Commit 9135f28c authored by iker_martin's avatar iker_martin
Browse files

First commit. Added initial code for BiCGStab.

parent fbf4338a
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mkl_blas.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <hb_io.h>
#include <vector>
#include "reloj.h"
#include "ScalarVectors.h"
#include "SparseProduct.h"
#include "ToolsMPI.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "common.h"
// ================================================================================
#define DIRECT_ERROR 1
#define PRECOND 1
// #define SPMV_OPTIMIZED 1
#define COLL_P2P_SPMV 0
void BiCGStab (SparseMatrix mat, double *x, double *b, int *sizes, int *dspls, int myId) {
int size = mat.dim2, sizeR = mat.dim1;
int IONE = 1;
double DONE = 1.0, DMONE = -1.0, DZERO = 0.0;
int n, n_dist, iter, maxiter, nProcs;
double beta, tol, tol0, alpha, umbral, rho, omega, tmp;
double *s = NULL, *q = NULL, *r = NULL, *p = NULL, *r0 = NULL, *y = NULL, *p_hat = NULL, *q_hat = NULL;
double *aux = NULL;
double t1, t2, t3, t4;
double reduce[2];
int i, *posd = NULL;
double *diags = NULL;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProcs);
n = size; n_dist = sizeR; maxiter = 16 * size; umbral = 1.0e-8;
CreateDoubles (&s, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&q, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&r, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&r0, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&p, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&y, n_dist);
// init exact solution
double *res_err = NULL, *x_exact = NULL;
CreateDoubles (&x_exact, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&res_err, n_dist);
InitDoubles (x_exact, n_dist, DONE, DZERO);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
CreateInts (&posd, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&p_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&q_hat, n_dist);
CreateDoubles (&diags, n_dist);
GetDiagonalSparseMatrix2 (mat, dspls[myId], diags, posd);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i=0; i<n_dist; i++)
diags[i] = DONE / diags[i];
CreateDoubles (&aux, n);
int *permP = NULL, *ipermP = NULL;
int *vdspP = NULL, *vdimP = NULL, *vdspR = NULL, *vdimR = NULL;
double *vecP = NULL;
MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP = NULL, *vectDatatypeR = NULL;
CreateInts (&ipermP, size);
CreateInts (&vdimP, nProcs); CreateInts (&vdspP, nProcs + 1);
CreateInts (&vdimR, nProcs); CreateInts (&vdspR, nProcs + 1);
vectDatatypeP = (MPI_Datatype *) malloc (nProcs * sizeof (MPI_Datatype));
vectDatatypeR = (MPI_Datatype *) malloc (nProcs * sizeof (MPI_Datatype));
createAlltoallwStruct (COLL_P2P_SPMV, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mat, sizes, dspls, vdimP,
vdspP, &aux, &permP, ipermP, vdimR, vdspR, vectDatatypeP, vectDatatypeR);
// Code required before the loop
PermuteInts (mat.vpos, ipermP, mat.vptr[mat.dim1]);
iter = 0;
joinDistributeVectorSPMV (COLL_P2P_SPMV, MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, vecP, vdimP, vdspP,
vdimR, vdspR, vectDatatypeP, vectDatatypeR);
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, vecP, s); // s = A * x
MPI_Allgatherv (x, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, aux, sizes, dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, aux, s); // s = A * x
dcopy (&n_dist, b, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r = b
daxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, s, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r -= s
dcopy (&n_dist, r, &IONE, p, &IONE); // p = r
dcopy (&n_dist, r, &IONE, r0, &IONE); // r0 = r
// compute tolerance and <r0,r0>
rho = ddot (&n_dist, r, &IONE, r, &IONE);
tol0 = sqrt (rho);
tol = tol0;
// compute direct error
double direct_err;
dcopy (&n_dist, x_exact, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err = x_exact
daxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, x, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err -= x
// compute inf norm
direct_err = norm_inf(n_dist, res_err);
// // compute euclidean norm
// direct_err = ddot (&n_dist, res_err, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // direct_err = res_err' * res_err
// MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &direct_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// direct_err = sqrt(direct_err);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
if (myId == 0)
reloj (&t1, &t2);
while ((iter < maxiter) && (tol > umbral)) {
VvecDoubles (DONE, diags, p, DZERO, p_hat, n_dist); // p_hat = D^-1 * p
p_hat = p;
joinDistributeVectorSPMV (COLL_P2P_SPMV, MPI_COMM_WORLD, p_hat, vecP, vdimP,
vdspP, vdimR, vdspR, vectDatatypeP, vectDatatypeR);
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, vecP, s); // s = A * p
MPI_Allgatherv (p_hat, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, aux, sizes, dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (s, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, aux, s); // s = A * p
if (myId == 0)
printf ("%d \t %g \t %g \t %g \n", iter, tol, umbral, direct_err);
printf ("%d \t %g \n", iter, tol);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
alpha = ddot (&n_dist, r0, &IONE, s, &IONE);
alpha = rho / alpha;
dcopy (&n_dist, r, &IONE, q, &IONE); // q = r
tmp = -alpha;
daxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, s, &IONE, q, &IONE); // q = r - alpha * s;
// second spmv
VvecDoubles (DONE, diags, q, DZERO, q_hat, n_dist); // q_hat = D^-1 * q
q_hat = q;
joinDistributeVectorSPMV (COLL_P2P_SPMV, MPI_COMM_WORLD, q_hat, vecP, vdimP,
vdspP, vdimR, vdspR, vectDatatypeP, vectDatatypeR);
InitDoubles (y, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, vecP, y); // y = A * q
MPI_Allgatherv (q_hat, sizeR, MPI_DOUBLE, aux, sizes, dspls, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (y, sizeR, DZERO, DZERO);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (mat, 0, aux, y); // y = A * q
// omega = <q, y> / <y, y>
reduce[0] = ddot (&n_dist, q, &IONE, y, &IONE);
reduce[1] = ddot (&n_dist, y, &IONE, y, &IONE);
omega = reduce[0] / reduce[1];
// x+1 = x + alpha * p + omega * q
daxpy (&n_dist, &alpha, p_hat, &IONE, x, &IONE);
daxpy (&n_dist, &omega, q_hat, &IONE, x, &IONE);
// r+1 = q - omega * y
dcopy (&n_dist, q, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r = q
tmp = -omega;
daxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, y, &IONE, r, &IONE); // r = q - omega * y;
// rho = <r0, r+1> and tolerance
reduce[0] = ddot (&n_dist, r0, &IONE, r, &IONE);
reduce[1] = ddot (&n_dist, r, &IONE, r, &IONE);
tmp = reduce[0];
tol = sqrt (reduce[1]) / tol0;
// beta = (alpha / omega) * <r0, r+1> / <r0, r>
beta = (alpha / omega) * (tmp / rho);
rho = tmp;
// p+1 = r+1 + beta * (p - omega * s)
tmp = -omega;
daxpy (&n_dist, &tmp, s, &IONE, p, &IONE); // p -= omega * s
dscal (&n_dist, &beta, p, &IONE); // p = beta * p
daxpy (&n_dist, &DONE, r, &IONE, p, &IONE); // p += r
// compute direct error
dcopy (&n_dist, x_exact, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err = x_exact
daxpy (&n_dist, &DMONE, x, &IONE, res_err, &IONE); // res_err -= x
// compute inf norm
direct_err = norm_inf(n_dist, res_err);
// // compute euclidean norm
// direct_err = ddot (&n_dist, res_err, &IONE, res_err, &IONE);
// MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &direct_err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// direct_err = sqrt(direct_err);
#endif // DIRECT_ERROR
if (myId == 0)
reloj (&t3, &t4);
// Code required after the loop
PermuteInts (mat.vpos, permP, mat.vptr[mat.dim1]);
// Freeing memory for Permutation
free (vectDatatypeR); vectDatatypeR = NULL; free (vectDatatypeP); vectDatatypeP = NULL;
RemoveDoubles (&vecP); RemoveInts (&permP);
RemoveInts (&vdspR); RemoveInts (&vdimR); RemoveInts (&vdspP); RemoveInts (&vdimP);
RemoveInts (&ipermP);
if (myId == 0) {
printf ("Size: %d \n", n);
printf ("Iter: %d \n", iter);
printf ("Tol: %g \n", tol);
printf ("Time_loop: %20.10e\n", (t3-t1));
printf ("Time_iter: %20.10e\n", (t3-t1)/iter);
RemoveDoubles (&aux); RemoveDoubles (&s); RemoveDoubles (&q);
RemoveDoubles (&r); RemoveDoubles (&p); RemoveDoubles (&r0); RemoveDoubles (&y);
RemoveDoubles (&diags); RemoveInts (&posd);
RemoveDoubles(&p_hat); RemoveDoubles (&q_hat);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
int dim;
