#ifndef MAM_DATA_STRUCTURES_H #define MAM_DATA_STRUCTURES_H /* * Shows available data structures for inner ussage. */ #include #include #include #include #include "MAM_Constants.h" #define DEBUG_FUNC(debug_string, rank, numP) printf("MaM [P%d/%d]: %s -- %s:%s:%d\n", rank, numP, debug_string, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__) /* --- MAM INNER CONSTANTS --- */ #define MAM_ROOT 0 enum mam_inner_states{MAM_I_UNRESERVED, MAM_I_NOT_STARTED, MAM_I_RMS_COMPLETED, MAM_I_SPAWN_PENDING, MAM_I_SPAWN_SINGLE_PENDING, MAM_I_SPAWN_SINGLE_COMPLETED, MAM_I_SPAWN_ADAPT_POSTPONE, MAM_I_SPAWN_COMPLETED, MAM_I_DIST_PENDING, MAM_I_DIST_COMPLETED, MAM_I_SPAWN_ADAPT_PENDING, MAM_I_USER_START, MAM_I_USER_PENDING, MAM_I_USER_COMPLETED, MAM_I_SPAWN_ADAPTED, MAM_I_COMPLETED}; #define MAM_USE_VALGRIND 1 #define MAM_USE_EXTRAE 2 #define MAM_VALGRIND_SCRIPT "./worker_valgrind.sh" #define MAM_EXTRAE_SCRIPT "./worker_extrae.sh" /* --- TIME CAPTURE STRUCTURE --- */ typedef struct { // Spawn, Sync and Async time double spawn_start, spawn_time; double sync_start, sync_end; double async_start, async_end; double user_start, user_end; double malleability_start, malleability_end; MPI_Datatype times_type; } malleability_times_t; /* --- GLOBAL STRUCTURES --- */ typedef struct { unsigned int spawn_method; unsigned int spawn_dist; unsigned int spawn_strategies; unsigned int red_method; unsigned int red_strategies; int external_usage; // Whether a different application should be called by Spawn and which int slurm_jid; //DMR ADDITION - Which is the original Slurm JobId malleability_times_t *times; } malleability_config_t; typedef struct { int myId, numP, numC, zombie; int root, root_collectives; int num_parents, root_parents, gid; pthread_t async_thread; MPI_Comm comm, thread_comm, original_comm; MPI_Comm intercomm, tmp_comm; MPI_Comm *user_comm; MPI_Datatype struct_type; // Specific vars for Wait_targets strat int wait_targets_posted; MPI_Request wait_targets; char *name_exec, *nodelist; int num_cpus, num_nodes, nodelist_len; int internode_group; } malleability_t; /* --- VARIABLES --- */ extern malleability_config_t *mall_conf; extern malleability_t *mall; extern int state; /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */ void MAM_Def_main_datatype(); void MAM_Free_main_datatype(); void MAM_Comm_main_structures(MPI_Comm comm, int rootBcast); void MAM_print_comms_state(); void MAM_comms_update(MPI_Comm comm); #endif