Commit f4a8b977 authored by iker_martin's avatar iker_martin
Browse files

Cambios sobre recopiladores para obtener tiempos de creacion de procesos -...

Cambios sobre recopiladores para obtener tiempos de creacion de procesos - Analizador (ipynb) tiene graficas automatizadas
parent 880a6260
......@@ -60,31 +60,38 @@ def read_file(f, dataA, dataB, it):
if lineS[0] == "Config": # CONFIG LINE
recording = True
it += 1
resizes = int(lineS[2].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
#resizes = int(lineS[2].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
resizes = 2
compute_tam = int(lineS[3].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
comm_tam = int(lineS[4].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
sdr = int(lineS[5].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
adr = int(lineS[6].split('=')[1].split(',')[0]) #TODO Que lo tome como porcentaje
css = int(lineS[8].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
cst = int(lineS[9].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
# TODO Que obtenga Aib
time = float(lineS[8].split('=')[1])
time = float(lineS[10].split('=')[1])
dataB[it][0] = sdr
dataB[it][1] = adr
dataB[it][4] = ""
dataB[it][5] = compute_tam
dataB[it][6] = comm_tam
dataB[it][7] = time
dataB[it][8] = ""
dataB[it][7] = cst
dataB[it][8] = css
dataB[it][9] = time
dataB[it][10] = ""
dataA[it][0] = sdr
dataA[it][1] = adr
dataA[it][3] = ""
dataA[it][4] = compute_tam
dataA[it][5] = comm_tam
dataA[it][6] = time
dataA[it][7] = ""
dataA[it][5] = ""
dataA[it][6] = compute_tam
dataA[it][7] = comm_tam
dataA[it][8] = cst
dataA[it][9] = css
dataA[it][10] = time
dataA[it][11] = ""
elif recording and resizes != 0: # RESIZE LINE
iters = int(lineS[2].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
......@@ -95,44 +102,49 @@ def read_file(f, dataA, dataB, it):
if resizes == 0:
dataB[it][3] = npr
dataB[it][4] += dist
dataB[it][8] += str(iters)
dataB[it][10] += str(iters)
dataA[it][4] = npr #FIXME No sera correcta si hay mas de una reconfig
dataA[it][2] = str(previousNP) + "," + str(npr)
dataA[it][3] += dist
dataA[it][7] += str(iters)
dataA[it][5] += dist
dataA[it][11] += str(iters)
timer = 4
dataB[it][2] = npr
dataB[it][4] += dist + ","
dataB[it][8] += str(iters) + ","
dataB[it][10] += str(iters) + ","
dataA[it][3] += dist + ","
dataA[it][7] += str(iters) + ","
dataA[it][3] = npr
dataA[it][5] += dist + ","
dataA[it][11] += str(iters) + ","
previousNP = npr
else: # SAVE TIMES
if timer == 4:
dataB[it][9] = float(lineS[1])
dataB[it][11] = float(lineS[1])
elif timer == 3:
dataB[it][10] = float(lineS[1])
dataB[it][12] = float(lineS[1])
elif timer == 2:
dataB[it][11] = float(lineS[1])
dataB[it][13] = float(lineS[1])
elif timer == 1:
dataB[it][12] = float(lineS[1])
dataB[it][14] = float(lineS[1])
dataA[it][8] = float(lineS[1])
dataA[it][12] = float(lineS[1])
timer = timer - 1
return it
#columnsA1 = ["N", "%Async", "Groups", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Time", "Iters", "TE"] #8
#columnsB1 = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "NS", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Time", "Iters", "TC", "TS", "TA"] #12
#columnsA1 = ["N", "%Async", "Groups", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Cst", "Css", "Time", "Iters", "TE"] #8
#columnsB1 = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "NS", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Cst", "Css", "Time", "Iters", "TC", "TS", "TA"] #12
#Config loaded: resizes=2, matrix=1000, sdr=1000000000, adr=0, aib=0, time=2.000000 || grp=1
#Resize 0: Iters=100, Procs=2, Factors=1.000000, Phy=2
#Resize 1: Iters=100, Procs=4, Factors=0.500000, Phy=2
#Tspawn: 0.249393
#Tthread: 0
#Tsync: 0.330391
#Tasync: 0
#Tex: 301.428615
#Config loaded: resizes=1, matrix=0, comm_tam=0, sdr=0, adr=0, aib=0, cst=3, css=1, time=1 || grp=1
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
......@@ -158,8 +170,8 @@ print("Number of files found: "+ str(len(lista)));
it = -1
dataA = []
dataB = []
columnsA = ["N", "%Async", "Groups", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Time", "Iters", "TE"] #9
columnsB = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "NS", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Time", "Iters", "TC", "TH", "TS", "TA"] #13
columnsA = ["N", "%Async", "Groups", "NP", "NS", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Cst", "Css", "Time", "Iters", "TE"] #13
columnsB = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "NS", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Cst", "Css", "Time", "Iters", "TC", "TH", "TS", "TA"] #15
for elem in lista:
f = open(elem, "r")
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
import sys
import glob
import numpy as np
import numpy as numpy