double *sol1 = NULL, *sol2 = NULL;
int index = 0, indexL = 0;
SparseMatrix mat = {0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL}, sym = {0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL};
int root = 0, myId, nProcs;
int dimL, dspL, *vdimL = NULL, *vdspL = NULL;
SparseMatrix matL = {0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL};
double *sol1L = NULL, *sol2L = NULL;
int mat_from_file, nodes, size_param, stencil_points;
if (argc == 3) {
mat_from_file = atoi(argv[2]);
} else {
mat_from_file = atoi(argv[2]);
nodes = atoi(argv[3]);
size_param = atoi(argv[4]);
stencil_points = atoi(argv[5]);
MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
// Definition of the variables nProcs and myId
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProcs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myId);
root = nProcs-1;
root = 0;
printf ("A\n");
CreateInts (&vdimL, nProcs); CreateInts (&vdspL, nProcs);
if(mat_from_file) {
if (myId == root) {
// Creating the matrix
ReadMatrixHB (argv[1], &sym);
TransposeSparseMatrices (sym, 0, &mat, 0);
dim = mat.dim1;
// Distributing the matrix
dim = DistributeMatrix (mat, index, &matL, indexL, vdimL, vdspL, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
dimL = vdimL[myId]; dspL = vdspL[myId];
printf ("B\n");
else {
dim = size_param * size_param * size_param;
int divL, rstL, i;
divL = (dim / nProcs); rstL = (dim % nProcs);
for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) vdimL[i] = divL + (i < rstL);
vdspL[0] = 0; for (i=1; i<nProcs; i++) vdspL[i] = vdspL[i-1] + vdimL[i-1];
dimL = vdimL[myId]; dspL = vdspL[myId];
int band_width = size_param * (size_param + 1) + 1;
band_width = 100 * nodes;
long nnz_here = ((long) (stencil_points + 2 * band_width)) * dimL;
printf ("dimL: %d, nodes: %d, size_param: %d, band_width: %d, stencil_points: %d, nnz_here: %ld\n",
dimL, nodes, size_param, band_width, stencil_points, nnz_here);
allocate_matrix(dimL, dim, nnz_here, &matL);
generate_Poisson3D_filled(&matL, size_param, stencil_points, band_width, dspL, dimL, dim);
// To generate ill-conditioned matrices
// double factor = 1.0e6;
// ScaleFirstRowCol(matL, dspL, dimL, myId, root, factor);
// Creating the vectors
CreateDoubles (&sol1, dim);
CreateDoubles (&sol2, dim);
CreateDoubles (&sol1L, dimL);
CreateDoubles (&sol2L, dimL);
InitDoubles (sol2, dim, 0.0, 0.0);
InitDoubles (sol1L, dimL, 0.0, 0.0);
InitDoubles (sol2L, dimL, 0.0, 0.0);
printf ("C\n");
int IONE = 1;
double beta = 1.0 / sqrt(dim);
if(mat_from_file) {
// compute b = A * x_c, x_c = 1/sqrt(nbrows)
InitDoubles (sol1, dim, 1.0, 0.0);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (matL, 0, sol1, sol1L); // s = A * x
dscal (&dimL, &beta, sol1L, &IONE); // s = beta * s
} else {
InitDoubles (sol1, dim, 0.0, 0.0);
int k=0;
int *vptrM = matL.vptr;
for (int i=0; i < matL.dim1; i++) {
for(int j=vptrM[i]; j<vptrM[i+1]; j++) {
sol1L[k] += matL.vval[j];
printf ("D\n");
MPI_Scatterv (sol2, vdimL, vdspL, MPI_DOUBLE, sol2L, dimL, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf ("E\n");
BiCGStab (matL, sol2L, sol1L, vdimL, vdspL, myId);
printf ("F\n");
// Error computation ||b-Ax||
// if(mat_from_file) {
MPI_Allgatherv (sol2L, dimL, MPI_DOUBLE, sol2, vdimL, vdspL, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
InitDoubles (sol2L, dimL, 0, 0);
ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (matL, 0, sol2, sol2L);
double DMONE = -1.0;
daxpy (&dimL, &DMONE, sol2L, &IONE, sol1L, &IONE);
beta = ddot (&dimL, sol1L, &IONE, sol1L, &IONE);
// } else {
// // case with x_exact = {1.0}
// for (int i=0; i<dimL; i++)
// sol2L[i] -= 1.0;
// beta = ddot (&dimL, sol2L, &IONE, sol2L, &IONE);
// }
beta = sqrt(beta);
if (myId == 0)
printf ("Error: %20.10e\n", beta);
// Freeing memory
RemoveDoubles (&sol1);
RemoveDoubles (&sol2);
RemoveDoubles (&sol1L);
RemoveDoubles (&sol2L);
RemoveInts (&vdspL); RemoveInts (&vdimL);
if (myId == root) {
RemoveSparseMatrix (&mat);
RemoveSparseMatrix (&sym);
MPI_Finalize ();
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ScalarVectors.h>
void CreateInts (int **vint, int dim) {
if ((*vint = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)*dim)) == NULL)
{ printf ("Memory Error (CreateInts(%d))\n", dim); exit (1); }
void RemoveInts (int **vint) {
if (*vint != NULL) { free (*vint); *vint = NULL; }
void InitInts (int *vint, int dim, int frst, int incr) {
int i, *p1 = vint, num = frst;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
{ *(p1++) = num; num += incr; }
void CopyInts (int *src, int *dst, int dim) {
memmove (dst, src, sizeof(int) * dim);
void CopyShiftInts (int *src, int *dst, int dim, int shft) {
int i, *p1 = src, *p2 = dst;
if (shft == 0)
CopyInts (src, dst, dim);
for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
*(p2++) = *(p1++) + shft;
void TransformLengthtoHeader (int *vint, int dim) {
int i, *pi = vint;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) { *(pi+1) += *pi; pi++; }
void TransformHeadertoLength (int *vint, int dim) {
int i, *pi = vint+dim;
for (i=dim; i>0; i--) { *(pi) -= *(pi-1); pi--; }
void ComputeHeaderfromLength (int *len, int *head, int dim) {
int i, *pi1 = len, *pi2 = head;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) { *(pi2+1) = (*pi2) +(*(pi1++)); pi2++; }
void ComputeLengthfromHeader (int *head, int *len, int dim) {
int i, *pi1 = head, *pi2 = len;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) { *(pi2++) = (*(pi1+1)) -(*pi1); pi1++; }
int AddInts (int *vint, int dim) {
int i, *pi = vint, aux = 0;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
aux += *pi; pi++;
return aux;
// The permutation defined by perm is applied on vec, whose size is dim.
void PermuteInts (int *vec, int *perm, int dim) {
int i, *pi = vec;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) { *pi = perm[*pi]; pi++; }
// Apply the inverse of perm, and store it on iperm, whose size is dim.
void ComputeInvPermutation (int *perm, int *iperm, int dim) {
int i, *pi1 = perm;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) { iperm[*(pi1++)] = i; }
// Scale by scal the elements of vint, whose size is dim.
void ScaleInts (int *vint, int scal, int dim) {
int i;
int *pi = vint;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
*(pi++) *= scal;
void CreateDoubles (double **vdbl, int dim) {
if ((*vdbl = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double)*dim)) == NULL)
{ printf ("Memory Error (CreateDoubles(%d))\n", dim); exit (1); }
void RemoveDoubles (double **vdbl) {
if (*vdbl != NULL) { free (*vdbl); *vdbl = NULL; }
void InitDoubles (double *vdbl, int dim, double frst, double incr) {
int i;
double *pd = vdbl, num = frst;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
{ *(pd++) = num; num += incr; }
void InitRandDoubles (double *vdbl, int dim, double frst, double last) {
int i;
double *pd = vdbl, size = last - frst;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
{ *(pd++) = frst + (size * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))); }
void CopyDoubles (double *src, double *dst, int dim) {
memmove (dst, src, sizeof(double) * dim);
void ScaleDoubles (double *vdbl, double scal, int dim) {
int i;
double *pd = vdbl;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
*(pd++) *= scal;
double DotDoubles (double *vdbl1, double *vdbl2, int dim) {
int i;
double *pd1 = vdbl1, *pd2 = vdbl2, res = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
res += (*(pd2++)) * (*(pd1++));
return res;
void VvecDoubles (double alfa, double *src1, double *src2, double beta, double *dst, int dim) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
//dst[i] = (beta * dst[i]) + (alfa * src1[i] * src2[i]);
double tmp = alfa * src1[i] * src2[i];
dst[i] = fma(beta, dst[i], tmp);
extern void CreateInts (int **vint, int dim);
extern void RemoveInts (int **vint);
extern void InitInts (int *vint, int dim, int frst, int incr);
extern void CopyInts (int *src, int *dst, int dim);
extern void CopyShiftInts (int *src, int *dst, int dim, int shft);
extern void TransformLengthtoHeader (int *vint, int dim);
extern void TransformHeadertoLength (int *vint, int dim);
extern void ComputeHeaderfromLength (int *len, int *head, int dim);
extern void ComputeLengthfromHeader (int *head, int *len, int dim);
extern int AddInts (int *vint, int dim);
// The permutation defined by perm is applied on vec, whose size is dim.
