Commit 1cd76849 authored by iker_martin's avatar iker_martin
Browse files

Modified code to allow the usage of MaM. IMKL is no longer required for MaM requirements.

parent 9135f28c
......@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mkl_blas.h>
//#include <mkl_blas.h>
#include "mymkl.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include <hb_io.h>
#include <vector>
//#include <vector>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include "reloj.h"
#include "ScalarVectors.h"
......@@ -15,6 +17,9 @@
#include "matrix.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "../malleability/MAM.h"
#include "ToolsMAM.h"
// ================================================================================
#define DIRECT_ERROR 1
......@@ -24,48 +29,82 @@
#define COLL_P2P_SPMV 0
void BiCGStab (SparseMatrix mat, double *x, double *b, int *sizes, int *dspls, int myId) {
int size = mat.dim2, sizeR = mat.dim1;
typedef struct {
double tol, tol0;
int iter, n;
double rho;
double *x, *b;
double *s, *q, *r, *p, *r0, *y, *p_hat, *q_hat;
double *aux;
SparseMatrix matL;
double *diags;
double *res_err, *x_exact;
double direct_err;
double t1;
int *sizes, *dspls;
int my_size, my_dspl;
int *vlen;
int myId, numP;
MPI_Comm comm;
} Compute_data;
void originals_set_data(Compute_data *computeData, int num_target);
void targets_update(Compute_data *computeData, user_redist_t *user_data);
void user_func(void *args);
void dump(Compute_data *computeData);
void BiCGStab_init (Compute_data *computeData) {
int size = computeData->matL.dim2, sizeR = computeData->matL.dim1;
int IONE = 1;
double DONE = 1.0, DMONE = -1.0, DZERO = 0.0;
int n, n_dist, iter, maxiter, nProcs;
double beta, tol, tol0, alpha, umbral, rho, omega, tmp;
double *s = NULL, *q = NULL, *r = NULL, *p = NULL, *r0 = NULL, *y = NULL, *p_hat = NULL, *q_hat = NULL;
double *aux = NULL;
double t1, t2, t3, t4;
double reduce[2];
int n, n_dist, myId, nProcs;
double t2;
int i, *posd = NULL;
double *diags = NULL;
int i;
int *posd = NULL;
computeData->diags = NULL;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProcs);
n = size; n_dist = sizeR; maxiter = 16 * size; umbral = 1.0e-8;
CreateDoubles (&s, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&q, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&r, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&r0, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&p, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&y, n_dist);
computeData->s = NULL; computeData->q = NULL; computeData->r = NULL; computeData->p = NULL;
computeData->r0 = NULL; computeData->y = NULL; computeData->p_hat = NULL; computeData->q_hat = NULL;
computeData->aux = NULL;
myId = computeData->myId;
nProcs = computeData->numP;
n = size; n_dist = sizeR;
CreateDoubles (&computeData->s, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->q, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->r, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->r0, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->p, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->y, n_dist);
// init exact solution
double *res_err = NULL, *x_exact = NULL;
CreateDoubles (&x_exact, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&res_err, n_dist);
InitDoubles (x_exact, n_dist, DONE, DZERO);
computeData->res_err = NULL; computeData->x_exact = NULL;
CreateDoubles (&computeData->x_exact, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->res_err, n_dist);
InitDoubles (computeData->x_exact, n_dist, DONE, DZERO);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
CreateInts (&posd, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&p_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&q_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&diags, n_dist);
GetDiagonalSparseMatrix2 (mat, dspls[myId], diags, posd);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->p_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->q_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->diags, n_dist);
GetDiagonalSparseMatrix2 (computeData->matL, computeData->dspls[myId], computeData->diags, posd);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i=0; i<n_dist; i++)
diags[i] = DONE / diags[i];
computeData->diags[i] = DONE / computeData->diags[i];
CreateDoubles (&aux, n);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->aux, n);
int *permP = NULL, *ipermP = NULL;
......@@ -85,55 +124,74 @@ void BiCGStab (SparseMatrix mat, double *x, double *b, int *sizes, int *dspls, i
PermuteInts (mat.vpos, ipermP, mat.vptr[mat.dim1]);
iter = 0;
computeData->iter = 0;
joinDistributeVectorSPMV (COLL_P2P_SPMV, MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, vecP, vdimP, vdspP,
vdimR, vdspR, vectDatatypeP, vectDatatypeR);
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, vecP, s); // s = A * x
MPI_Allgatherv (x, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, aux, sizes, dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, aux, s); // s = A * x
MPI_Allgatherv (computeData->x, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, computeData->aux, computeData->sizes, computeData->dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, computeData->comm);
InitDoubles (computeData->s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (computeData->matL, 0, computeData->aux, computeData->s); // s = A * x
dcopy (&n_dist, b, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r = b
daxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, s, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r -= s
rcopy (&n_dist, computeData->b, &IONE, computeData->r, &IONE); // r = b
raxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, computeData->s, &IONE, computeData->r, &IONE); // r -= s
