#include #include //#include "malleabilityManager.h" #include "MAM.h" #include "malleabilityStates.h" #include "malleabilityDataStructures.h" #include "malleabilityTypes.h" #include "malleabilityZombies.h" #include "malleabilityTimes.h" #include "malleabilityRMS.h" #include "MAM_Init_Configuration.h" #include "spawn_methods/GenericSpawn.h" #include "CommDist.h" #define MALLEABILITY_USE_SYNCHRONOUS 0 #define MALLEABILITY_USE_ASYNCHRONOUS 1 void MAM_Commit(int *mam_state); void send_data(int numP_children, malleability_data_t *data_struct, int is_asynchronous); void recv_data(int numP_parents, malleability_data_t *data_struct, int is_asynchronous); int MAM_St_rms(int *mam_state); int MAM_St_spawn_start(); int MAM_St_spawn_pending(int wait_completed); int MAM_St_red_start(); int MAM_St_red_pending(int *mam_state, int wait_completed); int MAM_St_user_pending(int *mam_state, int wait_completed, void (*user_function)(void *), void *user_args); int MAM_St_user_completed(); int MAM_St_spawn_adapt_pending(int wait_completed); int MAM_St_spawn_adapted(int *mam_state); int MAM_St_red_completed(int *mam_state); int MAM_St_completed(int *mam_state); void Children_init(void (*user_function)(void *), void *user_args); int spawn_step(); int start_redistribution(); int check_redistribution(int wait_completed); int end_redistribution(); int shrink_redistribution(); int thread_creation(); int thread_check(int wait_completed); void* thread_async_work(); void print_comms_state(); void malleability_comms_update(MPI_Comm comm); int MAM_I_convert_key(char *key); void MAM_I_create_user_struct(int is_children_group); malleability_data_t *rep_s_data; malleability_data_t *dist_s_data; malleability_data_t *rep_a_data; malleability_data_t *dist_a_data; mam_user_reconf_t *user_reconf; /* * Inicializa la reserva de memoria para el modulo de maleabilidad * creando todas las estructuras necesarias y copias de comunicadores * para no interferir en la aplicación. * * Si es llamada por un grupo de procesos creados de forma dinámica, * inicializan la comunicacion con sus padres. En este caso, al terminar * la comunicacion los procesos hijo estan preparados para ejecutar la * aplicacion. */ int MAM_Init(int root, MPI_Comm *comm, char *name_exec, void (*user_function)(void *), void *user_args) { MPI_Comm dup_comm, thread_comm; mall_conf = (malleability_config_t *) malloc(sizeof(malleability_config_t)); mall = (malleability_t *) malloc(sizeof(malleability_t)); user_reconf = (mam_user_reconf_t *) malloc(sizeof(mam_user_reconf_t)); MPI_Comm_rank(*comm, &(mall->myId)); MPI_Comm_size(*comm, &(mall->numP)); #if USE_MAL_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNC("Initializing MaM", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(*comm); #endif rep_s_data = (malleability_data_t *) malloc(sizeof(malleability_data_t)); dist_s_data = (malleability_data_t *) malloc(sizeof(malleability_data_t)); rep_a_data = (malleability_data_t *) malloc(sizeof(malleability_data_t)); dist_a_data = (malleability_data_t *) malloc(sizeof(malleability_data_t)); MPI_Comm_dup(*comm, &dup_comm); MPI_Comm_dup(*comm, &thread_comm); MPI_Comm_set_name(dup_comm, "MAM_MAIN"); MPI_Comm_set_name(thread_comm, "MAM_THREAD"); mall->root = root; mall->root_parents = root; mall->zombie = 0; mall->comm = dup_comm; mall->thread_comm = thread_comm; mall->user_comm = comm; mall->tmp_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL; mall->name_exec = name_exec; mall->nodelist = NULL; rep_s_data->entries = 0; rep_a_data->entries = 0; dist_s_data->entries = 0; dist_a_data->entries = 0; state = MALL_NOT_STARTED; MAM_Init_configuration(); zombies_service_init(); init_malleability_times(); MAM_Def_main_datatype(); // Si son el primer grupo de procesos, obtienen los datos de los padres MPI_Comm_get_parent(&(mall->intercomm)); if(mall->intercomm != MPI_COMM_NULL) { Children_init(user_function, user_args); return MALLEABILITY_CHILDREN; } MAM_check_hosts(); MAM_Check_configuration(); #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS && USE_MAL_DEBUG if(mall->myId == mall->root) printf("MaM: Using barriers to record times.