extern void PermuteInts (int *vec, int *perm, int dim);
// Apply the inverse of perm, and store it on iperm, whose size is dim.
extern void ComputeInvPermutation (int *perm, int *iperm, int dim);
// Scale by scal the elements of vint, whose size is dim.
extern void ScaleInts (int *vint, int scal, int dim);
extern void CreateDoubles (double **vdbl, int dim);
extern void RemoveDoubles (double **vdbl);
extern void InitDoubles (double *vdbl, int dim, double frst, double incr);
extern void InitRandDoubles (double *vdbl, int dim, double frst, double last);
extern void CopyDoubles (double *src, double *dst, int dim);
extern void ScaleDoubles (double *vdbl, double scal, int dim);
extern double DotDoubles (double *vdbl1, double *vdbl2, int dim);
extern void VvecDoubles (double alfa, double *src1, double *src2, double beta, double *dst, int dim);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
/// #include "InputOutput.h"
#include "ScalarVectors.h"
#include "hb_io.h"
#include "SparseProduct.h"
// This routine creates a sparseMatrix from the next parameters
// * numR defines the number of rows
// * numC defines the number of columns
// * numE defines the number of nonzero elements
// * msr indicates if the MSR is the format used to the sparse matrix
// If msr is actived, numE doesn't include the diagonal elements
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used.
void CreateSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix p_spr, int index, int numR, int numC, int numE, int msr) {
// printf (" index = %d , numR = %d , numC = %d , numE = %d\n", index, numR, numC, numE);
// The scalar components of the structure are initiated
p_spr->dim1 = numR; p_spr->dim2 = numC;
// Only one malloc is made for the vectors of indices
CreateInts (&(p_spr->vptr), numE+numR+1);
// The first component of the vectors depends on the used format
*(p_spr->vptr) = ((msr)? (numR+1): 0) + index;
p_spr->vpos = p_spr->vptr + ((msr)? 0: (numR+1));
// The number of nonzero elements depends on the format used
CreateDoubles (&(p_spr->vval), numE+(numR+1)*msr);
// This routine liberates the memory related to matrix spr
void RemoveSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix spr) {
// First the scalar are initiated
spr->dim1 = -1; spr->dim2 = -1;
// The vectors are liberated
RemoveInts (&(spr->vptr)); RemoveDoubles (&(spr->vval));
// This routine creates de sparse matrix dst from the symmetric matrix spr.
// The parameters indexS and indexD indicate, respectivaly, if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used
// to store the sparse matrices.
void DesymmetrizeSparseMatrices (SparseMatrix src, int indexS, ptr_SparseMatrix dst, int indexD) {
int n = src.dim1, nnz = 0;
int *sizes = NULL;
int *pp1 = NULL, *pp2 = NULL, *pp3 = NULL, *pp4 = NULL, *pp5 = NULL;
int i, j, dim, indexDS = indexD - indexS;
double *pd3 = NULL, *pd4 = NULL;
// The vector sizes is created and initiated
CreateInts (&sizes, n); InitInts (sizes, n, 0, 0);
// This loop counts the number of elements in each row
pp1 = src.vptr; pp3 = src.vpos + *pp1 - indexS;
pp2 = pp1 + 1 ; pp4 = sizes - indexS;
for (i=indexS; i<(n+indexS); i++) {
// The size of the corresponding row is accumulated
dim = (*pp2 - *pp1); pp4[i] += dim;
// Now each component of the row is analyzed
for (j=0; j<dim; j++) {
// The nondiagonals elements define another element in the graph
if (*pp3 != i) pp4[*pp3]++;
pp1 = pp2++;
// Compute the number of nonzeros of the new sparse matrix
nnz = AddInts (sizes, n);
// Create the new sparse matrix
CreateSparseMatrix (dst, indexD, n, n, nnz, 0);
// Fill the vector of pointers
CopyInts (sizes, (dst->vptr) + 1, n);
dst->vptr[0] = indexD; TransformLengthtoHeader (dst->vptr, n);
// The vector sizes is initiated with the beginning of each row
CopyInts (dst->vptr, sizes, n);
// This loop fills the contents of vector vpos
pp1 = src.vptr; pp3 = src.vpos + *pp1 - indexS;
pp2 = pp1 + 1 ; pp4 = dst->vpos - indexD; pp5 = sizes - indexS;
pd3 = src.vval + *pp1 - indexS; pd4 = dst->vval - indexD;
for (i=indexS; i<(n+indexS); i++) {
dim = (*pp2 - *pp1);
for (j=0; j<dim; j++) {
// The elements in the i-th row
pp4[pp5[i] ] = *pp3+indexDS;
pd4[pp5[i]++] = *pd3;
if (*pp3 != i) {
// The nondiagonals elements define another element in the graph
pp4[pp5[*pp3] ] = i+indexDS;
pd4[pp5[*pp3]++] = *pd3;
pp3++; pd3++;
pp1 = pp2++;
// The memory related to the vector sizes is liberated
RemoveInts (&sizes);
// This routine creates de sparse matrix dst from the matrix spr.
// The parameters indexS and indexD indicate, respectivaly, if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used
// to store the sparse matrices.