dcopy (&n_dist, r, &IONE, p, &IONE); // p = r
dcopy (&n_dist, r, &IONE, r0, &IONE); // r0 = r
rcopy (&n_dist, computeData->r, &IONE, computeData->p, &IONE); // p = r
rcopy (&n_dist, computeData->r, &IONE, computeData->r0, &IONE); // r0 = r
// compute tolerance and <r0,r0>
rho = ddot (&n_dist, r, &IONE, r, &IONE);
computeData->rho = rdot (&n_dist, computeData->r, &IONE, computeData->r, &IONE);
MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, &computeData->rho, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, computeData->comm);
tol0 = sqrt (rho);
tol = tol0;
computeData->tol0 = sqrt (computeData->rho);
computeData->tol = computeData->tol0;
// compute direct error
double direct_err;
dcopy (&n_dist, x_exact, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err = x_exact
daxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, x, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err -= x
rcopy (&n_dist, computeData->x_exact, &IONE, computeData->res_err, &IONE); // res_err = x_exact
raxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, computeData->x, &IONE, computeData->res_err, &IONE); // res_err -= x
// compute inf norm
direct_err = norm_inf(n_dist, res_err);
computeData->direct_err = norm_inf(n_dist, computeData->res_err);
MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &computeData->direct_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, computeData->comm);
// // compute euclidean norm
// direct_err = ddot (&n_dist, res_err, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // direct_err = res_err' * res_err
// direct_err = rdot (&n_dist, res_err, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // direct_err = res_err' * res_err
// MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &direct_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// direct_err = sqrt(direct_err);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
RemoveInts (&posd);
if (myId == 0)
reloj (&t1, &t2);
reloj (&computeData->t1, &t2);
void BiCGStab_compute (Compute_data *computeData, user_redist_t *user_data) {
int size = computeData->matL.dim2, sizeR = computeData->matL.dim1;
int IONE = 1;
double DONE = 1.0, DMONE = -1.0, DZERO = 0.0;
int n, n_dist;
int maxiter, myId, reconfigure, rec_iter, state;
double beta, alpha, umbral, omega, tmp;
double t3, t4;
double reduce[2];
while ((iter < maxiter) && (tol > umbral)) {
n = size; n_dist = sizeR; maxiter = 16 * size; rec_iter = maxiter / 2; umbral = 1.0e-8;
myId = computeData->myId;
state = -1;
reconfigure = 0; rec_iter = -100;
while ((computeData->iter < maxiter) && (computeData->tol > umbral)) {
VvecDoubles (DONE, diags, p, DZERO, p_hat, n_dist); // p_hat = D^-1 * p
VvecDoubles (DONE, computeData->diags, computeData->p, DZERO, computeData->p_hat, n_dist); // p_hat = D^-1 * p
p_hat = p;
computeData->p_hat = computeData->p;
joinDistributeVectorSPMV (COLL_P2P_SPMV, MPI_COMM_WORLD, p_hat, vecP, vdimP,
......@@ -141,31 +199,31 @@ void BiCGStab (SparseMatrix mat, double *x, double *b, int *sizes, int *dspls, i
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, vecP, s); // s = A * p
MPI_Allgatherv (p_hat, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, aux, sizes, dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, aux, s); // s = A * p
MPI_Allgatherv (computeData->p_hat, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, computeData->aux, computeData->sizes, computeData->dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, computeData->comm);
InitDoubles (computeData->s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (computeData->matL, 0, computeData->aux, computeData->s); // s = A * p
if (myId == 0)
printf ("%d \t %g \t %g \t %g \n", iter, tol, umbral, direct_err);
printf ("%d \t %g \t %g \t %g \n", computeData->iter, computeData->tol, umbral, computeData->direct_err);
printf ("%d \t %g \n", iter, tol);
printf ("%d \t %g \n", computeData->iter, computeData->tol);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
alpha = ddot (&n_dist, r0, &IONE, s, &IONE);
alpha = rdot (&n_dist, computeData->r0, &IONE, computeData->s, &IONE);
MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, &alpha, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, computeData->comm);
alpha = rho / alpha;
alpha = computeData->rho / alpha;
dcopy (&n_dist, r, &IONE, q, &IONE); // q = r
rcopy (&n_dist, computeData->r, &IONE, computeData->q, &IONE); // q = r
tmp = -alpha;
daxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, s, &IONE, q, &IONE); // q = r - alpha * s;
raxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, computeData->s, &IONE, computeData->q, &IONE); // q = r - alpha * s;
// second spmv
VvecDoubles (DONE, diags, q, DZERO, q_hat, n_dist); // q_hat = D^-1 * q
VvecDoubles (DONE, computeData->diags, computeData->q, DZERO, computeData->q_hat, n_dist); // q_hat = D^-1 * q
q_hat = q;
computeData->q_hat = computeData->q;
joinDistributeVectorSPMV (COLL_P2P_SPMV, MPI_COMM_WORLD, q_hat, vecP, vdimP,
......@@ -173,66 +231,81 @@ void BiCGStab (SparseMatrix mat, double *x, double *b, int *sizes, int *dspls, i
InitDoubles (y, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, vecP, y); // y = A * q
MPI_Allgatherv (q_hat, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, aux, sizes, dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (y, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, aux, y); // y = A * q
MPI_Allgatherv (computeData->q_hat, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, computeData->aux, computeData->sizes, computeData->dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, computeData->comm);
InitDoubles (computeData->y, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (computeData->matL, 0, computeData->aux, computeData->y); // y = A * q