\n"); #endif #if USE_MAL_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNC("MaM has been initialized correctly as parents", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(*comm); #endif return MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN; } /* * Elimina toda la memoria reservado por el modulo * de maleabilidad y asegura que los zombies * despierten si los hubiese. */ void MAM_Finalize() { free_malleability_data_struct(rep_s_data); free_malleability_data_struct(rep_a_data); free_malleability_data_struct(dist_s_data); free_malleability_data_struct(dist_a_data); free(rep_s_data); free(rep_a_data); free(dist_s_data); free(dist_a_data); MAM_Free_main_datatype(); free_malleability_times(); if(mall->comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD && mall->comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) MPI_Comm_free(&(mall->comm)); if(mall->thread_comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD && mall->thread_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) MPI_Comm_free(&(mall->thread_comm)); if(mall->intercomm != MPI_COMM_WORLD && mall->intercomm != MPI_COMM_NULL) { MPI_Comm_disconnect(&(mall->intercomm)); } //FIXME Error en OpenMPI + Merge free(mall); free(mall_conf); free(user_reconf); zombies_awake(); zombies_service_free(); state = MALL_UNRESERVED; } /* * TODO Reescribir * Comprueba el estado de la maleabilidad. Intenta avanzar en la misma * si es posible. Funciona como una máquina de estados. * Retorna el estado de la maleabilidad concreto y modifica el argumento * "mam_state" a uno generico. * * El argumento "wait_completed" se utiliza para esperar a la finalización de * las tareas llevadas a cabo por parte de MAM. * */ int MAM_Checkpoint(int *mam_state, int wait_completed, void (*user_function)(void *), void *user_args) { int call_checkpoint = 0; //TODO This could be changed to an array with the functions to call in each case switch(state) { case MALL_UNRESERVED: *mam_state = MAM_UNRESERVED; break; case MALL_NOT_STARTED: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_rms(mam_state); break; case MALL_RMS_COMPLETED: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_spawn_start(); break; case MALL_SPAWN_PENDING: // Comprueba si el spawn ha terminado case MALL_SPAWN_SINGLE_PENDING: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_spawn_pending(wait_completed); break; case MALL_SPAWN_ADAPT_POSTPONE: case MALL_SPAWN_COMPLETED: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_red_start(); break; case MALL_DIST_PENDING: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_red_pending(mam_state, wait_completed); break; case MALL_USER_PENDING: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_user_pending(mam_state, wait_completed, user_function, user_args); break; case MALL_USER_COMPLETED: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_user_completed(); break; case MALL_SPAWN_ADAPT_PENDING: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_spawn_adapt_pending(wait_completed); break; case MALL_SPAWN_ADAPTED: case MALL_DIST_COMPLETED: call_checkpoint = MAM_St_completed(mam_state); break; } if(call_checkpoint) { MAM_Checkpoint(mam_state, wait_completed, user_function, user_args); } if(state > MALL_NOT_STARTED && state < MALL_COMPLETED) *mam_state = MAM_PENDING; return state; } /* * TODO */ void MAM_Resume_redistribution(int *mam_state) { state = MALL_USER_COMPLETED; *mam_state = MAM_PENDING; } /* * TODO */ void MAM_Commit(int *mam_state) { int zombies = 0; #if USE_MAL_DEBUG if(mall->myId == mall->root){ DEBUG_FUNC("Trying to commit", mall->myId, mall->numP); } fflush(stdout); #endif // Get times before commiting if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_BASELINE) { // This communication is only needed when a root process will become a zombie malleability_times_broadcast(mall->root_collectives); } // Free unneded communicators if(mall->tmp_comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD && mall->tmp_comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) MPI_Comm_free(&(mall->tmp_comm)); if(*(mall->user_comm) != MPI_COMM_WORLD && *(mall->user_comm) != MPI_COMM_NULL) MPI_Comm_free(mall->user_comm); // Zombies treatment if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE) { MPI_Allreduce(&mall->zombie, &zombies, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mall->comm); if(zombies) { zombies_collect_suspended(mall->comm); } } // Zombies KILL if(mall->zombie) { #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 DEBUG_FUNC("Is terminating as zombie", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); #endif MAM_Finalize(); MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); } // Reset/Free communicators if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE) { malleability_comms_update(mall->intercomm); } if(mall->intercomm != MPI_COMM_NULL && mall->intercomm != MPI_COMM_WORLD) { MPI_Comm_disconnect(&(mall->intercomm)); } //FIXME