#include #include #include #include "block_distribution.h" void set_interblock_counts(int id, int numP, struct Dist_data data_dist, int *sendcounts); void get_util_ids(struct Dist_data dist_data, int numP_other, int **idS); /* * Prepares a communication from "numP" processes to "numP_other" processes * of "n" elements an returns an struct of counts with 3 arrays to perform the * communications. * * The struct should be freed with freeCounts */ void prepare_comm_alltoall(int myId, int numP, int numP_other, int n, struct Counts *counts) { int i, *idS; struct Dist_data dist_data; get_block_dist(n, myId, numP, &dist_data); mallocCounts(counts, numP_other); get_util_ids(dist_data, numP_other, &idS); if(idS[0] == 0) { set_interblock_counts(0, numP_other, dist_data, counts->counts); idS[0]++; } for(i=idS[0]; icounts); counts->displs[i] = counts->displs[i-1] + counts->counts[i-1]; } } /* * Prepares a communication of "numP" processes of "n" elements an * returns an struct of counts with 3 arrays to perform the * communications. * * The struct should be freed with freeCounts */ void prepare_comm_allgatherv(int numP, int n, struct Counts *counts) { int i; struct Dist_data dist_data; mallocCounts(counts, numP); get_block_dist(n, 0, numP, &dist_data); counts->counts[0] = dist_data.tamBl; for(i=1; icounts[i] = dist_data.tamBl; counts->displs[i] = counts->displs[i-1] + counts->counts[i-1]; } } /* * ======================================================================================== * ======================================================================================== * ================================DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS================================== * ======================================================================================== * ======================================================================================== */ /* * Obatains for "Id" and "numP", how many * elements per row will have process "Id" * and fills the results in a Dist_data struct */ void get_block_dist(int qty, int id, int numP, struct Dist_data *dist_data) { int rem; dist_data->myId = id; dist_data->numP = numP; dist_data->qty = qty; dist_data->tamBl = qty / numP; rem = qty % numP; if(id < rem) { // First subgroup dist_data->ini = id * dist_data->tamBl + id; dist_data->fin = (id+1) * dist_data->tamBl + (id+1); } else { // Second subgroup dist_data->ini = id * dist_data->tamBl + rem; dist_data->fin = (id+1) * dist_data->tamBl + rem; } if(dist_data->fin > qty) { dist_data->fin = qty; } if(dist_data->ini > dist_data->fin) { dist_data->ini = dist_data->fin; } dist_data->tamBl = dist_data->fin - dist_data->ini; } /* * Obtiene para el Id de un proceso dado, cuantos elementos * enviara o recibira desde el proceso indicado en Dist_data. */ void set_interblock_counts(int id, int numP, struct Dist_data data_dist, int *sendcounts) { struct Dist_data other; int biggest_ini, smallest_end; get_block_dist(data_dist.qty, id, numP, &other); // Si el rango de valores no coincide, se pasa al siguiente proceso if(data_dist.ini >= other.fin || data_dist.fin <= other.ini) { return; } // Obtiene el proceso con mayor ini entre los dos procesos if(data_dist.ini > other.ini) { biggest_ini = data_dist.ini; } else { biggest_ini = other.ini; } // Obtiene el proceso con menor fin entre los dos procesos if(data_dist.fin < other.fin) { smallest_end = data_dist.fin; } else { smallest_end = other.fin; } sendcounts[id] = smallest_end - biggest_ini; // Numero de elementos a enviar/recibir del proceso Id } /* * Obtiene para un proceso de un grupo a que rango procesos de * otro grupo tiene que enviar o recibir datos. * * Devuelve el primer identificador y el último (Excluido) con el que * comunicarse. */ void get_util_ids(struct Dist_data dist_data, int numP_other, int **idS) { int idI, idE; int tamOther = dist_data.qty / numP_other; int remOther = dist_data.qty % numP_other; // Indica el punto de corte del grupo de procesos externo que // divide entre los procesos que tienen // un tamaño tamOther + 1 y un tamaño tamOther int middle = (tamOther + 1) * remOther; // Calcular idI teniendo en cuenta si se comunica con un // proceso con tamano tamOther o tamOther+1 if(middle > dist_data.ini) { // First subgroup (tamOther+1) idI = dist_data.ini / (tamOther + 1); } else { // Second subgroup (tamOther) idI = ((dist_data.ini - middle) / tamOther) + remOther; } // Calcular idR teniendo en cuenta si se comunica con un // proceso con tamano tamOther o tamOther+1 if(middle >= dist_data.fin) { // First subgroup (tamOther +1) idE = dist_data.fin / (tamOther + 1); idE = (dist_data.fin % (tamOther + 1) > 0 && idE+1 <= numP_other) ? idE+1 : idE; } else { // Second subgroup (tamOther) idE = ((dist_data.fin - middle) / tamOther) + remOther; idE = ((dist_data.fin - middle) % tamOther > 0 && idE+1 <= numP_other) ? idE+1 : idE; } *idS = malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); (*idS)[0] = idI; (*idS)[1] = idE; } /* * ======================================================================================== * ======================================================================================== * ==============================INIT/FREE/PRINT FUNCTIONS================================= * ======================================================================================== * ======================================================================================== */ /* * Reserva memoria para los vectores de counts/displs de la funcion * MPI_Alltoallv. Todos los vectores tienen un tamaño de numP, que es la * cantidad de procesos en el otro grupo de procesos. * * El vector counts indica cuantos elementos se comunican desde este proceso * al proceso "i" del otro grupo. * * El vector displs indica los desplazamientos necesarios para cada comunicacion * con el proceso "i" del otro grupo. * * El vector zero_arr se utiliza cuando se quiere indicar un vector incializado * a 0 en todos sus elementos. Sirve para indicar que no hay comunicacion. */ void mallocCounts(struct Counts *counts, size_t numP) { counts->counts = calloc(numP, sizeof(int)); if(counts->counts == NULL) { MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -2);} counts->displs = calloc(numP, sizeof(int)); if(counts->displs == NULL) { MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -2);} counts->zero_arr = calloc(numP, sizeof(int)); if(counts->zero_arr == NULL) { MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -2);} } /* * Libera la memoria interna de una estructura Counts. * * No libera la memoria de la estructura counts si se ha alojado * de forma dinamica. */ void freeCounts(struct Counts *counts) { free(counts->counts); free(counts->displs); free(counts->zero_arr); counts->counts = NULL; counts->displs = NULL; counts->zero_arr = NULL; } /* * Muestra la informacion de comunicaciones de un proceso * Si se activa la bandera "include_zero" a verdadero se mostraran para el vector * xcounts los valores a 0. * * En "name" se puede indicar un string con el fin de identificar mejor a que vectores * se refiere la llamada. */ void print_counts(struct Dist_data data_dist, int *xcounts, int *xdispls, int size, int include_zero, const char* name) { int i; for(i=0; i < size; i++) { if(xcounts[i] != 0 || include_zero) { printf("P%d of %d | %scounts[%d]=%d disp=%d\n", data_dist.myId, data_dist.numP, name, i, xcounts[i], xdispls[i]); } } }