// omega = <q, y> / <y, y>
reduce[0] = ddot (&n_dist, q, &IONE, y, &IONE);
reduce[1] = ddot (&n_dist, y, &IONE, y, &IONE);
reduce[0] = rdot (&n_dist, computeData->q, &IONE, computeData->y, &IONE);
reduce[1] = rdot (&n_dist, computeData->y, &IONE, computeData->y, &IONE);
MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, reduce, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, computeData->comm);
omega = reduce[0] / reduce[1];
// x+1 = x + alpha * p + omega * q
daxpy (&n_dist, &alpha, p_hat, &IONE, x, &IONE);
daxpy (&n_dist, &omega, q_hat, &IONE, x, &IONE);
raxpy (&n_dist, &alpha, computeData->p_hat, &IONE, computeData->x, &IONE);
raxpy (&n_dist, &omega, computeData->q_hat, &IONE, computeData->x, &IONE);
// r+1 = q - omega * y
dcopy (&n_dist, q, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r = q
rcopy (&n_dist, computeData->q, &IONE, computeData->r, &IONE); // r = q
tmp = -omega;
daxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, y, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r = q - omega * y;
raxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, computeData->y, &IONE, computeData->r, &IONE); // r = q - omega * y;
// rho = <r0, r+1> and tolerance
reduce[0] = ddot (&n_dist, r0, &IONE, r, &IONE);
reduce[1] = ddot (&n_dist, r, &IONE, r, &IONE);
reduce[0] = rdot (&n_dist, computeData->r0, &IONE, computeData->r, &IONE);
reduce[1] = rdot (&n_dist, computeData->r, &IONE, computeData->r, &IONE);
MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, reduce, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, computeData->comm);
tmp = reduce[0];
tol = sqrt (reduce[1]) / tol0;
computeData->tol = sqrt (reduce[1]) / computeData->tol0;
// beta = (alpha / omega) * <r0, r+1> / <r0, r>
beta = (alpha / omega) * (tmp / rho);
rho = tmp;
beta = (alpha / omega) * (tmp / computeData->rho);
computeData->rho = tmp;
// p+1 = r+1 + beta * (p - omega * s)
tmp = -omega;
daxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, s, &IONE, p, &IONE); // p -= omega * s
dscal (&n_dist, &beta, p, &IONE); // p = beta * p
daxpy (&n_dist, &DONE, r, &IONE, p, &IONE); // p += r
raxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, computeData->s, &IONE, computeData->p, &IONE); // p -= omega * s
rscal (&n_dist, &beta, computeData->p, &IONE); // p = beta * p
raxpy (&n_dist, &DONE, computeData->r, &IONE, computeData->p, &IONE); // p += r
// compute direct error
dcopy (&n_dist, x_exact, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err = x_exact
daxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, x, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err -= x
rcopy (&n_dist, computeData->x_exact, &IONE, computeData->res_err, &IONE); // res_err = x_exact
raxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, computeData->x, &IONE, computeData->res_err, &IONE); // res_err -= x
// compute inf norm
direct_err = norm_inf(n_dist, res_err);
computeData->direct_err = norm_inf(n_dist, computeData->res_err);
MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &computeData->direct_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, computeData->comm);
// // compute euclidean norm
// direct_err = ddot (&n_dist, res_err, &IONE, res_err, &IONE);
// direct_err = rdot (&n_dist, res_err, &IONE, res_err, &IONE);
// MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &direct_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// direct_err = sqrt(direct_err);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
if (computeData->iter == rec_iter) { reconfigure = 1;}
if (reconfigure) {
MAM_Checkpoint(&state, MAM_CHECK_COMPLETION, user_func, (void *) user_data);
if(state == MAM_COMPLETED) {
reconfigure = 0;
targets_update(computeData, user_data);
if (myId == 0)
reloj (&t3, &t4);
if(state == MAM_PENDING) {
MAM_Checkpoint(&state, MAM_WAIT_COMPLETION, user_func, (void *) user_data);
//targets_update(dist_data, computeData, user_data);
// Code required after the loop
PermuteInts (mat.vpos, permP, mat.vptr[mat.dim1]);
......@@ -246,18 +319,31 @@ void BiCGStab (SparseMatrix mat, double *x, double *b, int *sizes, int *dspls, i
if (myId == 0) {
printf ("Size: %d \n", n);
printf ("Iter: %d \n", iter);
printf ("Tol: %g \n", tol);
printf ("Time_loop: %20.10e\n", (t3-t1));
printf ("Time_iter: %20.10e\n", (t3-t1)/iter);
printf ("Iter: %d \n", computeData->iter);
printf ("Tol: %g \n", computeData->tol);
printf ("Time_loop: %20.10e\n", (t3-computeData->t1));
printf ("Time_iter: %20.10e\n", (t3-computeData->t1)/computeData->iter);
void BiCGStab_free (Compute_data *computeData) {
RemoveDoubles (&aux); RemoveDoubles (&s); RemoveDoubles (&q);
RemoveDoubles (&r); RemoveDoubles (&p); RemoveDoubles (&r0); RemoveDoubles (&y);
RemoveDoubles (&computeData->aux); RemoveDoubles (&computeData->s);
RemoveDoubles (&computeData->q); RemoveDoubles (&computeData->r);
RemoveDoubles (&computeData->p); RemoveDoubles (&computeData->r0); RemoveDoubles (&computeData->y);
RemoveDoubles (&diags); RemoveInts (&posd);
RemoveDoubles(&p_hat); RemoveDoubles (&q_hat);
RemoveDoubles (&computeData->diags);
RemoveDoubles(&computeData->p_hat); RemoveDoubles (&computeData->q_hat);
RemoveDoubles (&computeData->x);
RemoveDoubles (&computeData->b);
RemoveInts (&computeData->sizes); RemoveInts (&computeData->dspls);
RemoveSparseMatrix (&computeData->matL);
void originals_free() {
......@@ -268,32 +354,49 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
int index = 0, indexL = 0;
SparseMatrix mat = {0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL}, sym = {0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL};
int root = 0, myId, nProcs;
int root = 0, myId, nProcs, isTarget, numTarget, req;
int dimL, dspL, *vdimL = NULL, *vdspL = NULL;