void TransposeSparseMatrices (SparseMatrix src, int indexS, ptr_SparseMatrix dst, int indexD) {
int n = src.dim1, nnz = 0;
int *sizes = NULL;
int *pp1 = NULL, *pp2 = NULL, *pp3 = NULL, *pp4 = NULL, *pp5 = NULL;
int i, j, dim, indexDS = indexD - indexS;
double *pd3 = NULL, *pd4 = NULL;
// The vector sizes is created and initiated
CreateInts (&sizes, n); InitInts (sizes, n, 0, 0);
// This loop counts the number of elements in each row
pp1 = src.vptr; pp3 = src.vpos + *pp1 - indexS;
pp2 = pp1 + 1 ; pp4 = sizes - indexS;
for (i=indexS; i<(n+indexS); i++) {
// The size of the corresponding row is accumulated
dim = (*pp2 - *pp1);
// Now each component of the row is analyzed
for (j=0; j<dim; j++) {
pp1 = pp2++;
// Compute the number of nonzeros of the new sparse matrix
nnz = AddInts (sizes, n);
// Create the new sparse matrix
CreateSparseMatrix (dst, indexD, n, n, nnz, 0);
// Fill the vector of pointers
CopyInts (sizes, (dst->vptr) + 1, n);
dst->vptr[0] = indexD; TransformLengthtoHeader (dst->vptr, n);
// The vector sizes is initiated with the beginning of each row
CopyInts (dst->vptr, sizes, n);
// This loop fills the contents of vector vpos
pp1 = src.vptr; pp3 = src.vpos + *pp1 - indexS;
pp2 = pp1 + 1 ; pp4 = dst->vpos - indexD; pp5 = sizes - indexS;
pd3 = src.vval + *pp1 - indexS; pd4 = dst->vval - indexD;
for (i=indexS; i<(n+indexS); i++) {
dim = (*pp2 - *pp1);
for (j=0; j<dim; j++) {
// The elements in the i-th column
pp4[pp5[*pp3] ] = i+indexDS;
pd4[pp5[*pp3]++] = *pd3;
pp3++; pd3++;
pp1 = pp2++;
// The memory related to the vector sizes is liberated
RemoveInts (&sizes);
int ReadMatrixHB (char *filename, ptr_SparseMatrix p_spr) {
int *colptr = NULL;
double *exact = NULL;
double *guess = NULL;
int indcrd;
char *indfmt = NULL;
FILE *input;
char *key = NULL;
char *mxtype = NULL;
int ncol;
int neltvl;
int nnzero;
int nrhs;
int nrhsix;
int nrow;
int ptrcrd;
char *ptrfmt = NULL;
int rhscrd;
char *rhsfmt = NULL;
int *rhsind = NULL;
int *rhsptr = NULL;
char *rhstyp = NULL;
double *rhsval = NULL;
double *rhsvec = NULL;
int *rowind = NULL;
char *title = NULL;
int totcrd;
int valcrd;
char *valfmt = NULL;
double *values = NULL;
printf ("\nTEST09\n");
printf (" HB_FILE_READ reads all the data in an HB file.\n");
printf (" HB_FILE_MODULE is the module that stores the data.\n");
input = fopen (filename, "r");
if ( !input ) {
printf ("\n TEST09 - Warning!\n Error opening the file %s .\n", filename);
return -1;
hb_file_read ( input, &title, &key, &totcrd, &ptrcrd, &indcrd,
&valcrd, &rhscrd, &mxtype, &nrow, &ncol, &nnzero, &neltvl,
&ptrfmt, &indfmt, &valfmt, &rhsfmt, &rhstyp, &nrhs, &nrhsix,
&colptr, &rowind, &values, &rhsval, &rhsptr, &rhsind, &rhsvec,
&guess, &exact );
fclose (input);
// Conversion Fortran to C
CopyShiftInts (colptr, colptr, nrow+1, -1);
CopyShiftInts (rowind, rowind, nnzero, -1);
// Data assignment
p_spr->dim1 = nrow ; p_spr->dim2 = ncol ;
p_spr->vptr = colptr; p_spr->vpos = rowind; p_spr->vval = values;
// Memory liberation
free (exact ); free (guess ); free (indfmt);
free (key ); free (mxtype); free (ptrfmt);
free (rhsfmt); free (rhsind); free (rhsptr);
free (rhstyp); free (rhsval); free (rhsvec);
free (title ); free (valfmt);
return 0;
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
void ProdSparseMatrixVector2 (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res) {
int i, j;
int *pp1 = spr.vptr, *pp2 = pp1+1, *pi1 = spr.vpos + *pp1 - index;
double aux, *pvec = vec - index, *pd2 = res;
double *pd1 = spr.vval + *pp1 - index;
// If the MSR format is used, first the diagonal has to be processed
if (spr.vptr == spr.vpos)
VvecDoubles (1.0, spr.vval, vec, 1.0, res, spr.dim1);
for (i=0; i<spr.dim1; i++) {
// The dot product between the row i and the vector vec is computed
aux = 0.0;
for (j=*pp1; j<*pp2; j++)
aux += *(pd1++) * pvec[*(pi1++)];
// for (j=spr.vptr[i]; j<spr.vptr[i+1]; j++)
// aux += spr.vval[j] * pvec[spr.vpos[j]];
// Accumulate the obtained value on the result
*(pd2++) += aux; pp1 = pp2++;
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res) {
int i, j, dim = spr.dim1;
int *pp1 = spr.vptr, *pi1 = spr.vpos + *pp1 - index;
double aux, *pvec = vec + *pp1 - index;
double *pd1 = spr.vval + *pp1 - index;
// Process all the rows of the matrix
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
// The dot product between the row i and the vector vec is computed
aux = 0.0;
for (j=pp1[i]; j<pp1[i+1]; j++)
aux = fma(pd1[j], pvec[pi1[j]], aux);
// Accumulate the obtained value on the result
res[i] += aux;
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows_OMP (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res) {
int i, j, dim = spr.dim1;
int *pp1 = spr.vptr, *pi1 = spr.vpos + *pp1 - index;
double aux, *pvec = vec + *pp1 - index;
double *pd1 = spr.vval + *pp1 - index;
// Process all the rows of the matrix
#pragma omp parallel for private(j, aux)
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
// The dot product between the row i and the vector vec is computed
aux = 0.0;
for (j=pp1[i]; j<pp1[i+1]; j++)
aux += pd1[j] * pvec[pi1[j]];
// Accumulate the obtained value on the result
res[i] += aux;
/*void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows_OMPTasks (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res, int bm) {
int i, dim = spr.dim1;
// Process all the rows of the matrix
//#pragma omp taskloop grainsize(bm)
for ( i=0; i<dim; i+=bm) {
int cs = dim - i;
int c = cs < bm ? cs : bm;
// for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
#pragma omp task depend(inout:res[i:i+c-1]) //shared(c)
// printf("Task SPMV ---- i: %d, c: %d \n", i, c);
int *pp1 = spr.vptr, *pi1 = spr.vpos + *pp1 - index;
double aux, *pvec = vec + *pp1 - index;
double *pd1 = spr.vval + *pp1 - index;
// The dot product between the row i and the vector vec is computed
aux = 0.0;
for(int idx=i; idx < i+c; idx++){
// printf("Task SPMV ---- idx: %d\n", idx);
for (int j=pp1[idx]; j<pp1[idx+1]; j++)
aux += pd1[j] * pvec[pi1[j]];
// Accumulate the obtained value on the result
res[idx] += aux;
void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows_OMPTasks (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res, int bm) {
int i, j, idx, dim = spr.dim1;
int *pp1 = spr.vptr, *pi1 = spr.vpos + *pp1 - index;
double aux, *pvec = vec + *pp1 - index;
double *pd1 = spr.vval + *pp1 - index;
// Process all the rows of the matrix
#pragma omp taskloop grainsize(bm)
for ( i=0; i<dim; i++ ) {
// The dot product between the row i and the vector vec is computed
aux = 0.0;
for (j=pp1[i]; j<pp1[i+1]; j++)
aux += pd1[j] * pvec[pi1[j]];
// Accumulate the obtained value on the result
res[i] += aux;
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByCols (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res) {
int i, j, dim = spr.dim1;
int *pp1 = spr.vptr, *pi1 = spr.vpos + *pp1 - index;
double aux, *pres = res + *pp1 - index;
double *pd1 = spr.vval + *pp1 - index;
// Process all the columns of the matrix
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
// The result is scaled by the column i and the scalar vec[i]
aux = vec[i];
for (j=pp1[i]; j<pp1[i+1]; j++)
pres[pi1[j]] += pd1[j] * aux;
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByCols_OMP (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res) {
int i, j, dim = spr.dim1;
int *pp1 = spr.vptr, *pi1 = spr.vpos + *pp1 - index;
double aux, *pres = res + *pp1 - index;
double *pd1 = spr.vval + *pp1 - index;
// Process all the columns of the matrix
#pragma omp parallel for private(j, aux)
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
// The result is scaled by the column i and the scalar vec[i]
for (j=pp1[i]; j<pp1[i+1]; j++) {
aux = vec[i] * pd1[j];
#pragma omp atomic
pres[pi1[j]] += aux;
void GetDiagonalSparseMatrix2 (SparseMatrix spr, int shft, double *diag, int *posd) {
int i, j, dim = (spr.dim1 < spr.dim2) ? spr.dim1 : spr.dim2;
int *pp1 = NULL, *pp2 = NULL, *pi1 = NULL, *pi2 = posd;
double *pd1 = NULL, *pd2 = diag;
if (spr.vptr == spr.vpos)
CopyDoubles (spr.vval, diag, spr.dim1);
else {
pp1 = spr.vptr; pp2 = pp1+1; j = (*pp2-*pp1);
pi1 = spr.vpos+*pp1; pd1 = spr.vval+*pp1;
for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
while ((j > 0) && (*pi1 < (i+shft))) {
pi1++; pd1++; j--;
*(pd2++) = ((j > 0) && (*pi1 == (i+shft))) ? *pd1: 0.0;
//*(pi2++) = ((j > 0) && (*pi1 == (i+shft))) ? *pp2-j: -1;
pi1 += j; pd1 += j; pp1 = (pp2++); j = (*pp2-*pp1);
#ifndef SparseProductTip
#define SparseProductTip 1
typedef struct
int dim1, dim2;
int *vptr;
int *vpos;
double *vval;
} SparseMatrix, *ptr_SparseMatrix;
// This routine creates a sparseMatrix from the next parameters
// * numR defines the number of rows
// * numC defines the number of columns
// * numE defines the number of nonzero elements
// * msr indicates if the MSR is the format used to the sparse matrix
// If msr is actived, numE doesn't include the diagonal elements
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used.
extern void CreateSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix p_spr, int index, int numR, int numC, int numE,
int msr);
// This routine liberates the memory related to matrix spr
extern void RemoveSparseMatrix (ptr_SparseMatrix spr);
// This routine creates de sparse matrix dst from the symmetric matrix spr.