Error en OpenMPI + Merge MPI_Comm_rank(mall->comm, &mall->myId); MPI_Comm_size(mall->comm, &mall->numP); mall->root = mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_BASELINE ? mall->root : mall->root_parents; mall->root_parents = mall->root; state = MALL_NOT_STARTED; if(mam_state != NULL) *mam_state = MAM_COMPLETED; // Set new communicator if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_BASELINE) { *(mall->user_comm) = MPI_COMM_WORLD; } else if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE) { MPI_Comm_dup(mall->comm, mall->user_comm); } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG if(mall->myId == mall->root) DEBUG_FUNC("Reconfiguration has been commited", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); #endif #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->comm); #endif mall_conf->times->malleability_end = MPI_Wtime(); } int MAM_Get_Reconf_Info(mam_user_reconf_t *reconf_info) { if(state != MALL_USER_PENDING) return MALL_DENIED; *reconf_info = *user_reconf; return 0; } void MAM_Retrieve_times(double *sp_time, double *sy_time, double *asy_time, double *mall_time) { MAM_I_retrieve_times(sp_time, sy_time, asy_time, mall_time); } /* * Anyade a la estructura concreta de datos elegida * el nuevo set de datos "data" de un total de "total_qty" elementos. * * Los datos variables se tienen que anyadir cuando quieran ser mandados, no antes * * Mas informacion en la funcion "add_data". * */ void malleability_add_data(void *data, size_t total_qty, MPI_Datatype type, int is_replicated, int is_constant) { size_t total_reqs = 0; if(is_constant) { //Async if(is_replicated) { total_reqs = 1; add_data(data, total_qty, type, total_reqs, rep_a_data); } else { if(mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_BASELINE) { total_reqs = 1; } else if(mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_POINT || mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_RMA_LOCK || mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_RMA_LOCKALL) { total_reqs = mall->numC; } if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_RED_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_RED_WAIT_TARGETS, NULL)) { total_reqs++; } add_data(data, total_qty, type, total_reqs, dist_a_data); } } else { //Sync if(is_replicated) { add_data(data, total_qty, type, total_reqs, rep_s_data); } else { add_data(data, total_qty, type, total_reqs, dist_s_data); } } } /* * Modifica en la estructura concreta de datos elegida en el indice "index" * con el set de datos "data" de un total de "total_qty" elementos. * * Los datos variables se tienen que modificar cuando quieran ser mandados, no antes * * Mas informacion en la funcion "modify_data". */ void malleability_modify_data(void *data, size_t index, size_t total_qty, MPI_Datatype type, int is_replicated, int is_constant) { size_t total_reqs = 0; if(is_constant) { if(is_replicated) { total_reqs = 1; modify_data(data, index, total_qty, type, total_reqs, rep_a_data); //FIXME total_reqs==0 ??? } else { if(mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_BASELINE) { total_reqs = 1; } else if(mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_POINT || mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_RMA_LOCK || mall_conf->red_method == MALL_RED_RMA_LOCKALL) { total_reqs = mall->numC; } if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_RED_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_RED_WAIT_TARGETS, NULL)) { total_reqs++; } modify_data(data, index, total_qty, type, total_reqs, dist_a_data); } } else { if(is_replicated) { modify_data(data, index, total_qty, type, total_reqs, rep_s_data); } else { modify_data(data, index, total_qty, type, total_reqs, dist_s_data); } } } /* * Devuelve el numero de entradas para la estructura de descripcion de * datos elegida. */ void malleability_get_entries(size_t *entries, int is_replicated, int is_constant){ if(is_constant) { if(is_replicated) { *entries = rep_a_data->entries; } else { *entries = dist_a_data->entries; } } else { if(is_replicated) { *entries = rep_s_data->entries; } else { *entries = dist_s_data->entries; } } } /* * Devuelve el elemento de la lista "index" al usuario. * La devolución es en el mismo orden que lo han metido los padres * con la funcion "malleability_add_data()". * Es tarea del usuario saber el tipo de esos datos. * TODO Refactor a que sea automatico */ void malleability_get_data(void **data, size_t index, int is_replicated, int is_constant) { malleability_data_t *data_struct; if(is_constant) { if(is_replicated) { data_struct = rep_a_data; } else { data_struct = dist_a_data; } } else { if(is_replicated) { data_struct = rep_s_data; } else { data_struct = dist_s_data; } } *data = data_struct->arrays[index]; } //======================================================|| //================PRIVATE FUNCTIONS=====================|| //================DATA COMMUNICATION====================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| /* * Funcion generalizada para enviar datos desde los hijos. * La asincronizidad se refiere a si el hilo padre e hijo lo hacen * de forma bloqueante o no. El padre puede tener varios hilos. */ void send_data(int numP_children, malleability_data_t *data_struct, int is_asynchronous) { size_t i; void *aux_send, *aux_recv; if(is_asynchronous) { for(i=0; i < data_struct->entries; i++) { aux_send = data_struct->arrays[i]; aux_recv = NULL; async_communication_start(aux_send, &aux_recv, data_struct->qty[i], data_struct->types[i], mall->numP, numP_children, MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN, mall->intercomm, &(data_struct->requests[i]), &(data_struct->request_qty[i]), &(data_struct->windows[i])); if(aux_recv != NULL) data_struct->arrays[i] = aux_recv; } } else { for(i=0; i < data_struct->entries; i++) { aux_send = data_struct->arrays[i]; aux_recv = NULL; sync_communication(aux_send, &aux_recv, data_struct->qty[i], data_struct->types[i], mall->numP, numP_children, MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN, mall->intercomm); if(aux_recv != NULL) data_struct->arrays[i] = aux_recv; } } } /* * Funcion generalizada para recibir datos desde los hijos. * La asincronizidad se refiere a si el hilo padre e hijo lo hacen * de forma bloqueante o no. El padre puede tener varios hilos. */ void recv_data(int numP_parents, malleability_data_t *data_struct, int is_asynchronous) { size_t i; void *aux, *aux_s = NULL; if(is_asynchronous) { for(i=0; i < data_struct->entries; i++) { aux = data_struct->arrays[i]; async_communication_start(aux_s, &aux, data_struct->qty[i], data_struct->types[i], mall->numP, numP_parents, MALLEABILITY_CHILDREN, mall->intercomm, &(data_struct->requests[i]), &(data_struct->request_qty[i]), &(data_struct->windows[i])); data_struct->arrays[i] = aux; } } else { for(i=0; i < data_struct->entries; i++) { aux = data_struct->arrays[i]; sync_communication(aux_s, &aux, data_struct->qty[i], data_struct->types[i], mall->numP, numP_parents, MALLEABILITY_CHILDREN, mall->intercomm); data_struct->arrays[i] = aux; } } } //======================================================|| //================PRIVATE FUNCTIONS=====================|| //====================MAM STAGES========================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| int MAM_St_rms(int *mam_state) { *mam_state = MAM_NOT_STARTED; state = MALL_RMS_COMPLETED; reset_malleability_times(); // Comprobar si se tiene que realizar un redimensionado #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->comm); #endif mall_conf->times->malleability_start = MPI_Wtime(); //if(CHECK_RMS()) {return MALL_DENIED;} return 1; } int MAM_St_spawn_start() { state = spawn_step(); //FIXME Esto es necesario pero feo if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE && mall->myId >= mall->numC){ mall->zombie = 1; } else if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_BASELINE){ mall->zombie = 1; } if (state == MALL_SPAWN_COMPLETED || state == MALL_SPAWN_ADAPT_POSTPONE){ return 1; } return 0; } int MAM_St_spawn_pending(int wait_completed) { fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(mall->myId == 0)printf("TEST END\n"); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); state = check_spawn_state(&(mall->intercomm), mall->comm, wait_completed); if (state == MALL_SPAWN_COMPLETED || state == MALL_SPAWN_ADAPTED) { #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->comm); #endif mall_conf->times->spawn_time = MPI_Wtime() - mall_conf->times->malleability_start; return 1; } return 0; } int MAM_St_red_start() { if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_SPAWN_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_SPAWN_INTERCOMM, NULL)) { mall->root_collectives = mall->myId == mall->root ? MPI_ROOT : MPI_PROC_NULL; } else { mall->root_collectives = mall->root; } state = start_redistribution(); return 1; } int MAM_St_red_pending(int *mam_state, int wait_completed) { if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_RED_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_RED_PTHREAD, NULL)) { state = thread_check(wait_completed); } else { state = check_redistribution(wait_completed); } if(state != MALL_DIST_PENDING) { if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_SPAWN_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_SPAWN_INTERCOMM, NULL)) { MPI_Intercomm_merge(mall->intercomm, MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN, &mall->tmp_comm); //El que pone 0 va primero } else { MPI_Comm_dup(mall->intercomm, &mall->tmp_comm); } MPI_Comm_set_name(mall->tmp_comm, "MAM_USER_TMP"); state = MALL_USER_PENDING; *mam_state = MAM_USER_PENDING; return 1; } return 0; } int MAM_St_user_pending(int *mam_state, int wait_completed, void (*user_function)(void *), void *user_args) { #if USE_MAL_DEBUG if(mall->myId == mall->root) DEBUG_FUNC("Starting USER redistribution", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); #endif if(user_function != NULL) { MAM_I_create_user_struct(MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN); do { user_function(user_args); } while(wait_completed && state == MALL_USER_PENDING); } else { MAM_Resume_redistribution(mam_state); } if(state != MALL_USER_PENDING) { #if USE_MAL_DEBUG if(mall->myId == mall->root) DEBUG_FUNC("Ended USER redistribution", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); #endif return 1; } return 0; } int MAM_St_user_completed() { state = end_redistribution(); return 1; } int MAM_St_spawn_adapt_pending(int wait_completed) { #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->comm); #endif mall_conf->times->spawn_start = MPI_Wtime(); unset_spawn_postpone_flag(state); state = check_spawn_state(&(mall->intercomm), mall->comm, wait_completed); if(!MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_SPAWN_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_SPAWN_PTHREAD, NULL)) { #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->comm); #endif mall_conf->times->spawn_time = MPI_Wtime() - mall_conf->times->malleability_start; return 1; } return 0; } int MAM_St_completed(int *mam_state) { MAM_Commit(mam_state); return 0; } //======================================================|| //================PRIVATE FUNCTIONS=====================|| //=====================CHILDREN=========================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| /* * Inicializacion de los datos de los hijos. * En la misma se reciben datos de los padres: La configuracion * de la ejecucion a realizar; y los datos a recibir de los padres * ya sea de forma sincrona, asincrona o ambas. */ void Children_init(void (*user_function)(void *), void *user_args) { size_t i; #if USE_MAL_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNC("MaM will now initialize children", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif malleability_connect_children(mall->comm, &(mall->intercomm)); if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE) { // For Merge Method, these processes will be added MPI_Comm_rank(mall->intercomm, &mall->myId); MPI_Comm_size(mall->intercomm, &mall->numP); } mall->root_collectives = mall->root_parents; #if USE_MAL_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNC("Targets have completed spawn step", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif comm_data_info(rep_a_data, dist_a_data, MALLEABILITY_CHILDREN); if(dist_a_data->entries || rep_a_data->entries) { // Recibir datos asincronos #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 DEBUG_FUNC("Children start asynchronous redistribution", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_RED_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_RED_PTHREAD, NULL)) { recv_data(mall->num_parents, dist_a_data, MALLEABILITY_USE_SYNCHRONOUS); for(i=0; ientries; i++) { MPI_Bcast(rep_a_data->arrays[i], rep_a_data->qty[i], rep_a_data->types[i], mall->root_collectives, mall->intercomm); } } else { recv_data(mall->num_parents, dist_a_data, MALLEABILITY_USE_ASYNCHRONOUS); for(i=0; ientries; i++) { MPI_Ibcast(rep_a_data->arrays[i], rep_a_data->qty[i], rep_a_data->types[i], mall->root_collectives, mall->intercomm, &(rep_a_data->requests[i][0])); } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 DEBUG_FUNC("Targets started asynchronous redistribution", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif int post_ibarrier = 0; // FIXME No permite el uso de ibarrier ahora mismo. Realmente solo hace falta un ibarrier para todos