#include #include #include #include "read_ini.h" #include "ini.h" #include "../malleability/MAM.h" ext_functions_t *user_functions; void get_numbers_from_string(const char *input, size_t *res_len, int **res); /* * Funcion utilizada para leer el fichero de configuracion * y guardarlo en una estructura para utilizarlo en el futuro. * * Primero lee la seccion "general" y a continuacion cada una * de las secciones "resize%d". */ static int handler(void* user, const char* section, const char* name, const char* value) { int ret_value=1; int *aux; size_t aux_len; configuration* pconfig = (configuration*)user; if(pconfig->actual_group >= pconfig->n_groups && pconfig->actual_stage >= pconfig->n_stages) { return 1; // There is no more work to perform } char *resize_name = malloc(10 * sizeof(char)); snprintf(resize_name, 10, "resize%zu", pconfig->actual_group); char *stage_name = malloc(10 * sizeof(char)); snprintf(stage_name, 10, "stage%zu", pconfig->actual_stage); #define MATCH(s, n) strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0 #define LAST(iter, total) iter < total if (MATCH("general", "Total_Resizes")) { pconfig->n_resizes = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); pconfig->n_groups = pconfig->n_resizes+1; user_functions->resizes_f(pconfig); } else if (MATCH("general", "Total_Stages")) { pconfig->n_stages = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); user_functions->stages_f(pconfig); } else if (MATCH("general", "Granularity")) { pconfig->granularity = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("general", "SDR")) { // TODO Refactor a nombre manual pconfig->sdr = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } else if (MATCH("general", "ADR")) { // TODO Refactor a nombre manual pconfig->adr = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } else if (MATCH("general", "Rigid")) { pconfig->rigid_times = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("general", "Capture_Method")) { pconfig->capture_method = atoi(value); // Iter stage } else if (MATCH(stage_name, "Stage_Type") && LAST(pconfig->actual_stage, pconfig->n_stages)) { pconfig->stages[pconfig->actual_stage].pt = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(stage_name, "Stage_Time_Capped") && LAST(pconfig->actual_stage, pconfig->n_stages)) { pconfig->stages[pconfig->actual_stage].t_capped = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(stage_name, "Stage_Bytes") && LAST(pconfig->actual_stage, pconfig->n_stages)) { pconfig->stages[pconfig->actual_stage].bytes = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(stage_name, "Stage_Identifier") && LAST(pconfig->actual_stage, pconfig->n_stages)) { pconfig->stages[pconfig->actual_stage].id = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(stage_name, "Stage_Time") && LAST(pconfig->actual_stage, pconfig->n_stages)) { pconfig->stages[pconfig->actual_stage].t_stage = (float) atof(value); pconfig->actual_stage = pconfig->actual_stage+1; // Ultimo elemento del grupo // Resize stage } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "Iters") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].iters = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "Procs") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].procs = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "FactorS") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].factor =(float) atof(value); } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "Dist") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { int aux_value = MAM_PHY_DIST_COMPACT; if (strcmp(value, "spread") == 0) { aux_value = MAM_PHY_DIST_SPREAD; } pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].phy_dist = aux_value; } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "Redistribution_Method") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].rm = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "Redistribution_Strategy") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { get_numbers_from_string(value, &aux_len, &aux); pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].rs = aux; pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].rs_len = aux_len; } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "Spawn_Method") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].sm = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH(resize_name, "Spawn_Strategy") && LAST(pconfig->actual_group, pconfig->n_groups)) { get_numbers_from_string(value, &aux_len, &aux); pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].ss = aux; pconfig->groups[pconfig->actual_group].ss_len = aux_len; pconfig->actual_group = pconfig->actual_group+1; // Ultimo elemento de la estructura // Unkown case } else { ret_value = 0; /* unknown section or name, error */ } free(resize_name); free(stage_name); return ret_value; } /** * @brief Extracts numbers from a comma-separated string and stores them in an array. * * This function takes a string containing a sequence of numbers separated by commas, * converts each number to an integer, and stores them in a dynamically allocated array. * * @param input The input string containing comma-separated numbers. * @param res_len Pointer to an integer that will hold the length of the resulting array. * Note: Null can be passed if the caller does not need it. * @param res Pointer to an integer array where the extracted numbers will be stored. * Note: The memory for this array is dynamically allocated and should be freed by the caller. */ void get_numbers_from_string(const char *input, size_t *res_len, int **res) { char *aux, *token; int num; size_t len, malloc_len; len = 0; malloc_len = 10; *res = (int *) malloc(malloc_len * sizeof(int)); aux = (char *) malloc((strlen(input)+1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(aux, input); token = strtok(aux, ","); while (token != NULL) { num = atoi(token); if(len == malloc_len) { malloc_len += 10; *res = (int *) realloc(*res, malloc_len * sizeof(int)); } (*res)[len] = num; len++; token = strtok(NULL, ","); } if(res_len != NULL) *res_len = len; if(len != malloc_len) { *res = (int *) realloc(*res, len * sizeof(int)); } free(aux); } /* * Crea y devuelve una estructura de configuracion a traves * de un nombre de fichero dado. * * La memoria de la estructura se reserva en la funcion y es conveniente * liberarla con la funcion "free_config()" */ configuration *read_ini_file(char *file_name, ext_functions_t init_functions) { configuration *config = NULL; config = malloc(sizeof(configuration)); if(config == NULL) { printf("Error when reserving configuration structure\n"); return NULL; } config->capture_method = 0; config->rigid_times = 0; config->n_resizes = 0; config->n_groups = 1; config->n_stages = 1; config->actual_group=0; config->actual_stage=0; user_functions = &init_functions; if(ini_parse(file_name, handler, config) < 0) { // Obtener configuracion printf("Can't load '%s'\n", file_name); return NULL; } return config; }