"/tmp/ipykernel_4155/1340609544.py:7: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.\n",
"/tmp/ipykernel_7488/535752050.py:7: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.\n",
"/tmp/ipykernel_4155/1340609544.py:8: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.\n",
"/tmp/ipykernel_7488/535752050.py:8: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.\n",
" group = dfM.groupby(['ADR','Spawn_Method','Redistribution_Method', 'Redistribution_Strategy','NP','NC'])['T_Malleability','T_spawn','T_spawn_real','T_SR','T_AR']\n"
"/tmp/ipykernel_7488/998390630.py:6: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.\n",
" group = dfL.groupby(['ADR','Spawn_Method','Redistribution_Method', 'Redistribution_Strategy','NP','NC'])['T_iter', 'T_stages']\n",
"/tmp/ipykernel_7488/998390630.py:7: FutureWarning: ['T_stages'] did not aggregate successfully. If any error is raised this will raise in a future version of pandas. Drop these columns/ops to avoid this warning.\n",
/tmp/ipykernel_4155/1340609544.py:7: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
/tmp/ipykernel_7488/535752050.py:7: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
/tmp/ipykernel_4155/1340609544.py:8: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
/tmp/ipykernel_7488/535752050.py:8: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
group = dfM.groupby(['ADR','Spawn_Method','Redistribution_Method', 'Redistribution_Strategy','NP','NC'])['T_Malleability','T_spawn','T_spawn_real','T_SR','T_AR']
/tmp/ipykernel_7488/998390630.py:6: FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
group = dfL.groupby(['ADR','Spawn_Method','Redistribution_Method', 'Redistribution_Strategy','NP','NC'])['T_iter', 'T_stages']
/tmp/ipykernel_7488/998390630.py:7: FutureWarning: ['T_stages'] did not aggregate successfully. If any error is raised this will raise in a future version of pandas. Drop these columns/ops to avoid this warning.