import pandas as pd
def read_file(f, data, it):
def read_file(f, dataA, dataB, itA, itB):
compute_tam = 0
comm_tam = 0
sdr = 0
adr = 0
dist = 0
css = 0
cst = 0
time = 0
recording = False
it_line = 0
aux_it = 0
aux_itA = 0
aux_itB = 0
iters = 0
np = 0
np_par = 0
ns = 0
array = []
columnas = ['Titer','Ttype','Top']
......@@ -26,45 +30,72 @@ def read_file(f, data, it):
if len(lineS) > 1:
if recording and lineS[0].split(':')[0] in columnas: #Record data
aux_it = 0
aux_itA = 0
if it_line==0:
for observation in lineS:
data[it+aux_it][0] = sdr
data[it+aux_it][1] = adr
data[it+aux_it][2] = np
data[it+aux_it][3] = np_par
data[it+aux_it][4] = ns
data[it+aux_it][5] = dist
data[it+aux_it][6] = compute_tam
data[it+aux_it][7] = comm_tam
data[it+aux_it][8] = time
data[it+aux_it][9] = iters
data[it+aux_it][10] = float(observation)
dataA[itA+aux_itA][0] = sdr
dataA[itA+aux_itA][1] = adr
dataA[itA+aux_itA][2] = np
dataA[itA+aux_itA][3] = np_par
dataA[itA+aux_itA][4] = ns
dataA[itA+aux_itA][5] = dist
dataA[itA+aux_itA][6] = compute_tam
dataA[itA+aux_itA][7] = comm_tam
dataA[itA+aux_itA][8] = cst
dataA[itA+aux_itA][9] = css
dataA[itA+aux_itA][10] = time
dataA[itA+aux_itA][11] = iters
dataA[itA+aux_itA][12] = float(observation)
elif it_line==1:
deleted = 0
for observation in lineS:
data[it+aux_it][11] = float(observation)
dataA[itA+aux_itA][13] = float(observation)
if float(observation) == 0:
array.pop(aux_itA - deleted)
for observation in lineS:
data[it+aux_it][12] = float(observation)
dataA[itA+aux_itA][14] = float(observation)
it_line += 1
if(it_line % 3 == 0): # Comprobar si se ha terminado de mirar esta ejecucion
recording = False
it_line = 0
it = it + aux_it
itA = itA + aux_itA
if ns != 0: # Solo obtener datos de grupos con hijos
dataB[itB][0] = sdr
dataB[itB][1] = adr
dataB[itB][2] = np
dataB[itB][3] = np_par
dataB[itB][4] = ns
dataB[itB][5] = dist
dataB[itB][6] = compute_tam
dataB[itB][7] = comm_tam
dataB[itB][8] = cst
dataB[itB][9] = css
dataB[itB][10] = time
dataB[itB][11] = iters
dataB[itB][12] = tuple(array)
dataB[itB][13] = numpy.sum(array)
array = []
if lineS[0] == "Config:":
compute_tam = int(lineS[1].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
comm_tam = int(lineS[2].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
sdr = int(lineS[3].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
adr = int(lineS[4].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
time = float(lineS[6].split('=')[1])
css = int(lineS[6].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
cst = int(lineS[7].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
time = float(lineS[8].split('=')[1])
elif lineS[0] == "Config":
recording = True
iters = int(lineS[2].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
......@@ -73,7 +104,7 @@ def read_file(f, data, it):
np_par = int(lineS[6].split('=')[1].split(',')[0])
ns = int(float(lineS[7].split('=')[1]))
return it
return itA,itB
#Config: matrix=1000, sdr=1000000000, adr=0, aib=0 time=2.000000
#Config Group: iters=100, factor=1.000000, phy=2, procs=2, parents=0, sons=4
......@@ -90,7 +121,7 @@ else:
BaseDir = sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
print("Csv name will be: " + sys.argv[3] + ".csv")
print("Csv name will be: " + sys.argv[3] + ".csv and "+ sys.argv[3] + "_Total.csv")
name = sys.argv[3]
name = "data"
......@@ -99,18 +130,25 @@ insideDir = "Run"
lista = glob.glob("./" + BaseDir + insideDir + "*/" + sys.argv[1]+ "*ID*.o*")
print("Number of files found: "+ str(len(lista)));
it = 0
data = [] #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12
columns = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "N_par", "NS", "Dist", "Compute_tam", "Comm_tam", "Time", "Iters", "Ti", "Tt", "To"] #13
itA = itB = 0
dataA = []
dataB = [] #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14
columnsA = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "N_par", "NS", "Dist", "Compute_tam", "Comm_tam", "Cst", "Css","Time", "Iters", "Ti", "Tt", "To"] #15
columnsB = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "N_par", "NS", "Dist", "Compute_tam", "Comm_tam", "Cst", "Css","Time", "Iters", "Ti", "Sum"] #14
for elem in lista:
f = open(elem, "r")
it = read_file(f, data, it)
itA,itB = read_file(f, dataA, dataB, itA, itB)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
dfA = pd.DataFrame(dataA, columns=columnsA)
dfB = pd.DataFrame(dataB, columns=columnsB)
df['N'] += df['%Async']
df['%Async'] = (df['%Async'] / df['N']) * 100
df.to_csv(name + '.csv')
dfA['N'] += dfA['%Async']
dfA['%Async'] = (dfA['%Async'] / dfA['N']) * 100
dfA.to_csv(name + '.csv')
dfB['N'] += dfB['%Async']
dfB['%Async'] = (dfB['%Async'] / dfB['N']) * 100
dfB.to_csv(name + '_Total.csv')
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