#!/bin/bash partition="P1" # Checks if all the runs in the current working directory performed under a # Slurm manager have been performed correctly and if some runs can be corrected # they are launched again # Parameter 1 - Common name of the configuration files # Parameter 2 - Maximum index of the runs # Parameter 3 - Amount of repetitions per index/run # Parameter 4 - Total stages in all runs. #FIXME The amount of stages must be equal across all the runs, must be modified in the future. # Parameter 5 - Total groups of processes in all runs #FIXME The amount of groups must be equal across all the runs, must be modified in the future. # Parameter 6 - Maximum valid iteration time across all runs. If an iteration time # is higher, that particular repetition inside the run is cleaned and # launched again. # Parameter 7(Optional) - Maximum amount of time in seconds needed by a single execution. Default value is 0, which indicates infinite time. # Must be a positive integer. #====== Do not modify the following values ======= scriptDir="$(dirname "$0")" source $scriptDir/../Codes/build/config.txt codeDir="/Codes/" execDir="/Exec/" ResultsDir="/Results/" cores=$(bash $dir$execDir/BashScripts/getCores.sh $partition) if [ "$#" -lt "6" ] then echo "Not enough arguments" echo "Usage -> bash CheckRun.sh Common_Name maxIndex total_repetitions total_stages total_groups max_iteration_time [limit_time]" exit -1 fi common_name=$1 maxIndex=$2 totalEjGrupo=$3 #Total de ejecuciones por grupo total_stages=$4 total_groups=$5 maxTime=$6 #Maximo tiempo que se considera vĂ¡lido limit_time_exec=0 if [ $# -ge 7 ] #Max time per execution in seconds then limit_time_exec=$7 fi limit_time=0 exec_lines_basic=6 iter_lines_basic=3 exec_total_lines=$(($exec_lines_basic+$total_stages+$total_groups)) iter_total_lines=$(($iter_lines_basic+$total_stages*2+1)) exec_remove=$(($exec_lines_basic+$total_stages+$total_groups-1)) iter_remove=$(($iter_lines_basic+$total_stages)) #Check if there are fatal errors during executions grep -i -e fatal -e error -e abort -e == slurm* > errores2.txt qty=$(wc -l errores2.txt | cut -d ' ' -f1) if [ "$qty" -gt "0" ] then echo "Found Fatal errors during execution. Aborting" echo "Read file errors2 to see the errors and in which files" echo "FAILURE" exit -2 fi #Check if the number of output files is correct. #If the number is not correct is a fatal error and the user # is informed in which runs the amount does not match, and # then the scripts exits. #The user must figure out what to do with those runs. qtyG=$(ls R*_Global.out | wc -l) qtyG=$(($qtyG * $total_groups)) qtyL=$(ls R*_G*N*.out | wc -l) if [ "$qtyG" == "$qtyL" ] then echo "Number of G($qtyG) and L($qtyL) files match" else echo "Lacking Local($qtyL) or global($qtyG) files. Aborting" echo "Lacking Local($qtyL) or global($qtyG) files. Aborting" > errores2.txt for ((i=0; i<$maxIndex; i++)) do qtyEx=$(grep T_total R"$i"_Global.out | wc -l) qtyIt=$(grep T_iter R"$i"_G*N*.out | wc -l) qtyEx=$(($qtyEx * 2)) if [ "$qtyEx" -ne "$qtyIt" ] then diff=$(($totalEjGrupo-$qtyEx)) echo "Files do not match at Run $i -- diff=$diff" echo "Files do not match at Run $i -- diff=$diff" >> errores2.txt fi done echo "FAILURE" exit -1 fi rm errores2.txt # Check if there is any negative execution time # Only invalid IDs are stored rm -f tmp.txt touch tmp.txt exec_ids=($(grep -n "T_total" R*_Global.out | grep - | cut -d '_' -f1 | cut -d 'R' -f2)) exec_line=($(grep -n "T_total" R*_Global.out | grep - | cut -d ':' -f2)) for ((i=${#exec_ids[@]}-1; i>=0; i--)) do first_line=$((${exec_line[$i]}-$exec_remove)) last_line=$(($first_line+$exec_total_lines-1)) echo "${exec_ids[$i]}:$first_line:$last_line" >> tmp.txt done # Check if there is any iter time higher than expected # Only invalid IDs are stored iter_times=($(grep "T_iter" R*_G*N*.out | cut -d ' ' -f2)) iter_ids=($(grep "T_iter" R*_G*N*.out | cut -d '_' -f1 | cut -d 'R' -f2)) iter_line=($(grep -n "T_iter" R*_G*N*.out | cut -d ':' -f2)) for ((i=${#iter_times[@]}-1; i>=0; i--)) do is_invalid=$(echo ${iter_times[$i]}'>'$maxTime | bc -l) if [ $is_invalid -eq 1 ] then first_line=$((${iter_line[$i]}-$iter_remove)) # Translate line number to Global file first_line=$(($first_line/$iter_total_lines)) first_line=$(($first_line*$exec_total_lines+1)) last_line=$(($first_line+$exec_total_lines-1)) echo "${iter_ids[$i]}:$first_line:$last_line" >> tmp.txt fi done #Clean data from collected erroneous executions qty=$(wc -l tmp.txt | cut -d ' ' -f1) if [ "$qty" -gt 0 ]; then echo "Found minor execution errors. Executing again. Review file errores.txt." echo "CHECKRUN -- Found errors" >> errores.txt while IFS="" read -r lineRun || [ -n "$lineRun" ] do #Obtain data of erroneous execution run=$(echo $lineRun | cut -d ':' -f1) echo "Run $run had an erroneous execution, cleaning bad data." echo "Run$run----------------------------------------------" >> errores.txt #1 - Delete erroneous lines in Global file first_line=$(echo $lineRun | cut -d ':' -f2) last_line=$(echo $lineRun | cut -d ':' -f3) sed -n ''$first_line','$last_line'p' R${run}_Global.out >> errores.txt sed -i ''$first_line','$last_line'd' R${run}_Global.out #2 - Translate line numbers to Local files type first_line=$(($first_line/$exec_total_lines)) first_line=$(($first_line*$iter_total_lines+1)) last_line=$(($first_line+$iter_total_lines-1)) #3 - Delete erroneous lines in Local files for ((j=0; j> errores.txt sed -i ''$first_line','$last_line'd' R${run}_G${j}* done echo "--------------------------------------------------" >> errores.txt done < tmp.txt fi #Check if all repetitions for each Run have been executed #If any run lacks repetitions, the job is automatically launched again #If a run has even executed a repetition, is not launched as it could be in the waiting queue qty_missing=0 use_extrae=0 for ((run=0; run<$maxIndex; run++)) do diff=0 if [ -f "R${run}_Global.out" ] then qtyEx=$(grep T_total R"$run"_Global.out | wc -l) if [ "$qtyEx" -ne "$totalEjGrupo" ]; then diff=$(($totalEjGrupo-$qtyEx)) echo "Run$run lacks $diff repetitions" fi else diff=$(($totalEjGrupo)) echo "Run$run results not found -- Trying to execute" fi if [ $diff -ne 0 ] #Execute if needed then qty_missing=$(($qty_missing+$diff)) if [ $limit_time_exec -ne 0 ] #Max time per execution in seconds then limit_time=$(($limit_time_exec*$diff/60+1)) fi #2 - Obtain number of nodes needed config_file="$common_name$run.ini" node_qty=$(bash $dir$execDir/BashScripts/getMaxNodesNeeded.sh $config_file $dir $cores) #3 - Launch execution sbatch -p $partition -N $node_qty -t $limit_time $dir$execDir./generalRun.sh $dir $cores $config_file $use_extrae $run $diff fi done if [ "$qty_missing" -eq "0" ]; then echo "SUCCESS" else echo "REPEATING - A total of $qty_missing executions are being repeated" fi