SparseMatrix matL = {0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL};
double *sol1L = NULL, *sol2L = NULL;
double beta;
int mat_from_file, nodes, size_param, stencil_points;
int IONE = 1;
double DMONE = -1.0;
if (argc == 3) {
mat_from_file = atoi(argv[2]);
} else {
mat_from_file = atoi(argv[2]);
nodes = atoi(argv[3]);
size_param = atoi(argv[4]);
stencil_points = atoi(argv[5]);
int mat_from_file, nodes, size_param, stencil_points;
Compute_data computeData;
user_redist_t user_data;
MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
MPI_Init_thread (&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &req);
// Definition of the variables nProcs and myId
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProcs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myId);
root = nProcs-1;
root = 0;
computeData.myId = myId;
computeData.numP = nProcs;
computeData.comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
user_data = empty_user_data;
user_data.comm = computeData.comm;
isTarget = MAM_Init(root, &computeData.comm, argv[0], user_func, (void *) &user_data);
if(isTarget) {
targets_update(&computeData, &user_data);
} else {
if (argc == 4) {
mat_from_file = atoi(argv[2]);
} else {
mat_from_file = atoi(argv[2]);
nodes = atoi(argv[3]);
size_param = atoi(argv[4]);
stencil_points = atoi(argv[5]);
printf ("A\n");
......@@ -305,10 +408,15 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
TransposeSparseMatrices (sym, 0, &mat, 0);
dim = mat.dim1;
numTarget = atoi(argv[3]);
// Distributing the matrix
dim = DistributeMatrix (mat, index, &matL, indexL, vdimL, vdspL, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
dimL = vdimL[myId]; dspL = vdspL[myId];
if (myId == root) {
RemoveSparseMatrix (&mat);
RemoveSparseMatrix (&sym);
printf ("B\n");
else {
......@@ -327,18 +435,18 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
generate_Poisson3D_filled(&matL, size_param, stencil_points, band_width, dspL, dimL, dim);
// To generate ill-conditioned matrices
// double factor = 1.0e6;
// ScaleFirstRowCol(matL, dspL, dimL, myId, root, factor);
// double factor = 1.0e6;
// ScaleFirstRowCol(matL, dspL, dimL, myId, root, factor);
// Creating the vectors
CreateDoubles (&sol1, dim);
CreateDoubles (&sol2, dim);
// CreateDoubles (&sol2, dim);
CreateDoubles (&sol1L, dimL);
CreateDoubles (&sol2L, dimL);
InitDoubles (sol2, dim, 0.0, 0.0);
// InitDoubles (sol2, dim, 0.0, 0.0);
InitDoubles (sol1L, dimL, 0.0, 0.0);
InitDoubles (sol2L, dimL, 0.0, 0.0);
......@@ -346,13 +454,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
printf ("C\n");
int IONE = 1;
double beta = 1.0 / sqrt(dim);
beta = 1.0 / sqrt(dim);
if(mat_from_file) {
// compute b = A * x_c, x_c = 1/sqrt(nbrows)
InitDoubles (sol1, dim, 1.0, 0.0);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (matL, 0, sol1, sol1L); // s = A * x
dscal (&dimL, &beta, sol1L, &IONE); // s = beta * s
rscal (&dimL, &beta, sol1L, &IONE); // s = beta * s
} else {
InitDoubles (sol1, dim, 0.0, 0.0);
......@@ -367,29 +474,45 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
printf ("D\n");
MPI_Scatterv (sol2, vdimL, vdspL, MPI_DOUBLE, sol2L, dimL, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// MPI_Scatterv (sol2, vdimL, vdspL, MPI_DOUBLE, sol2L, dimL, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //FIXME It does not seem to do anything
printf ("E\n");
computeData.sizes = vdimL;
computeData.my_size = dimL;
computeData.dspls = vdspL;
computeData.my_dspl = dspL;
computeData.b = sol1L;
computeData.x = sol2L;
computeData.matL = matL;
computeData.n = computeData.matL.dim2;
RemoveDoubles (&sol1);
BiCGStab_init (&computeData);
originals_set_data(&computeData, numTarget);
BiCGStab (matL, sol2L, sol1L, vdimL, vdspL, myId);
BiCGStab_compute (&computeData, &user_data);
printf ("F\n");
// Error computation ||b-Ax||
// if(mat_from_file) {
MPI_Allgatherv (sol2L, dimL, MPI_DOUBLE, sol2, vdimL, vdspL, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (sol2L, dimL, 0, 0);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (matL, 0, sol2, sol2L);
double DMONE = -1.0;
daxpy (&dimL, &DMONE, sol2L, &IONE, sol1L, &IONE);
beta = ddot (&dimL, sol1L, &IONE, sol1L, &IONE);
dim = matL.dim2;
CreateDoubles (&sol2, dim);
InitDoubles (sol2, dim, 0.0, 0.0);
MPI_Allgatherv (computeData.x, computeData.my_size, MPI_DOUBLE, sol2, computeData.sizes, computeData.dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, computeData.comm);
InitDoubles (computeData.x, computeData.my_size, 0, 0);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (computeData.matL, 0, sol2, computeData.x);
raxpy (&dimL, &DMONE, computeData.x, &IONE, computeData.b, &IONE);
beta = rdot (&computeData.my_size, computeData.b, &IONE, computeData.b, &IONE);
MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, &beta, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, computeData.comm);
// } else {
// // case with x_exact = {1.0}
// for (int i=0; i<dimL; i++)
// sol2L[i] -= 1.0;
// beta = ddot (&dimL, sol2L, &IONE, sol2L, &IONE);
// beta = rdot (&dimL, sol2L, &IONE, sol2L, &IONE);
// }
beta = sqrt(beta);
......@@ -398,18 +521,197 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
// Freeing memory
RemoveDoubles (&sol1);
BiCGStab_free (&computeData);
RemoveDoubles (&sol2);
RemoveDoubles (&sol1L);
RemoveDoubles (&sol2L);
RemoveInts (&vdspL); RemoveInts (&vdimL);
if (myId == root) {
RemoveSparseMatrix (&mat);
RemoveSparseMatrix (&sym);
MAM_Finalize ();
MPI_Finalize ();
return 0;
/* MAM New functions */
* Función para declarar los datos a comunicar por parte de MAM
void originals_set_data(Compute_data *computeData, int num_target) {
TransformHeadertoLength (computeData->matL.vptr, computeData->n);
CreateInts (&computeData->vlen, computeData->n);