// The parameters indexS and indexD indicate, respectivaly, if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used
// to store the sparse matrices.
extern void DesymmetrizeSparseMatrices (SparseMatrix src, int indexS, ptr_SparseMatrix dst,
int indexD);
// This routine creates de sparse matrix dst from the matrix spr.
// The parameters indexS and indexD indicate, respectivaly, if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used
// to store the sparse matrices.
void TransposeSparseMatrices (SparseMatrix src, int indexS, ptr_SparseMatrix dst, int indexD);
extern int ReadMatrixHB (char *filename, ptr_SparseMatrix p_spr);
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
extern void ProdSparseMatrixVector2 (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res);
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
extern void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res);
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
extern void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByRows_OMP (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res);
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
extern void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByCols (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res);
// This routine computes the product { res += spr * vec }.
// The parameter index indicates if 0-indexing or 1-indexing is used,
extern void ProdSparseMatrixVectorByCols_OMP (SparseMatrix spr, int index, double *vec, double *res);
extern void GetDiagonalSparseMatrix2 (SparseMatrix spr, int shft, double *diag, int *posd);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <ScalarVectors.h>
#include "ToolsMPI.h"
void Synchronization (MPI_Comm Synch_Comm, char *message) {
int my_id, i ;
MPI_Comm_rank(Synch_Comm, &my_id);
MPI_Barrier (Synch_Comm);
printf ("(%d) %s\n", my_id, message);
if (my_id == 0) printf ("Waiting ... \n");
if (my_id == 0) scanf ("%d", &i);
if (my_id == 0) printf (" ... done\n");
MPI_Barrier (Synch_Comm);
// Return true if the corresponding asynchonous communication,
// defined by data, has been finalized
int TestSimple (void *data) {
int flag = 0;
ptr_SimpleNode smpnode = (ptr_SimpleNode) data;
// Verify if the communication has finalized
MPI_Test (&(smpnode->req), &flag, &(smpnode->sta));
if (flag) {
// Remove the data included in the simple node
MPI_Wait (&(smpnode->req), &(smpnode->sta));
free (smpnode);
// Returns the result
return flag;
// Return true if the corresponding asynchonous communication,
// defined by data, has been finalized
int TestPacket (void *data) {
int flag = 0;
ptr_PacketNode pcknode = (ptr_PacketNode) data;
// Verify if the communication has finalized
MPI_Test (&(pcknode->req), &flag, &(pcknode->sta));
if (flag) {
// Remove the data included in the pack
MPI_Wait (&(pcknode->req), &(pcknode->sta));
MPI_Type_free (&(pcknode->pack));
free (pcknode);
// Returns the result
return flag;
// Detect the lost messages whose destination is one process
// into the processes of communicator Err_Comm
void DetectErrorsMPI (MPI_Comm Err_Comm) {
int my_id, flag= 0;
MPI_Status st;
// Definition of the variable my_id
MPI_Comm_rank(Err_Comm, &my_id);
// Test if some message exists
MPI_Iprobe (MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, Err_Comm, &flag, &st);
if (flag) {
printf ("%d --> (%d,%d)\n", my_id, st.MPI_SOURCE, st.MPI_TAG);
// Prepare the structures required to send/receive a SparseMatrix structure
// * spr refers to the SparseMatrix from where the data is obtained
// * size is the number of rows to be sent
// * weight is the number of nonzeros to be sent
// * pcknode, where the resulted packet appears
void MakeSprMatrixPacket (SparseMatrix spr, int size, int weight, ptr_PacketNode pcknode) {
int k;
int *lblq = pcknode->lblq;
MPI_Aint *dspl = pcknode->dspl;
MPI_Datatype *type = pcknode->type;
// Definition of reference pointer
pcknode->ptr = (unsigned char *) spr.vptr;
// Definition of the required vectors to create the packet
type[0] = MPI_INT ; lblq[0] = size+1; dspl[0] = (MPI_Aint) spr.vptr;
type[1] = MPI_INT ; lblq[1] = weight; dspl[1] = (MPI_Aint) spr.vpos;
type[2] = MPI_DOUBLE; lblq[2] = weight; dspl[2] = (MPI_Aint) spr.vval;
type[3] = MPI_UB ; lblq[3] = 1 ; dspl[3] = (MPI_Aint) (spr.vptr+size+1);
for (k=3; k>=0; k--) dspl[k] -= dspl[0];
// Creation of the packet
MPI_Type_create_struct (4, lblq, dspl, type, &(pcknode->pack));
void MakeSprMatrixSendPacket (SparseMatrix spr, int *vlen, int dimL, int dspL,
ptr_PacketNode pcknode) {
int k, weight, dspZ;
int *lblq = pcknode->lblq;
MPI_Aint *dspl = pcknode->dspl;
MPI_Datatype *type = pcknode->type;
// printf ("dimL = %d , dspL = %d\n", dimL, dspL);
// PrintInts (vlen, spr.dim1);
// PrintInts (spr.vptr, spr.dim1+1);
// Definition of reference pointer
pcknode->ptr = (unsigned char *) (vlen+dspL);
// Definition of the required vectors to create the packet
dspZ = spr.vptr[dspL]; weight = spr.vptr[dspL+dimL] - dspZ;
// printf ("dspZ = %d , weight = %d\n", dspZ, weight);
type[0] = MPI_INT ; lblq[0] = dimL ; dspl[0] = (MPI_Aint) (vlen+dspL );
type[1] = MPI_INT ; lblq[1] = weight; dspl[1] = (MPI_Aint) (spr.vpos+dspZ );
type[2] = MPI_DOUBLE; lblq[2] = weight; dspl[2] = (MPI_Aint) (spr.vval+dspZ );
type[3] = MPI_UB ; lblq[3] = 1 ; dspl[3] = (MPI_Aint) (vlen+dimL+dspL);
for (k=3; k>=0; k--) dspl[k] -= dspl[0];
// Creation of the packet
MPI_Type_create_struct (4, lblq, dspl, type, &(pcknode->pack));
void MakeSprMatrixRecvPacket (SparseMatrix sprL, int nnzL, ptr_PacketNode pcknode) {
int k, dimL = sprL.dim1;
int *lblq = pcknode->lblq;
MPI_Aint *dspl = pcknode->dspl;
MPI_Datatype *type = pcknode->type;
// printf ("nnzL = %d\n", nnzL);
// Definition of reference pointer
pcknode->ptr = (unsigned char *) (sprL.vptr+1);
// Definition of the required vectors to create the packet
type[0] = MPI_INT ; lblq[0] = dimL; dspl[0] = (MPI_Aint) (sprL.vptr+1);
type[1] = MPI_INT ; lblq[1] = nnzL; dspl[1] = (MPI_Aint) sprL.vpos;
type[2] = MPI_DOUBLE; lblq[2] = nnzL; dspl[2] = (MPI_Aint) sprL.vval;
type[3] = MPI_UB ; lblq[3] = 1 ; dspl[3] = (MPI_Aint) (sprL.vptr+1+dimL);
for (k=3; k>=0; k--) dspl[k] -= dspl[0];
// Creation of the packet
MPI_Type_create_struct (4, lblq, dspl, type, &(pcknode->pack));
// Compute the number of nonzeros elements of a PermSprMatrixRecvPacket packet
// * prc_src is the processor from which the messages is sent
// * dimL is the number of rows to be received
// * comm is the communicator in which the messages is sent
int ComputeSprMatrixRecvWeights (int prc_src, int dimL, MPI_Comm comm) {
int tam, tam_int, tam_double, tam_ub;
MPI_Status sta;
// Definition of sizes
MPI_Type_size(MPI_INT, &tam_int);
MPI_Type_size(MPI_DOUBLE, &tam_double);
MPI_Type_size(MPI_UB, &tam_ub);
MPI_Probe (prc_src, Tag_Send_Packet_Matrix_To_Leaf, comm, &sta);
MPI_Get_count (&sta, MPI_BYTE, &tam);
// Return the number of nonzeros included in a packet
return (tam - (dimL*tam_int + tam_ub)) / (tam_int + tam_double);
int DistributeMatrix (SparseMatrix spr, int index, ptr_SparseMatrix sprL, int indexL,
int *vdimL, int *vdspL, int root, MPI_Comm comm) {
int myId, nProcs;
int i, dim = spr.dim1, divL, rstL, dimL, dspL, nnzL;
ptr_PacketNode pcknode;
// Getiing the parameter of the communicator
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myId); MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nProcs);
// Broadcasting the matrix dimension
MPI_Bcast (&dim, 1, MPI_INT, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Calculating the vectors of sizes (vdimL) and displacements (vdspl)
