#!/bin/bash dir="/home/martini/malleability_benchmark" #FIXME Obtain from another way # Runs in a given current directory all .ini files # Parameter 1(Optional) - Amount of executions per file. Must be a positive number #====== Do not modify these values ======= codeDir="/Codes/build" execDir="/Exec" ResultsDir="/Results" numP=$1 cores=$2 nodelist=$3 initial_node_qty=$(($numP / $cores)) if [ $initial_node_qty -eq 0 ] then initial_node_qty=1 fi common_node_name="n" #FIXME What if it uses another type of node? if [[ $nodelist == *"["* ]]; then common_node_name=$(echo $nodelist | cut -d '[' -f1) fi node_array=($(echo $nodelist | sed -e 's/[\[n]//g' -e 's/\]/ /g' -e 's/,/ /g')) actual_node_qty=0 for ((i=0; $actual_node_qty<$initial_node_qty; i++)) do element=($(echo ${node_array[$i]} | sed -e 's/-/ /g')) nodes_qty=1 if [ "${#element[@]}" -gt 1 ]; then nodes_qty=$((10#${element[1]}-10#${element[0]}+1)) fi expected_node_qty=$(($actual_node_qty + $nodes_qty)) if [ "$expected_node_qty" -le "$initial_node_qty" ]; then added_qty=$nodes_qty actual_node_qty=$expected_node_qty else added_qty=$(($initial_node_qty - $actual_node_qty)) actual_node_qty=$initial_node_qty fi for ((j=0; j<$added_qty; j++)) do index=$((10#${element[0]} + $j)) index=0$index # FIXME What if there are more than 9 nodes? #FIXME What if less than $cores have to be spawned? for ((core=0; core<$cores; core++)) # FIXME What if the user asks for a spread distribution do initial_nodelist="${initial_nodelist:+$initial_nodelist,}"$common_node_name$index done done done #Print result echo $initial_nodelist