CopyInts (computeData->matL.vptr, computeData->vlen, computeData->n);
TransformLengthtoHeader (computeData->matL.vptr, computeData->n);
MAM_Data_add(&(computeData->direct_err), NULL, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
MAM_Data_add(computeData->vlen, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_INT, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT); //TODO Calcular vlen
MAM_Data_add(computeData->r0, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
MAM_Data_add(computeData->b, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
MAM_Data_add(computeData->diags, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
MAM_Data_add(computeData->x_exact, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
MAM_Data_add(computeData->p, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
MAM_Data_add(computeData->r, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
MAM_Data_add(computeData->x, NULL, computeData->n, MPI_DOUBLE, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
void targets_update(Compute_data *computeData, user_redist_t *user_data) {
size_t entry, total_qty;
void *value = NULL;
MPI_Datatype type;
MPI_Comm_size(computeData->comm, &computeData->numP);
MPI_Comm_rank(computeData->comm, &computeData->myId);
entry = 0;
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->n = *((int *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->tol0 = *((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->t1 = *((double *)value);
entry = 0;
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
computeData->iter = *((int *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
computeData->tol = *((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
computeData->rho = *((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_REPLICATED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
computeData->direct_err = *((double *)value);
entry = 0;
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->vlen = ((int *)value);
//computeData->vlen = user_data->recv_vlen;
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->r0 = ((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->b = ((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->diags = ((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
computeData->x_exact = ((double *)value);
entry = 0;
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
computeData->p = ((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
computeData->r = ((double *)value);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, entry++, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_VARIABLE);
computeData->x = ((double *)value);
int n_dist = computeData->matL.dim1;
int n = computeData->n;
CreateInts (&computeData->sizes, computeData->numP);
CreateInts (&computeData->dspls, computeData->numP);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->s, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->q, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->y, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->aux, n);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->p_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->q_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&computeData->res_err, n_dist);
ComputeMatrixSizes (n, computeData->sizes, computeData->dspls, computeData->comm);
computeData->my_size = computeData->sizes[computeData->myId];
computeData->my_dspl = computeData->dspls[computeData->myId];
computeData->matL = user_data->other_subm;
*user_data = empty_user_data;
user_data->array_vptr = computeData->matL.vptr;
user_data->array_vlen = computeData->vlen;
user_data->array_vpos = computeData->matL.vpos;
user_data->array_vval = computeData->matL.vval;
user_data->comm = computeData->comm;
void user_func(void *args) {
int local_flag, flag = 0;
mam_user_reconf_t user_reconf;
user_redist_t *user_data = (user_redist_t *) args;
if(!user_data->initiated) {
//targets_distribution_synch(user_reconf, user_data);
//flag = 1;
targets_distribution(user_reconf, user_data);
user_data->initiated = 1;
if(user_reconf.rank_state == MAM_PROC_NEW_RANK) {
MPI_Waitall(2, user_data->reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
flag = 1;
} else {
MPI_Testall(2, user_data->reqs, &local_flag, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
MPI_Allreduce(&local_flag, &flag, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, user_data->comm);
if(flag) MAM_Resume_redistribution(NULL);
void dump(Compute_data *computeData) {
int i;
if(computeData->myId == 0) printf("TamBL=");
fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(computeData->comm);
for(i=0; i<computeData->numP; i++) {
if(computeData->myId == i) {
printf("%d, ", computeData->my_size);
if(computeData->myId == 0) printf("\n");
fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(computeData->comm);
if(computeData->myId == 0) printf("Vlen=");
fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(computeData->comm);
for(i=0; i<computeData->numP; i++) {
if(computeData->myId == i) {
for(int j=0; j<computeData->my_size; j++) {
printf("%d, ", computeData->vlen[j]);
if(computeData->myId == 0) printf("\n");
fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(computeData->comm);
......@@ -29,6 +29,35 @@ void CreateSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix p_spr, int index, int numR, int numC,
CreateDoubles (&(p_spr->vval), numE+(numR+1)*msr);
// This routine creates the first part of a sparseMatrix from the next parameters
// * numR defines the number of rows
// * numC defines the number of columns
// * msr indicates if the MSR is the format used to the sparse matrix
// If msr is actived, numE doesn't include the diagonal elements
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used.
void CreateSparseMatrixVptr (ptr_SparseMatrix spr, int numR, int numC,
int msr)
spr->dim1 = numR; spr->dim2 = numC;
CreateInts (&(spr->vptr), numR+1);
*(spr->vptr) = ((msr)? (numR+1): 0);
// This routine creates the second part of a sparseMatrix from the next parameters
// * numR defines the number of rows
// * numC defines the number of columns
// * numE defines the number of nonzero elements
// * msr indicates if the MSR is the format used to the sparse matrix
// If msr is actived, numE doesn't include the diagonal elements
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used.
void CreateSparseMatrixValues (ptr_SparseMatrix spr, int numR, int numC, int numE,
int msr)
CreateInts (&(spr->vpos), numE+(numR+1)*msr);
CreateDoubles (&(spr->vval), numE+(numR+1)*msr);
// This routine liberates the memory related to matrix spr
void RemoveSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix spr) {
// First the scalar are initiated
......@@ -37,6 +66,16 @@ void RemoveSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix spr) {
RemoveInts (&(spr->vptr)); RemoveDoubles (&(spr->vval));
// This routine liberates the memory related to matrix spr when
// vptr and vpos have been allocated separetely
void RemoveSparseMatrix2 (ptr_SparseMatrix spr)
spr->dim1 = -1; spr->dim2 = -1;
RemoveInts (&(spr->vptr));
RemoveInts (&(spr->vpos));
RemoveDoubles (&(spr->vval));
// This routine creates de sparse matrix dst from the symmetric matrix spr.
......@@ -22,8 +22,14 @@ typedef struct
extern void CreateSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix p_spr, int index, int numR, int numC, int numE,
int msr);
extern void CreateSparseMatrixVptr (ptr_SparseMatrix spr, int numR, int numC,
int msr);
extern void CreateSparseMatrixValues (ptr_SparseMatrix spr, int numR, int numC, int numE,
int msr);
// This routine liberates the memory related to matrix spr
extern void RemoveSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix spr);
extern void RemoveSparseMatrix2 (ptr_SparseMatrix spr);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "ToolsMAM.h"
struct Dist_data {
int ini;
int fin;
int tamBl; // Numero de filas
int n;
int myId;
int numP;
int numP_parents;
MPI_Comm comm;
void get_dist(int total_r, int id, int numP, struct Dist_data *dist_data);
void prepare_redist_counts(int *counts, int *displs, int numP_other, int offset, struct Dist_data dist_data, int *vptr);
void prepare_redist_counts_vlen(int *counts, int *displs, int numP_other, int offset, struct Dist_data dist_data);
void set_counts(int id, int numP, struct Dist_data data_dist, int offset, int *sendcounts);
void getIds_intercomm(struct Dist_data dist_data, int numP_other, int *idS);
void print_counts2(struct Dist_data data_dist, int *xcounts, int *xdispls, int size, int include_zero, const char* name);
void print_global_results(double start_time);
* Funcion encargada de realizar la redistribucion de datos
* asíncrona del usuario.
* Calcula el total de elementos a enviar/recibir por cada proceso
* y tras ello llama a la funcion Ialltoallv dos veces.
* Además inicializa la memoria para aquellos procesos que vayan
* a recibir datos.
void targets_distribution(mam_user_reconf_t user_reconf, user_redist_t *user_data) {
int i, n, offset, elems, numP, *vlen, *rank_states;
int *scounts, *rcounts, *sdispls, *rdispls;
size_t total_qty;
void *value = NULL;
struct Dist_data dist_data;
MPI_Datatype type;
int aux_int;
int *recv_vpos = &aux_int;
double aux_double;
double *recv_vval = &aux_double;
MPI_Comm_size(user_reconf.comm, &numP);
scounts = (int *) calloc(numP, sizeof(int));
sdispls = (int *) calloc(numP, sizeof(int));
rcounts = (int *) calloc(numP, sizeof(int));
rdispls = (int *) calloc(numP, sizeof(int));
offset = 0;
rank_states = (int *) malloc(numP * sizeof(int));
MPI_Allgather(&user_reconf.rank_state, 1, MPI_INT, rank_states, 1, MPI_INT, user_reconf.comm);
MAM_Data_get_pointer(&value, 0, &total_qty, &type, MAM_DATA_DISTRIBUTED, MAM_DATA_CONSTANT);
vlen = ((int *)value);
n = (int) total_qty;
if(user_reconf.rank_state != MAM_PROC_ZOMBIE) {
MPI_Comm_rank(user_data->comm, &dist_data.myId);
dist_data.numP = user_reconf.numT;
if(user_reconf.rank_state == MAM_PROC_NEW_RANK) {
user_data->array_vpos = &aux_int;
user_data->array_vval = &aux_double;
for(i=0; i<user_reconf.numS; i++) {
if(rank_states[i] == MAM_PROC_CONTINUE) {
dist_data.myId += user_reconf.numS;
//get_dist(n, dist_data.myId, dist_data.numP, &dist_data);
//CreateSparseMatrixVptr(&user_data->other_subm, dist_data.tamBl, n, 0);
user_data->other_subm.vptr[0] = 0;
for(i=0; i<dist_data.tamBl; i++) {
user_data->other_subm.vptr[i+1] = vlen[i];
//TransformLengthtoHeader(user_data->other_subm.vptr, user_data->other_subm.dim1); // The array is converted from vlen to vptr
elems = user_data->other_subm.vptr[dist_data.tamBl];
//CreateSparseMatrixValues(&user_data->other_subm, dist_data.tamBl, n, elems, 0);
recv_vpos = user_data->other_subm.vpos;
recv_vval = user_data->other_subm.vval;
prepare_redist_counts(rcounts, rdispls, user_reconf.numS, offset, dist_data, user_data->other_subm.vptr);
if(user_reconf.rank_state != MAM_PROC_NEW_RANK) {
MPI_Comm_rank(user_data->comm, &dist_data.myId);
dist_data.numP = user_reconf.numS;
//get_dist(n, dist_data.myId, dist_data.numP, &dist_data);
offset = (user_reconf.numS + user_reconf.numT) == numP ?