divL = (dim / nProcs); rstL = (dim % nProcs);
for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) vdimL[i] = divL + (i < rstL);
vdspL[0] = 0; for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) vdspL[i+1] = vdspL[i] + vdimL[i];
dimL = vdimL[myId]; dspL = vdspL[myId];
// Distribution of the matrix, by blocks
if (root == myId) {
int *vlen = NULL;
CreateInts (&vlen, dim); ComputeLengthfromHeader (spr.vptr, vlen, dim);
for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) {
if (i != myId) {
// Creating the message for each destination
pcknode = (ptr_PacketNode) malloc (sizeof(PacketNode));
MakeSprMatrixSendPacket (spr, vlen, vdimL[i], vdspL[i], pcknode);
MPI_Send (pcknode->ptr, 1, pcknode->pack, i, Tag_Send_Packet_Matrix_To_Leaf, comm);
MPI_Type_free (&(pcknode->pack));
free (pcknode);
nnzL = spr.vptr[dspL+dimL] - spr.vptr[dspL];
CreateSparseMatrix (sprL, indexL, dimL, dim, nnzL, 0);
CopyInts (vlen+dspL, sprL->vptr+1, dimL);
CopyInts (spr.vpos+spr.vptr[dspL], sprL->vpos, nnzL);
CopyDoubles (spr.vval+spr.vptr[dspL], sprL->vval, nnzL);
RemoveInts (&vlen);
} else {
MPI_Status sta;
// Compute the number of nonzeroes and creating the local matrix
nnzL = ComputeSprMatrixRecvWeights (root, dimL, comm);
CreateSparseMatrix (sprL, indexL, dimL, dim, nnzL, 0);
// Receiving the data on the local matrix
pcknode = (ptr_PacketNode) malloc (sizeof(PacketNode));
MakeSprMatrixRecvPacket (*sprL, nnzL, pcknode);
MPI_Recv (pcknode->ptr, 1, pcknode->pack, root, Tag_Send_Packet_Matrix_To_Leaf,
comm, &sta);
MPI_Type_free (&(pcknode->pack));
free (pcknode);
*(sprL->vptr) = indexL; TransformLengthtoHeader (sprL->vptr, dimL);
return dim;
// vcols is a vector with dimPos elements, including integer values from 0 to dim-1
// The routine creates a bitmap determining which col index exists in vcols.
// The bitmao is stored in colsJoin whose size is colsJoin_dim
void joinColumns (int dim, int *vcols, int dimPos, unsigned char **colsJoin,
int *colsJoin_dim) {
int i, div, rem;
int vec_dim = (dim + (sizeof(unsigned char) * 8) - 1) / (sizeof(unsigned char) * 8);
unsigned char *vec = (unsigned char *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * vec_dim);
for (i=0; i<vec_dim; i++) {
vec[i] = 0x0;
for (i=0; i<dimPos; i++) {
div = vcols[i] / (sizeof(unsigned char) * 8);
rem = vcols[i] % (sizeof(unsigned char) * 8);
vec[div] |= (1 << rem);
*colsJoin = vec;
*colsJoin_dim = vec_dim;
// From colsJoin, this routine creates vector perm including the contents of the bitmap
// Knowing the partition defined by nProcs and vdspL, this routine extends this
// partition on perm, using vdimP and vdspP vectors
int createPerm (unsigned char *colsJoin, int colsJoin_dim, int *perm, int dim,
int *vdspL, int *vdimP, int *vdspP, int nProcs) {
int i, j, prc = 1, k = 0, col = 0;
vdspP[0] = 0;
for (i=0; i<colsJoin_dim; i++) {
if (colsJoin[i] != 0x0) {
unsigned char car = 0x1;
for (j=0; j<8*sizeof(unsigned char); j++) {
if (col == vdspL[prc]) {
vdimP[prc-1] = k - vdspP[prc-1];
vdspP[prc] = k;
if (colsJoin[i] & car) {
perm[k] = col;
car <<= 1;
} else {
col += 8*sizeof(unsigned char);
while ((prc <= nProcs) && (col >= vdspL[prc])) {
vdimP[prc-1] = k - vdspP[prc-1];
vdspP[prc] = k;
while ((prc <= nProcs) && (col >= vdspL[prc])) {
vdimP[prc-1] = k - vdspP[prc-1];
vdspP[prc] = k;
return k;
// Creation of the MPI_Datatype vectors to perform a reduction of the communications
// vectDatatypeP includes MPI_DOUBLE for all processes.
// vectDatatypeR includes the permutation required for each process.
void createVectMPITypes (int myId, int nProcs, int *vdimL, int *vdimP,
int *permR, int *vdimR, int *vdspR,
MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeR) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) {
vectDatatypeP[i] = MPI_DOUBLE;
if (i == myId) {
MPI_Type_contiguous(vdimR[i], MPI_DOUBLE, vectDatatypeR+i);
} else {
MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(vdimR[i], 1, permR+vdspR[i], MPI_DOUBLE,
// Creation of all structures to perform a reduction of the communications
// coll_p2p adapts the contents of the structure for collective or p2p operations
// vecP is created to store the required elements to complete the product in the process
// permP is created and included the permutation to be applied on vcols.
void createAlltoallwStruct (int coll_p2p, MPI_Comm comm, SparseMatrix matL,
int *vdimL, int *vdspL, int *vdimP, int *vdspP,
double **vecP, int **permP, int *ipermP,
int *vdimR, int *vdspR,
MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeR) {
// Definition of the variables nProcs and myId
int myId, nProcs;
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nProcs); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myId);
// Creation of column bitmap related to myId.
int colsJoin_dim = 0, dim = matL.dim2;
unsigned char *colsJoin = NULL;
joinColumns (dim, matL.vpos, matL.vptr[matL.dim1], &colsJoin, &colsJoin_dim);
// Creation of permutations, getting informaction from column bitmap
int permP_dim = 0;
permP_dim = createPerm (colsJoin, colsJoin_dim, ipermP, dim, vdspL,
vdimP, vdspP, nProcs);
free (colsJoin); colsJoin = NULL;
CreateDoubles (vecP, permP_dim);
CreateInts (permP, permP_dim); CopyInts (ipermP, *permP, permP_dim);
InitInts (ipermP, dim, -1, 0);
ComputeInvPermutation (*permP, ipermP, permP_dim);
// Definition of sizes of the sending pattern from myId
MPI_Alltoall (vdimP, 1, MPI_INT, vdimR, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
vdspR[0] = 0; ComputeHeaderfromLength (vdimR, vdspR, nProcs);
// Creation of the sending pattern from myId
int *permR = NULL, permR_dim = 0;;
permR_dim = vdspR[nProcs];
CreateInts (&permR, permR_dim);
MPI_Alltoallv (*permP, vdimP, vdspP, MPI_INT,
permR , vdimR, vdspR, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
CopyShiftInts (permR, permR, permR_dim, -vdspL[myId]);
// Definition of the MPI_Datatype vectors required for communication
createVectMPITypes (myId, nProcs, vdimL, vdimP, permR, vdimR, vdspR,
vectDatatypeP, vectDatatypeR);
// Computation of percentage of communication is done
int saving = vdspR[nProcs] - vdimL[myId];
MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, &saving, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm);
if (myId == 0) {
printf ("%d nnzs of %d = %f %% \n", saving, dim * (nProcs - 1),
100.0 * saving / (dim * (nProcs - 1)));
// Adaptation of sizes to complete the comunication
InitInts (vdimR, nProcs, 1, 0);
InitInts (vdspR, nProcs+1, 0, 0);
// This step is only required for MPI_Alltoallw
if (coll_p2p) {
ScaleInts (vdspP, sizeof(double), nProcs+1);
// Freeing unuseful structures
RemoveInts (&permR);
// Communications to complete a MPI_Alltoallv reducing the communications
// All elements required to compute SpMV is stored on vecP from vecL
// coll_p2p marks if collective or p2p operations are used
void joinDistributeVectorSPMV (int coll_p2p, MPI_Comm comm, double *vecL,
double *vecP, int *vdimP, int *vdspP, int *vdimR,
int *vdspR, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP,
MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeR) {
if (coll_p2p) {
// Comunication using a collective operation
MPI_Alltoallw (vecL, vdimR, vdspR, vectDatatypeR,
vecP, vdimP, vdspP, vectDatatypeP, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
} else {
// Definition of the variables nProcs, myId and other variables
int i, k = 0, myId, nProcs;
MPI_Comm_size (comm, &nProcs); MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myId);
// Definition of the vectors for implementing non-blocking communications
MPI_Status vectSta[2*nProcs-2];
