#!/bin/bash cores=20 # Executes a given configuration file. This script can be called with Slurm commands to # choose the desired user configuration. # Parameter 1: Configuration file name for the emulation. # Parameter 2(Optional): Index to use for the output files. Must be a positive integer. # Parameter 3(Optional): Number of repetitions to perform. Must be a positive integer. # Parameter 4(Optional): Use Valgrind(1), Extrae(2) or nothing(0). # Parameter 5(Optional): Path where the output files should be saved. #====== Do not modify these values ======= scriptDir="$(dirname "$0")" source $scriptDir/../Codes/build/config.txt codeDir="/Codes/build" execDir="/Exec" ResultsDir="/Results" if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo "Not enough arguments. Usage:" echo "singleRunCostum.sh config.ini [outFileIndex] [Qty] [Use Extrae] [Output path]" exit 1 fi #$1 == configFile #$2 == outFileIndex #$3 == Qty of repetitions #$4 == Use external NO(0) Valgrind(1), Extrae(2) #$5 == Output path config_file=$1 outFileIndex=0 qty=1 use_external=0 if [ $# -ge 2 ] then outFileIndex=$2 fi if [ $# -ge 3 ] then qty=$3 fi if [ $# -ge 4 ] then use_external=$4 fi if [ $# -ge 5 ] then output=$5 fi bash $dir$execDir/generalRunCostum.sh $dir $cores $config_file $use_external $outFileIndex $qty if ! [ -z "$output" ] then mkdir -p $output echo "Moving data to $output\nMoved files:" ls R${outFileIndex}_G* mv R${outFileIndex}_G* $output if [ "$use_external" -eq 2 ] # Extrae additional output then mv a.out.* $output mv TRACE* $output mv set-0/ $output elif [ "$use_external" -eq 1 ] # Valgrind additional output then mv vg.* $output fi fi