for(i=0; ientries; i++) { async_communication_wait(mall->intercomm, rep_a_data->requests[i], rep_a_data->request_qty[i], post_ibarrier); } if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_RED_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_RED_WAIT_TARGETS, NULL)) { post_ibarrier=1; } for(i=0; ientries; i++) { async_communication_wait(mall->intercomm, dist_a_data->requests[i], dist_a_data->request_qty[i], post_ibarrier); } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 DEBUG_FUNC("Targets waited for all asynchronous redistributions", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif for(i=0; ientries; i++) { async_communication_end(dist_a_data->requests[i], dist_a_data->request_qty[i], &(dist_a_data->windows[i])); } for(i=0; ientries; i++) { async_communication_end(rep_a_data->requests[i], rep_a_data->request_qty[i], &(rep_a_data->windows[i])); } } #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif mall_conf->times->async_end= MPI_Wtime(); // Obtener timestamp de cuando termina comm asincrona } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNC("Targets have completed asynchronous data redistribution step", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_SPAWN_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_SPAWN_INTERCOMM, NULL)) { MPI_Intercomm_merge(mall->intercomm, MALLEABILITY_CHILDREN, &mall->tmp_comm); //El que pone 0 va primero } else { MPI_Comm_dup(mall->intercomm, &mall->tmp_comm); } MPI_Comm_set_name(mall->tmp_comm, "MAM_USER_TMP"); if(user_function != NULL) { state = MALL_USER_PENDING; MAM_I_create_user_struct(MALLEABILITY_CHILDREN); user_function(user_args); } comm_data_info(rep_s_data, dist_s_data, MALLEABILITY_CHILDREN); if(dist_s_data->entries || rep_s_data->entries) { // Recibir datos sincronos #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif recv_data(mall->num_parents, dist_s_data, MALLEABILITY_USE_SYNCHRONOUS); for(i=0; ientries; i++) { MPI_Bcast(rep_s_data->arrays[i], rep_s_data->qty[i], rep_s_data->types[i], mall->root_collectives, mall->intercomm); } #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif mall_conf->times->sync_end = MPI_Wtime(); // Obtener timestamp de cuando termina comm sincrona } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNC("Targets have completed synchronous data redistribution step", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif MAM_Commit(NULL); #if USE_MAL_DEBUG DEBUG_FUNC("MaM has been initialized correctly for new ranks", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif } //======================================================|| //================PRIVATE FUNCTIONS=====================|| //=====================PARENTS==========================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| /* * Se encarga de realizar la creacion de los procesos hijos. * Si se pide en segundo plano devuelve el estado actual. */ int spawn_step(){ #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->comm); #endif mall_conf->times->spawn_start = MPI_Wtime(); state = init_spawn(mall->thread_comm, &(mall->intercomm)); if(!MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_SPAWN_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_SPAWN_PTHREAD, NULL)) { #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->comm); #endif mall_conf->times->spawn_time = MPI_Wtime() - mall_conf->times->malleability_start; } return state; } /* * Comienza la redistribucion de los datos con el nuevo grupo de procesos. * * Primero se envia la configuracion a utilizar al nuevo grupo de procesos y a continuacion * se realiza el envio asincrono y/o sincrono si lo hay. * * En caso de que haya comunicacion asincrona, se comienza y se termina la funcion * indicando que se ha comenzado un envio asincrono. * * Si no hay comunicacion asincrono se pasa a realizar la sincrona si la hubiese. * * Finalmente se envian datos sobre los resultados a los hijos y se desconectan ambos * grupos de procesos. */ int start_redistribution() { size_t i; if(mall->intercomm == MPI_COMM_NULL) { // Si no tiene comunicador creado, se debe a que se ha pospuesto el Spawn // y se trata del spawn Merge Shrink MPI_Comm_dup(mall->comm, &(mall->intercomm)); } comm_data_info(rep_a_data, dist_a_data, MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN); if(dist_a_data->entries || rep_a_data->entries) { // Enviar datos asincronos #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif mall_conf->times->async_start = MPI_Wtime(); if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_RED_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_RED_PTHREAD, NULL)) { return thread_creation(); } else { send_data(mall->numC, dist_a_data, MALLEABILITY_USE_ASYNCHRONOUS); for(i=0; ientries; i++) { //FIXME Ibarrier does not work with rep_a_data MPI_Ibcast(rep_a_data->arrays[i], rep_a_data->qty[i], rep_a_data->types[i], mall->root_collectives, mall->intercomm, &(rep_a_data->requests[i][0])); } return MALL_DIST_PENDING; } } return MALL_USER_PENDING; } /* * Comprueba si la redistribucion asincrona ha terminado. * Si no ha terminado la funcion termina indicandolo, en caso contrario, * se continua con la comunicacion sincrona, el envio de resultados y * se desconectan los grupos de procesos. * * Esta funcion permite dos modos de funcionamiento al comprobar si la * comunicacion asincrona ha terminado. * Si se utiliza el modo "MAL_USE_NORMAL" o "MAL_USE_POINT", se considera * terminada cuando los padres terminan de enviar. * Si se utiliza el modo "MAL_USE_IBARRIER", se considera terminada cuando * los hijos han terminado de recibir. * //FIXME Modificar para que se tenga en cuenta rep_a_data */ int check_redistribution(int wait_completed) { int completed, local_completed, all_completed, post_ibarrier; size_t i, req_qty; MPI_Request *req_completed; MPI_Win window; post_ibarrier = 0; local_completed = 1; #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 DEBUG_FUNC("Sources are testing for all asynchronous redistributions", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif if(wait_completed) { if(MAM_Contains_strat(MAM_RED_STRATEGIES, MAM_STRAT_RED_WAIT_TARGETS, NULL)) { if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_BASELINE || mall->myId >= mall->numC) { post_ibarrier=1; } } for(i=0; ientries; i++) { req_completed = dist_a_data->requests[i]; req_qty = dist_a_data->request_qty[i]; async_communication_wait(mall->intercomm, req_completed, req_qty, post_ibarrier); } for(i=0; ientries; i++) { req_completed = rep_a_data->requests[i]; req_qty = rep_a_data->request_qty[i]; async_communication_wait(mall->intercomm, req_completed, req_qty, 0); //FIXME Ibarrier does not work with rep_a_data } } else { for(i=0; ientries; i++) { req_completed = dist_a_data->requests[i]; req_qty = dist_a_data->request_qty[i]; completed = async_communication_check(MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN, mall->intercomm, req_completed, req_qty); local_completed = local_completed && completed; } for(i=0; ientries; i++) { //FIXME Ibarrier does not work with rep_a_data req_completed = rep_a_data->requests[i]; req_qty = rep_a_data->request_qty[i]; completed = async_communication_check(MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN, mall->intercomm, req_completed, req_qty); local_completed = local_completed && completed; } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 DEBUG_FUNC("Sources will now check a global decision", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif MPI_Allreduce(&local_completed, &all_completed, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, mall->comm); if(!all_completed) return MALL_DIST_PENDING; // Continue only if asynchronous send has ended } #if USE_MAL_DEBUG >= 2 DEBUG_FUNC("Sources sent asynchronous redistributions", mall->myId, mall->numP); fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif for(i=0; ientries; i++) { req_completed = dist_a_data->requests[i]; req_qty = dist_a_data->request_qty[i]; window = dist_a_data->windows[i]; async_communication_end(req_completed, req_qty, &window); } for(i=0; ientries; i++) { req_completed = rep_a_data->requests[i]; req_qty = rep_a_data->request_qty[i]; window = rep_a_data->windows[i]; async_communication_end(req_completed, req_qty, &window); } #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE) mall_conf->times->async_end = MPI_Wtime(); // Merge method only return MALL_USER_PENDING; } /* * Termina la redistribución de los datos con los hijos, comprobando * si se han realizado iteraciones con comunicaciones en segundo plano * y enviando cuantas iteraciones se han realizado a los hijos. * * Además se realizan las comunicaciones síncronas se las hay. * Finalmente termina enviando los datos temporales a los hijos. */ int end_redistribution() { size_t i; int local_state; comm_data_info(rep_s_data, dist_s_data, MALLEABILITY_NOT_CHILDREN); if(dist_s_data->entries || rep_s_data->entries) { // Enviar datos sincronos #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif mall_conf->times->sync_start = MPI_Wtime(); send_data(mall->numC, dist_s_data, MALLEABILITY_USE_SYNCHRONOUS); for(i=0; ientries; i++) { MPI_Bcast(rep_s_data->arrays[i], rep_s_data->qty[i], rep_s_data->types[i], mall->root_collectives, mall->intercomm); } #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE) mall_conf->times->sync_end = MPI_Wtime(); // Merge method only } local_state = MALL_DIST_COMPLETED; if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE && mall->numP > mall->numC) { // Merge Shrink local_state = MALL_SPAWN_ADAPT_PENDING; } return local_state; } // TODO MOVER A OTRO LADO?? //======================================================|| //================PRIVATE FUNCTIONS=====================|| //===============COMM PARENTS THREADS===================|| //======================================================|| //======================================================|| int comm_state; //FIXME Usar un handler /* * Crea una hebra para ejecutar una comunicación en segundo plano. */ int thread_creation() { comm_state = MALL_DIST_PENDING; if(pthread_create(&(mall->async_thread), NULL, thread_async_work, NULL)) { printf("Error al crear el hilo\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); return -1; } return comm_state; } /* * Comprobación por parte de una hebra maestra que indica * si una hebra esclava ha terminado su comunicación en segundo plano. * * El estado de la comunicación es devuelto al finalizar la función. */ int thread_check(int wait_completed) { int all_completed = 0; if(wait_completed && comm_state == MALL_DIST_PENDING) { if(pthread_join(mall->async_thread, NULL)) { printf("Error al esperar al hilo\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); return -2; } } // Comprueba que todos los hilos han terminado la distribucion (Mismo valor en commAsync) MPI_Allreduce(&comm_state, &all_completed, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, mall->comm); if(all_completed != MALL_DIST_COMPLETED) return MALL_DIST_PENDING; // Continue only if asynchronous send has ended //FIXME No se tiene en cuenta el estado MALL_APP_ENDED if(pthread_join(mall->async_thread, NULL)) { printf("Error al esperar al hilo\n"); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); return -2; } #if USE_MAL_BARRIERS MPI_Barrier(mall->intercomm); #endif if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_MERGE) mall_conf->times->async_end = MPI_Wtime(); // Merge method only return end_redistribution(); } /* * Función ejecutada por una hebra. * Ejecuta una comunicación síncrona con los hijos que * para el usuario se puede considerar como en segundo plano. * * Cuando termina la comunicación la hebra maestra puede comprobarlo * por el valor "commAsync". */ void* thread_async_work() { size_t i; send_data(mall->numC, dist_a_data, MALLEABILITY_USE_SYNCHRONOUS); for(i=0; ientries; i++) { MPI_Bcast(rep_a_data->arrays[i], rep_a_data->qty[i], rep_a_data->types[i], mall->root_collectives, mall->intercomm); } comm_state = MALL_DIST_COMPLETED; pthread_exit(NULL); } //============================================================================== /* * Muestra por pantalla el estado actual de todos los comunicadores */ void print_comms_state() { int tester; char *test = malloc(MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME * sizeof(char)); MPI_Comm_get_name(mall->comm, test, &tester); printf("P%d Comm=%d Name=%s\n", mall->myId, mall->comm, test); MPI_Comm_get_name(*(mall->user_comm), test, &tester); printf("P%d Comm=%d Name=%s\n", mall->myId, *(mall->user_comm), test); if(mall->intercomm != MPI_COMM_NULL) { MPI_Comm_get_name(mall->intercomm, test, &tester); printf("P%d Comm=%d Name=%s\n", mall->myId, mall->intercomm, test); } free(test); } /* * Función solo necesaria en Merge */ void malleability_comms_update(MPI_Comm comm) { if(mall->thread_comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD) MPI_Comm_free(&(mall->thread_comm)); if(mall->comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD) MPI_Comm_free(&(mall->comm)); MPI_Comm_dup(comm, &(mall->thread_comm)); MPI_Comm_dup(comm, &(mall->comm)); MPI_Comm_set_name(mall->thread_comm, "MAM_THREAD"); MPI_Comm_set_name(mall->comm, "MAM_MAIN"); } /* * TODO Por hacer */ void MAM_I_create_user_struct(int is_children_group) { user_reconf->comm = mall->tmp_comm; if(is_children_group) { user_reconf->rank_state = MAM_PROC_NEW_RANK; user_reconf->numS = mall->num_parents; if(mall_conf->spawn_method == MALL_SPAWN_BASELINE) user_reconf->numT = mall->numP; else user_reconf->numT = mall->num_parents + mall->numP; } else { user_reconf->numS = mall->numP; user_reconf->numT = mall->numC; if(mall->zombie) user_reconf->rank_state = MAM_PROC_ZOMBIE; else user_reconf->rank_state = MAM_PROC_CONTINUE; } }