MPI_Request vectReq[2*nProcs-2];
// Non-blocking send communications
for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) {
if (i != myId) {
MPI_Isend (vecL+vdspR[i], vdimR[i], vectDatatypeR[i], i, Tag_NonBlocking_SpMV,
comm, vectReq+k);
// Non-blocking receive communications
for (i=0; i<nProcs; i++) {
if (i != myId) {
MPI_Irecv (vecP+vdspP[i], vdimP[i], vectDatatypeP[i], i, Tag_NonBlocking_SpMV,
comm, vectReq+k);
// Local copy
memcpy (vecP+vdspP[myId], vecL, vdimP[myId] * sizeof(double));
// Waiting until all communications are complete
MPI_Waitall (2*nProcs-2, vectReq, vectSta);
#ifndef ToolsMPI
#define ToolsMPI 1
// #include <SparseMatricesNew.h>
#include <SparseProduct.h>
#define Tag_Demand_Matrix_From_Root 1001
#define Tag_Send_Task_To_Leaf 1002
#define Tag_Receive_Dims_Factor_From_Leaf 1003
#define Tag_End_Distribution_To_Leaf 1004
#define Tag_Send_Dims_Matrix_To_Leaf 1006
#define Tag_Send_Data_Matrix_To_Leaf 1007
#define Tag_Demand_Vector_From_Root 1011
#define Tag_Send_Dims_Vector_To_Father 1015
#define Tag_Send_Data_Vector_To_Father 1016
#define Tag_Send_Task_To_Root 1021
#define Tag_Send_Solution_To_Root 1022
#define Tag_Send_Dims_Vector_To_Children 1025
#define Tag_Send_Data_Vector_To_Children 1026
#define Tag_End_Resolution_To_Leaf 1031
#define Tag_Send_Vector_Up_1 1041
#define Tag_Send_Vector_Up_2 1042
#define Tag_Send_Packet_Matrix_To_Leaf 210
#define Tag_Receive_Data_Factor_From_Leaf 220
#define Tag_Send_Vector_To_Leaf 230
// #define Tag_FactorVector 240
#define Tag_NonBlocking_SpMV 1051
// typedef struct SimpleNode {
typedef struct {
MPI_Status sta;
MPI_Request req;
} SimpleNode, *ptr_SimpleNode;
// Return true if the corresponding asynchonous communication,
// defined by data, has been finalized
extern int TestSimple (void *data);
// #define MaxPacketSize 10000
#define MaxPacketSize 5000
// typedef struct PacketNode {
typedef struct {
unsigned char *ptr;
int lblq[2*MaxPacketSize+3], vlen[MaxPacketSize];
MPI_Aint dspl[2*MaxPacketSize+3];
MPI_Datatype type[2*MaxPacketSize+3];
MPI_Datatype pack;
MPI_Status sta;
MPI_Request req;
} PacketNode, *ptr_PacketNode;
extern void Synchronization (MPI_Comm Synch_Comm, char *message);
// Return true if the corresponding asynchonous communication,
// defined by data, has been finalized
extern int TestSimple (void *data);
// Return true if the corresponding asynchonous communication,
// defined by data, has been finalized
extern int TestPacket (void *data);
// Detect the lost messages whose destination is one process
// into the processes of communicator Err_Comm
extern void DetectErrorsMPI (MPI_Comm Err_Comm);
// Prepare the structures required to send/receive a SparseMatrix structure
// * spr refers to the SparseMatrix from where the data is obtained
// * size is the number of rows to be sent
// * weight is the number of nonzeros to be sent
// * pcknode, where the resulted packet appears
extern void MakeSprMatrixPacket (SparseMatrix spr, int size, int weight, ptr_PacketNode pcknode);
extern void MakeSprMatrixSendPacket (SparseMatrix spr, int *len, int dimL, int dspL,
ptr_PacketNode pcknode);
extern void MakeSprMatrixRecvPacket (SparseMatrix sprL, int nnzL, ptr_PacketNode pcknode);
// Compute the number of nonzeros elements of a PermSprMatrixRecvPacket packet
// * prc_src is the processor from which the messages is sent
// * sizes is the number of rows to be received
// * comm is the communicator in which the messages is sent
extern int ComputeSprMatrixRecvWeights (int prc_src, int sizes, MPI_Comm comm);
extern int DistributeMatrix (SparseMatrix spr, int index, ptr_SparseMatrix sprL, int indexL,
int *vdimL, int *vdspL, int root, MPI_Comm comm);
// vcols is a vector with dimPos elements, including integer values from 0 to dim-1
// The routine creates a bitmap determining which col index exists in vcols.
// The bitmao is stored in colsJoin whose size is colsJoin_dim
extern void joinColumns (int dim, int *vcols, int dimPos, unsigned char **colsJoin,
int *colsJoin_dim);
// From colsJoin, this routine creates vector perm including the contents of the bitmap
// Knowing the partition defined by nProcs and vdspL, this routine extends this
// partition on perm, using vdimP and vdspP vectors
extern int createPerm (unsigned char *colsJoin, int colsJoin_dim, int *perm, int dim,
int *vdspL, int *vdimP, int *vdspP, int nProcs);
// Creation of the MPI_Datatype vectors to perform a reduction of the communications
// vectDatatypeP includes MPI_DOUBLE for all processes.
// vectDatatypeR includes the permutation required for each process.
extern void createVectMPITypes (int myId, int nProcs, int *vdimL, int *vdimP,
int *permR, int *vdimR, int *vdspR,
MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeR);
// Creation of all structures to perform a reduction of the communications
// coll_p2p adapts the contents of the structure for collective or p2p operations
// vecP is created to store the required elements to complete the product in the process
// permP is created and included the permutation to be applied on vcols.
extern void createAlltoallwStruct (int coll_p2p, MPI_Comm comm, SparseMatrix matL,
int *vdimL, int *vdspL, int *vdimP, int *vdspP,
double **vecP, int **permP, int *ipermP,
int *vdimR, int *vdspR,
MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeR);
// Communications to complete a MPI_Alltoallv reducing the communications
// All elements required to compute SpMV is stored on vecP from vecL
// coll_p2p marks if collective or p2p operations are used
extern void joinDistributeVectorSPMV (int coll_p2p, MPI_Comm comm, double *vecL,
double *vecP, int *vdimP, int *vdspP, int *vdimR,
int *vdspR, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP,
MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeR);
#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H
#include <math.h>
double norm_inf(int n_dist, double *res_err) {
double nrm = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_dist; i++) {
double tmp = fabs(res_err[i]);
if (nrm < tmp)
nrm = tmp;
return nrm;
#endif // COMMON_H
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include "hb_io.h"
int ch_eqi ( char ch1, char ch2 )
CH_EQI is TRUE (1) if two characters are equal, disregarding case.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
13 June 2003
John Burkardt
Input, char CH1, CH2, the characters to compare.
Output, int CH_EQI, is TRUE (1) if the two characters are equal,
disregarding case and FALSE (0) otherwise.
int value;
if ( 97 <= ch1 && ch1 <= 122 )
ch1 = ch1 - 32;
if ( 97 <= ch2 && ch2 <= 122 )
ch2 = ch2 - 32;
if ( ch1 == ch2 )
value = 1;
value = 0;
return value;
int ch_is_digit ( char c )
CH_IS_DIGIT returns TRUE if a character is a decimal digit.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Input, char C, the character to be analyzed.
Output, int CH_IS_DIGIT, is TRUE if C is a digit.
int value;
if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' )
value = 1;
value = 0;
return value;
int ch_is_format_code ( char c )
CH_IS_FORMAT_CODE returns TRUE (1) if a character is a FORTRAN format code.
The format codes accepted here are not the only legal format
codes in FORTRAN90. However, they are more than sufficient
for my needs!
A Character
B Binary digits
D Real number, exponential representation
E Real number, exponential representation
F Real number, fixed point
G General format
I Integer
L Logical variable
O Octal digits
Z Hexadecimal digits
* Free format
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Input, char C, the character to be analyzed.