user_reconf.numS : 0;
//prepare_redist_counts(scounts, sdispls, user_reconf.numT, offset, dist_data, user_data->array_vptr);
MPI_Ialltoallv(user_data->array_vpos, scounts, sdispls, MPI_INT, recv_vpos, rcounts, rdispls, MPI_INT, user_reconf.comm, &user_data->reqs[0]);
MPI_Ialltoallv(user_data->array_vval, scounts, sdispls, MPI_DOUBLE, recv_vval, rcounts, rdispls, MPI_DOUBLE, user_reconf.comm, &user_data->reqs[1]);
free(scounts); free(sdispls); free(rcounts); free(rdispls);
* ========================================================================================
* ========================================================================================
* ================================DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS==================================
* ========================================================================================
* ========================================================================================
* Obtiene para el Id que se pasa junto a su
* numero de procesos total, con cuantas filas (tamBl),
* elementos por fila, y total de filas (fin - ini)
* con las que va a trabajar el proceso
void get_dist(int total_r, int id, int numP, struct Dist_data *dist_data) {
int rem;
dist_data->n = total_r;
dist_data->tamBl = total_r / numP;
rem = total_r % numP;
if(id < rem) { // First subgroup
dist_data->ini = id * dist_data->tamBl + id;
dist_data->fin = (id+1) * dist_data->tamBl + (id+1);
} else { // Second subgroup
dist_data->ini = id * dist_data->tamBl + rem;
dist_data->fin = (id+1) * dist_data->tamBl + rem;
if(dist_data->fin > total_r) {
dist_data->fin = total_r;
if(dist_data->ini > dist_data->fin) {
dist_data->ini = dist_data->fin;
dist_data->tamBl = dist_data->fin - dist_data->ini;
void prepare_redist_counts(int *counts, int *displs, int numP_other, int offset, struct Dist_data dist_data, int *vptr) {
int idS[2], i, idS_zero;
int last_index, first_index;
getIds_intercomm(dist_data, numP_other, idS);
idS[0] += offset;
idS[1] += offset;
idS_zero = 0;
if(!idS[0]) {
set_counts(0, numP_other, dist_data, offset, counts);
idS_zero = 1;
for(i=idS[0] + idS_zero; i<idS[1]; i++) {
set_counts(i, numP_other, dist_data, offset, counts);
displs[i] = displs[i-1] + counts[i-1];
if(!idS[0]) {
last_index = counts[0];
first_index = 0;
counts[0] = vptr[last_index] - vptr[first_index];
for(i=idS[0] + idS_zero; i<idS[1]; i++) {
last_index = displs[i] + counts[i];
first_index = displs[i];
counts[i] = vptr[last_index] - vptr[first_index];
displs[i] = displs[i-1] + counts[i-1];
void prepare_redist_counts_vlen(int *counts, int *displs, int numP_other, int offset, struct Dist_data dist_data) {
int idS[2], i, idS_zero;
getIds_intercomm(dist_data, numP_other, idS);
idS[0] += offset;
idS[1] += offset;
idS_zero = 0;
if(!idS[0]) {
set_counts(0, numP_other, dist_data, offset, counts);
idS_zero = 1;
for(i=idS[0] + idS_zero; i<idS[1]; i++) {
set_counts(i, numP_other, dist_data, offset, counts);
displs[i] = displs[i-1] + counts[i-1];
* Obtiene para un Id de proceso, cuantos elementos va
* a enviar/recibir el proceso myId
void set_counts(int id, int numP, struct Dist_data data_dist, int offset, int *sendcounts) {
struct Dist_data other;
int biggest_ini, smallest_end;
get_dist(data_dist.n, id-offset, numP, &other);
// Si el rango de valores no coincide, se pasa al siguiente proceso
if(data_dist.ini >= other.fin || data_dist.fin <= other.ini) {
// Obtiene el proceso con mayor ini entre los dos procesos
biggest_ini = (data_dist.ini > other.ini) ? data_dist.ini : other.ini;
// Obtiene el proceso con menor fin entre los dos procesos
smallest_end = (data_dist.fin < other.fin) ? data_dist.fin : other.fin;
sendcounts[id] = smallest_end - biggest_ini; // Numero de elementos a enviar/recibir del proceso Id
* Obtiene para un proceso de un grupo a que rango procesos de
* otro grupo tiene que enviar o recibir datos.
