#!/bin/bash # !!!!This script should only be called by others scripts, do not call it directly!!! # Runs a given configuration file with the indicated parameters. # Parameter 1 - Base directory of the malleability benchmark # Parameter 2 - Number of cores in a single machine # Parameter 3 - Configuration file name for the emulation. # Parameter 4 - Use Extrae(1) or not(0). # Parameter 5 - Index to use for the output files. Must be a positive integer. # Parameter 6 - Amount of executions per file. Must be a positive number. #====== Do not modify these values ======= codeDir="/Codes/build" execDir="/Exec" ResultsDir="/Results" echo "START TEST" #$1 == baseDir #$2 == cores #$3 == configFile #$4 == use_external #$5 == outFileIndex #$6 == qty echo $@ if [ $# -lt 3 ] then echo "Internal ERROR generalRunCostum.sh - Not enough arguments were given" exit -1 fi #READ PARAMETERS AND ENSURE CORRECTNESS dir=$1 cores=$2 configFile=$3 use_external=0 outFileIndex=0 qty=1 if [ $# -ge 4 ] then use_external=$4 fi if [ $# -ge 5 ] then outFileIndex=$5 fi if [ $# -ge 6 ] then qty=$6 fi numP=$(bash $dir$execDir/BashScripts/getNumPNeeded.sh $configFile 0) nodelist=$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST if [ -z "$nodelist" ]; then nodelist="localhost" initial_nodelist="localhost" else initial_nodelist=$(bash $dir$execDir/BashScripts/createInitialNodelist.sh $numP $cores $nodelist) fi #EXECUTE RUN echo "Nodes=$nodelist" if [ $use_external -eq 0 ] then for ((i=0; i