#!/bin/bash #This script should only be called by others scripts, do not call it directly #SBATCH --exclude=c02,c01,c00 #SBATCH -p P1 codeDir="/Codes/build" execDir="/Exec" ResultsDir="/Results" echo "START TEST" #$1 == baseDir #$2 == configFile #$3 == use_extrae #$4 == outFileIndex #$5 == qty echo $@ if [ $# -lt 3 ] then echo "Internal ERROR generalRun.sh - Not enough arguments were given" exit -1 fi #READ PARAMETERS AND ENSURE CORRECTNESS dir=$1 configFile=$2 use_extrae=$3 outFileIndex=$4 qty=1 if [ $# -ge 5 ] then qty=$5 fi nodelist=$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST nodes=$SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES if [ -z "$nodelist" ]; then echo "Internal ERROR in generalRun.sh - Nodelist not provided" exit -1 fi if [ -z "$nodes" ]; then nodes=1 fi aux=$(grep "\[resize0\]" -n $configFile | cut -d ":" -f1) read -r ini fin <<<$(echo $aux) diff=$(( fin - ini )) numP=$(head -$fin $configFile | tail -$diff | cut -d ';' -f1 | grep Procs | cut -d '=' -f2) #EXECUTE RUN echo "Nodes=$nodelist" if [ $use_extrae -ne 1 ] then for ((i=0; i