#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MAM_Zombies.h" #include "MAM_DataStructures.h" #define PIDS_QTY 320 //TODO Add option to allow the usage of signal USR2 or not. //This code asumes ROOT of each group will be the last to be zombified // void MAM_I_zombies_collect(int new_zombies); void MAM_I_zombies_split(); void MAM_I_zombies_suspend(); int MAM_I_zombies_awake(); void zombies_handler_usr2() {} int *pids = NULL; int zombies_qty = 0; void MAM_Zombies_service_init() { zombies_qty = 0; pids = malloc(PIDS_QTY * sizeof(int)); for(int i=0; ioriginal_comm, &myId); MPI_Comm_size(mall->original_comm, &numP); MPI_Allreduce(&mall->zombie, &new_zombies, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mall->original_comm); if(new_zombies && new_zombies < numP) { MAM_I_zombies_collect(new_zombies); MAM_I_zombies_split(); MAM_I_zombies_suspend(); if(myId == MAM_ROOT) zombies_qty += new_zombies; } } void MAM_I_zombies_collect(int new_zombies) { int pid = getpid(); int *pids_counts, *pids_displs; int i, count, active; int myId, numP; MPI_Comm_rank(mall->original_comm, &myId); MPI_Comm_size(mall->original_comm, &numP); pids_counts = (int *) malloc(numP * sizeof(int)); pids_displs = (int *) malloc(numP * sizeof(int)); #if USE_MAL_DEBUG > 2 if(myId == MAM_ROOT){ DEBUG_FUNC("Collecting zombies", mall->myId, mall->numP); } fflush(stdout); #endif count = mall->zombie; if(myId == MAM_ROOT) { active = numP - new_zombies; for(i=0; i < active; i++) { pids_counts[i] = 0; } pids_displs[i-1] = -1; for(; i< active+new_zombies; i++) { pids_counts[i] = 1; pids_displs[i] = (pids_displs[i-1] + 1) + zombies_qty; } } MPI_Gatherv(&pid, count, MPI_INT, pids, pids_counts, pids_displs, MPI_INT, MAM_ROOT, mall->original_comm); free(pids_counts); free(pids_displs); } void MAM_I_zombies_split() { int myId, color; MPI_Comm new_original_comm; MPI_Comm_rank(mall->original_comm, &myId); color = mall->zombie ? MPI_UNDEFINED : 1; MPI_Comm_split(mall->original_comm, color, myId, &new_original_comm); if(mall->original_comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD) MPI_Comm_free(&mall->original_comm); if(new_original_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) MPI_Comm_set_name(new_original_comm, "MAM_ORIGINAL"); mall->original_comm = new_original_comm; } void MAM_I_zombies_suspend() { struct sigaction act; if(!mall->zombie) return; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags=0; act.sa_handler=zombies_handler_usr2; sigaction(SIGUSR2, &act, NULL); sigset_t set; sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,NULL,&set); sigsuspend(&set); } int MAM_I_zombies_awake() { if(mall->internode_group && zombies_qty) return 1; //Request Abort for(int i=0; i < zombies_qty; i++) { // Despertar a los zombies kill(pids[i], SIGUSR2); } zombies_qty = 0; return 0; //Normal termination }