* Devuelve el primer identificador y el último (Excluido) con el que
* comunicarse.
void getIds_intercomm(struct Dist_data dist_data, int numP_other, int *idS) {
int idI, idE;
int tamOther = dist_data.n / numP_other;
int remOther = dist_data.n % numP_other;
int middle = (tamOther + 1) * remOther;
if(middle > dist_data.ini) { // First subgroup
idI = dist_data.ini / (tamOther + 1);
} else { // Second subgroup
idI = ((dist_data.ini - middle) / tamOther) + remOther;
if(middle >= dist_data.fin) { // First subgroup
idE = dist_data.fin / (tamOther + 1);
idE = (dist_data.fin % (tamOther + 1) > 0 && idE+1 <= numP_other) ? idE+1 : idE;
} else { // Second subgroup
idE = ((dist_data.fin - middle) / tamOther) + remOther;
idE = ((dist_data.fin - middle) % tamOther > 0 && idE+1 <= numP_other) ? idE+1 : idE;
idS[0] = idI;
idS[1] = idE;
void print_counts2(struct Dist_data data_dist, int *xcounts, int *xdispls, int size, int include_zero, const char* name) {
int i;
for(i=0; i < size; i++) {
if(xcounts[i] != 0 || include_zero) {
printf("P%d of %d | %scounts[%d]=%d disp=%d\n", data_dist.myId, data_dist.numP, name, i, xcounts[i], xdispls[i]);
void print_global_results(double start_time) {
double sp_time, sy_time, asy_time, mall_time, global_time;
MAM_Retrieve_times(&sp_time, &sy_time, &asy_time, &mall_time);
global_time = MPI_Wtime() - start_time;
printf("T_spawn: %lf", sp_time);
printf("\nT_SR: %lf", sy_time);
printf("\nT_AR: %lf", asy_time);
printf("\nT_Malleability: %lf", mall_time);
printf("\nT_total: %lf\n", global_time);
#ifndef ToolsMAM
#define ToolsMAM 1
#include "SparseProduct.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include "../malleability/MAM.h"
typedef struct {
int n, initiated;
SparseMatrix other_subm;
int *recv_vlen;
int *array_vptr, *array_vlen, *array_vpos;
double *array_vval;
MPI_Comm comm;
MPI_Request reqs[2];
} user_redist_t;
static const user_redist_t empty_user_data = {
.n = 0,
.initiated = 0,
.recv_vlen = NULL,
.array_vptr = NULL,
.array_vlen = NULL,
.array_vpos = NULL,
.array_vval = NULL,
.comm = MPI_COMM_NULL,
extern void targets_distribution(mam_user_reconf_t user_reconf, user_redist_t *user_data);
//extern void targets_distribution_synch(mam_user_reconf_t user_reconf, user_redist_t *user_data);
......@@ -224,6 +224,21 @@ int DistributeMatrix (SparseMatrix spr, int index, ptr_SparseMatrix sprL, int in
return dim;
int ComputeMatrixSizes (int dim, int *vdimL, int *vdspL, MPI_Comm comm) {
int myId, nProcs;
int i, divL, rstL;
// Getiing the parameter of the communicator
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myId); MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nProcs);
// Calculating the vectors of sizes (vdimL) and displacements (vdspl)
divL = (dim / nProcs); rstL = (dim % nProcs);
for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) vdimL[i] = divL + (i < rstL);
vdspL[0] = 0; for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) vdspL[i+1] = vdspL[i] + vdimL[i];
return dim;
// vcols is a vector with dimPos elements, including integer values from 0 to dim-1
......@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ extern int ComputeSprMatrixRecvWeights (int prc_src, int sizes, MPI_Comm comm);
extern int DistributeMatrix (SparseMatrix spr, int index, ptr_SparseMatrix sprL, int indexL,
int *vdimL, int *vdspL, int root, MPI_Comm comm);
extern int ComputeMatrixSizes (int dim, int *vdimL, int *vdspL, MPI_Comm comm);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mymkl.h"
void rcopy (int *n, double *x, int *incx, double *y, int *incy) {
int i, dim = *n, ix = *incx, iy = *incy;
double *px = x, *py = y;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
*py = *px; px += ix; py += iy;
void rscal (int *n, double *alpha, double *x, int *incx) {
int i, dim = *n, ix = *incx;
double *px = x, a = *alpha;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
*px *= a; px += ix;
void raxpy (int *n, double *alpha, double *x, int *incx, double *y, int *incy) {
int i, dim = *n, ix = *incx, iy = *incy;
double *px = x, *py = y, a = *alpha;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
*py += *px * a; px += ix; py += iy;
double rdot (int *n, double *x, int *incx, double *y, int *incy) {
int i, dim = *n, ix = *incx, iy = *incy;
double aux = 0.0, *px = x, *py = y;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
aux += *py * *px; px += ix; py += iy;
return aux;
#ifndef mymkl
#define mymkl 1
void rcopy (int *n, double *x, int *incx, double *y, int *incy);
void rscal (int *n, double *alpha, double *x, int *incx);
void raxpy (int *n, double *alpha, double *x, int *incx, double *y, int *incy);
double rdot (int *n, double *x, int *incx, double *y, int *incy);
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