#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "malleabilityRMS.h" #include "malleabilityDataStructures.h" #if USE_MAL_SLURM #include int MAM_I_slurm_getenv_hosts_info(); int MAM_I_slurm_getjob_hosts_info(); #endif int MAM_I_get_hosts_info(); int GetCPUCount(); void MAM_check_hosts() { int not_filled = 1; #if USE_MAL_SLURM not_filled = MAM_I_slurm_getenv_hosts_info(); if(not_filled) { if(mall->nodelist != NULL) { free(mall->nodelist); mall->nodelist = NULL; } not_filled = MAM_I_slurm_getjob_hosts_info(); } #endif if(not_filled) { if(mall->nodelist != NULL) { free(mall->nodelist); mall->nodelist = NULL; } not_filled = MAM_I_get_hosts_info(); } if(not_filled) { if(mall->myId == mall->root) printf("MAM FATAL ERROR: It has not been possible to obtain the nodelist\n"); fflush(stdout); MPI_Abort(mall->comm, -50); } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 if(mall->myId == mall->root) { DEBUG_FUNC("Obtained Nodelist", mall->myId, mall->numP); printf("NODELIST: %s\nNODE_COUNT: %d NUM_CPUS_PER_NODE: %d\n", mall->nodelist, mall->num_nodes, mall->num_cpus); fflush(stdout); } #endif } /* * @brief Get if a group of processes uses an internode comunicator * * This function checks the physical distribution of all ranks in the * original communicator passed to MaM. If all of them reside in the * same host, false is returned. True is returned otherwise. * * @return Integer indicating if more than one node is used by the * original communicator (>0) or only one (0). */ int MAM_Is_internode_group() { int i, name_len, max_name_len, unique_count; int myId, numP; char *my_host, *all_hosts, *tested_host; MPI_Comm_rank(mall->original_comm, &myId); MPI_Comm_size(mall->original_comm, &numP); unique_count = 0; //First node is not counted if(numP == 1) return unique_count; all_hosts = NULL; my_host = (char *) malloc(MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME * sizeof(char)); MPI_Get_processor_name(my_host, &name_len); MPI_Allreduce(&name_len, &max_name_len, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mall->original_comm); my_host[max_name_len] = '\0'; max_name_len++; // Len does not consider terminating character if(myId == MALLEABILITY_ROOT) { all_hosts = (char *) malloc(numP * max_name_len * sizeof(char)); } //FIXME Should be a Gatherv as each host could have unitialised chars between name_len and max_name_len MPI_Gather(my_host, max_name_len, MPI_CHAR, all_hosts, max_name_len, MPI_CHAR, MALLEABILITY_ROOT, mall->original_comm); if(myId == MALLEABILITY_ROOT) { for (i = 1; i < numP; i++) { tested_host = all_hosts + (i * max_name_len); if (strcmp(my_host, tested_host) != 0) { unique_count++; break; } } free(all_hosts); } MPI_Bcast(&unique_count, 1, MPI_INT, MALLEABILITY_ROOT, mall->original_comm); free(my_host); return unique_count; } /* * TODO * FIXME Does not consider heterogenous machines for num_cpus * FIXME Always returns 0... -- Perform error checking? */ int MAM_I_get_hosts_info() { int i, j, name_len, max_name_len, unique_count, *unique_hosts; char *my_host, *all_hosts, *confirmed_host, *tested_host; all_hosts = NULL; my_host = (char *) malloc(MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME * sizeof(char)); MPI_Get_processor_name(my_host, &name_len); MPI_Allreduce(&name_len, &max_name_len, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mall->comm); my_host[max_name_len] = '\0'; max_name_len++; // Len does not consider terminating character if(mall->myId == mall->root) { all_hosts = (char *) malloc(mall->numP * max_name_len * sizeof(char)); unique_hosts = (int *) malloc(mall->numP * sizeof(int)); unique_hosts[0] = 0; //First host will always be unique unique_count = 1; } //FIXME Should be a Gatherv as each host could have unitialised chars between name_len and max_name_len MPI_Gather(my_host, max_name_len, MPI_CHAR, all_hosts, max_name_len, MPI_CHAR, mall->root, mall->comm); if(mall->myId == mall->root) { for (i = 1; i < mall->numP; i++) { for (j = 0; j < unique_count; j++) { tested_host = all_hosts + (i * max_name_len); confirmed_host = all_hosts + (unique_hosts[j] * max_name_len); if (strcmp(tested_host, confirmed_host) != 0) { unique_hosts[unique_count] = i; unique_count++; break; } } } mall->num_nodes = unique_count; mall->num_cpus = GetCPUCount(); mall->nodelist_len = unique_count*max_name_len; mall->nodelist = (char *) malloc(mall->nodelist_len * sizeof(char)); strcpy(mall->nodelist, ""); //FIXME Strcat can be very inneficient... for (i = 0; i < unique_count; i++) { confirmed_host = all_hosts + (unique_hosts[i] * max_name_len); strcat(mall->nodelist, confirmed_host); if (i < unique_count - 1) { strcat(mall->nodelist, ","); } } free(all_hosts); free(unique_hosts); } free(my_host); return 0; } /* * @brief Get the total number of CPUs available to the process. * * This function uses sched_getaffinity to obtain the CPU affinity of the current process * and counts the number of CPUs in the affinity set. It adjusts the loop based on the * maximum number of CPUs allowed on the system. * * @return The total number of CPUs available to the process. * * Code obtained from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4586405/how-to-get-the-number-of-cpus-in-linux-using-c * The code has been slightly modified. */ int GetCPUCount() { cpu_set_t cs; CPU_ZERO(&cs); sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(cs), &cs); int count = 0; int max_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); for (int i = 0; i < max_cpus; i++) { if (CPU_ISSET(i, &cs)) { count++; } else { break; } } return count; } #if USE_MAL_SLURM /* * TODO */ int MAM_I_slurm_getenv_hosts_info() { char *tmp = NULL, *tmp_copy, *token; int cpus, count; //int i, *cpus_counts, *nodes_counts, *aux; tmp = getenv("SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES"); if(tmp == NULL) return 1; mall->num_nodes = atoi(tmp); tmp = NULL; tmp = getenv("SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"); if(tmp == NULL) return 1; mall->nodelist_len = strlen(tmp)+1; mall->nodelist = (char *) malloc(mall->nodelist_len * sizeof(char)); strcpy(mall->nodelist, tmp); tmp = NULL; //EXAMPLE - SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE='72(x2),36' //It indicates two nodes have 72 CPUs each and third has 36 cpus tmp = getenv("SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE"); if(tmp == NULL) return 1; tmp_copy = (char *) malloc((strlen(tmp)+1) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(tmp_copy, tmp); token = strtok(tmp_copy, ","); //TODO When MaM considers heteregenous allocations, these will be needed instead of num_cpus. //cpus_counts = (int *) malloc(mall->num_nodes * sizeof(int)); //nodes_counts = (int *) malloc(mall->num_nodes * sizeof(int)); //i = 0; mall->num_cpus = 0; while (token != NULL) { // If actual token contains only one node, the second portion // does not appear and sscanf does not modify "count" // First portion --> "%d" // Second portion -> "(x%d)" count = 1; if (sscanf(token, "%d(x%d)", &cpus, &count) >= 1) { mall->num_cpus = cpus; // num_cpus stores the amount of cores per cpu //cpus_per_node[i] = cpus; //nodes_count[i] = count; //i++; } token = strtok(NULL, ","); } /* if(i < mall->num_nodes) { aux = (int *) realloc(cpus_per_node, i * sizeof(int)); if(cpus_per_node != aux && cpus_per_node != NULL) free(cpus_per_node); cpus_per_node = aux; aux = (int *) realloc(nodes_counts, i * sizeof(int)); if(nodes_count != aux && nodes_count != NULL) free(nodes_count); nodes_count = aux; } */ free(tmp_copy); return 0; } /* * TODO * FIXME Does not consider heterogenous machines */ int MAM_I_slurm_getjob_hosts_info() { int jobId, err; char *tmp = NULL; job_info_msg_t *j_info; slurm_job_info_t last_record; tmp = getenv("SLURM_JOB_ID"); if(tmp == NULL) return 1; jobId = atoi(tmp); err = slurm_load_job(&j_info, jobId, 1); if(err) return err; last_record = j_info->job_array[j_info->record_count - 1]; mall->num_nodes = last_record.num_nodes; mall->num_cpus = last_record.num_cpus; mall->nodelist_len = strlen(last_record.nodes)+1; mall->nodelist = (char *) malloc(mall->nodelist_len * sizeof(char)); strcpy(mall->nodelist, last_record.nodes); slurm_free_job_info_msg(j_info); return 0; } #endif //TODO REFACTOR PARA CUANDO SE COMUNIQUE CON RMS // Get Slurm job info //int jobId; //char *tmp; //job_info_msg_t *j_info; //slurm_job_info_t last_record; //tmp = getenv("SLURM_JOB_ID"); //jobId = atoi(tmp); //slurm_load_job(&j_info, jobId, 1); //last_record = j_info->job_array[j_info->record_count - 1]; // Free JOB INFO //slurm_free_job_info_msg(j_info);