CC = gcc MCC = mpicc C_FLAGS_ALL = -Wfatal-errors -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wconversion -Wshadow C_FLAGS = -Wall LD_FLAGS = -lm -lslurm -pthread .PHONY : clean clear # Final binary BIN = a.out # Put all auto generated stuff to this build dir. BUILD_DIR = ./build # List of all directories where source files are located SRCDIRS = IOcodes Main malleability malleability/spawn_methods malleability/distribution_methods # List of all .c source files. C_FILES = $(foreach dire, $(SRCDIRS), $(wildcard $(dire)/*.c)) # All .o files go to build dir. OBJ = $(C_FILES:%.c=$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o) # Gcc will create these .d files containing dependencies. DEP = $(OBJ:%.o=%.d) # Default target named after the binary. $(BIN) : $(BUILD_DIR)/$(BIN) # Actual target of the binary - depends on all .o files. $(BUILD_DIR)/$(BIN) : $(OBJ) $(MCC) $(C_FLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(LD_FLAGS) # Include all .d files # .d files are used for knowing the dependencies of each source file -include $(DEP) # Build target for every single object file. # The potential dependency on header files is covered # by calling `-include $(DEP)`. # The -MMD flags additionaly creates a .d file with # the same name as the .o file. $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o : %.c mkdir -p $(@D) $(MCC) $(C_FLAGS) -MMD -c $< -o $@ clean: -rm $(BUILD_DIR)/$(BIN) $(OBJ) $(DEP) clear: -rm -rf $(BUILDDIR) install: