ProcessDist
objects2 := Spawn_state
objects3 := Baseline
objects4 := Merge
objects5 := GenericSpawn
CC := gcc
MCC := mpicc
CFLAGS := -Wall
all: $(objects1) $(objects2) $(objects3) $(objects4) $(objects5)
$(objects1): %: %.c %.h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects2): %: %.c %.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects3): %: %.c %.h $(objects2).h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects4): %: %.c %.h $(objects3).h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
$(objects5): %: %.c %.h $(objects1).h $(objects2).h $(objects3).h $(objects4).h
$(MCC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(BUILDDIR)/$@.o $<
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