Output, int CH_IS_FORMAT_CODE, is 1 if C is a FORTRAN format code.
int value;
if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'A' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'B' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'D' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'E' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'F' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'G' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'I' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'L' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'O' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( ch_eqi ( c, 'Z' ) )
value = 1;
else if ( c == '*' )
value = 1;
value = 0;
return value;
int ch_to_digit ( char ch )
CH_TO_DIGIT returns the integer value of a base 10 digit.
--- -----
'0' 0
'1' 1
... ...
'9' 9
' ' 0
'X' -1
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
13 June 2003
John Burkardt
Input, char CH, the decimal digit, '0' through '9' or blank are legal.
Output, int CH_TO_DIGIT, the corresponding integer value. If the
character was 'illegal', then DIGIT is -1.
int digit;
if ( '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' )
digit = ch - '0';
else if ( ch == ' ' )
digit = 0;
digit = -1;
return digit;
void hb_exact_read ( FILE *input, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double exact[] )
HB_EXACT_READ reads the exact solution vectors in an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *INPUT, the unit from which data is read.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
right hand sides.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Output, double EXACT[NROW*NRHS], the exact solution vectors.
# define LINE_MAX 255
char code;
char *error;
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int khi;
int klo;
char line[LINE_MAX];
int line_len;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
char *s;
int w;
if ( 0 < rhscrd )
// if ( rhstyp[2] == 'X' )
if ( toupper(rhstyp[2]) == 'X' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrow * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_EXACT_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrow * nrhs );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
exact[j-1] = atof ( s );
# undef LINE_MAX
void hb_exact_write ( FILE *output, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double exact[] )
HB_EXACT_WRITE writes the exact solution vectors to an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *OUTPUT, the unit to which data is written.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
right hand sides.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Input, double EXACT[NROW*NRHS], the exact solution vectors.
char code;
char format[80];
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
int w;
if ( 0 < rhscrd )
// if ( rhstyp[2] == 'X' )
if ( toupper(rhstyp[2]) == 'X' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
sprintf ( format, "%%%dg", w );
line_num = 1 + ( nrow * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrow * nrhs );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, exact[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
void hb_file_read ( FILE *input, char **title, char **key, int *totcrd,
int *ptrcrd, int *indcrd, int *valcrd, int *rhscrd, char **mxtype, int *nrow,
int *ncol, int *nnzero, int *neltvl, char **ptrfmt, char **indfmt,
char **valfmt, char **rhsfmt, char **rhstyp, int *nrhs, int *nrhsix,
int **colptr, int **rowind, double **values, double **rhsval, int **rhsptr,
int **rhsind, double **rhsvec, double **guess, double **exact )
HB_FILE_READ reads an HB file.
This routine reads all the information from an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *INPUT, the unit from which the data is read.
Output, char *TITLE, a 72 character title for the matrix.
Output, char *KEY, an 8 character identifier for the matrix.
Output, int *TOTCRD, the total number of lines of data.
Output, int *PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
Output, int *INDCRD, the number of input lines for row indices.
Output, int *VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
Output, int *RHSCRD, the number of input lines for right hand sides.
Output, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Output, int *NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Output, int *NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
Output, int *NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Output, int *NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Output, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Output, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Output, char *VALFMT, the 20 character format for reading values.
Output, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Output, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Output, int *NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Output, int *NRHSIX, the number of entries of storage for right
hand side values, in the case where RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and
MXTYPE[2] = 'A'.
Output, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR[I-1] points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Output, int ROWIND[NNZERO], the row index of each item.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'F':
Output, int ROWIND[NELTVL], the row index of each item.
If RHSTYP[0] == 'F':
Output, double RHSVAL[NROW*NRHS], contains NRHS dense right hand
side vectors.
Output, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Output, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Output, int RHSVEC[], is not used.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'A':
Output, double RHSVAL[], is not used.
Output, int RHSPTR[NRHS+1], RHSPTR[I-1] points to the location of
the first entry of right hand side I in the sparse right hand
side vector.
Output, int RHSIND[NRHSIX], indicates, for each entry of
RHSVEC, the corresponding row index.
Output, double RHSVEC[NRHSIX], contains the value of the right hand
side entries.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'E':
Output, double RHSVAL[NNZERO*NRHS], contains NRHS unassembled
finite element vector right hand sides.
Output, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Output, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Output, double RHSVEC[], is not used.
Output, double GUESS[NROW*NRHS], the starting guess vectors.
Output, double EXACT[NROW*NRHS], the exact solution vectors.
Read the header block.
hb_header_read ( input, title, key, totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd,
valcrd, rhscrd, mxtype, nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl, ptrfmt, indfmt,
valfmt, rhsfmt, rhstyp, nrhs, nrhsix );
Read the matrix structure.
// printf ("ptrcrd = %d\n", *ptrcrd);
// if ( 0 < ptrcrd )
if ( 0 < *ptrcrd ) // JOSE
if ( (*colptr) )
free ( (*colptr) );
(*colptr) = ( int * ) malloc ( (*(ncol)+1) * sizeof ( int ) );
// printf ("indcrd = %d\n", *indcrd);
// if ( 0 < indcrd )
if ( 0 < *indcrd ) // JOSE
if ( (*rowind) )
free ( (*rowind) );
// printf ("mxtype = %s\n", *mxtype);
// if ( (*mxtype)[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper((*mxtype)[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
(*rowind) = ( int * ) malloc ( *nnzero * sizeof ( int ) );
// else if ( (*mxtype)[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper((*mxtype)[2]) == 'E' )
(*rowind) = ( int * ) malloc ( *neltvl * sizeof ( int ) );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_FILE_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3!\n" );
exit ( 1 );
// printf ("Before hb_structure_read\n");
hb_structure_read ( input, *ncol, *mxtype, *nnzero, *neltvl,
*ptrcrd, *ptrfmt, *indcrd, *indfmt, *colptr, *rowind );
// printf ("After hb_structure_read\n");
Read the matrix values.
if ( 0 < valcrd )
if ( *values )
free ( (*values) );
// if ( *mxtype)[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper((*mxtype)[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
*values = ( double * ) malloc ( *nnzero * sizeof ( double ) );
// else if ( (*mxtype)[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper((*mxtype)[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
*values = ( double * ) malloc ( *neltvl * sizeof ( double ) );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_FILE_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3!\n" );
exit ( 1 );
hb_values_read ( input, *valcrd, *mxtype, *nnzero, *neltvl,
*valfmt, *values );
Read the right hand sides.
// if ( 0 < rhscrd )
// printf ("rhscrd = %d\n", *rhscrd);
if ( 0 < *rhscrd ) // JOSE
// if ( (*rhstyp)[0] == 'F' )
if ( toupper(*rhstyp[0]) == 'F' ) // JOSE
if ( *rhsval )
free ( *rhsval );
*rhsval = ( double * ) malloc ( (*nrow) * (*nrhs) * sizeof ( double ) );
// else if ( (*rhstyp)[0] == 'M' && (*mxtype)[2] == 'A' )
else if ( toupper((*rhstyp)[0]) == 'M' && toupper((*mxtype)[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
if ( *rhsptr )
free ( *rhsptr );
*rhsptr = ( int * ) malloc ( (*nrhs+1) * sizeof ( int ) );;
if ( *rhsind )
free ( *rhsind );
*rhsind = ( int * ) malloc ( *nrhsix * sizeof ( int ) );;
if ( *rhsvec )
free ( *rhsvec );
*rhsvec = ( double * ) malloc ( (*nrhsix) * sizeof ( double ) );
// else if ( (*rhstyp)[0] == 'M' && (*mxtype)[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper((*rhstyp)[0]) == 'M' && toupper((*mxtype)[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
if ( *rhsval )
free ( *rhsval );
*rhsval = ( double * ) malloc ( (*nnzero) * (*nrhs) * sizeof ( double ) );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_FILE_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal combination of RHSTYP character 1\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " and MXTYPE character 3!\n" );
exit ( 1 );
hb_rhs_read ( input, *nrow, *nnzero, *nrhs, *nrhsix,
*rhscrd, *ptrfmt, *indfmt, *rhsfmt, *mxtype, *rhstyp, *rhsval,
*rhsind, *rhsptr, *rhsvec );
Read the starting guesses.
// if ( (*rhstyp)[1] == 'G' )
if ( toupper(*rhstyp[1]) == 'G' ) // JOSE
if ( *guess )
free ( *guess );
*guess = ( double * ) malloc ( (*nrow) * (*nrhs) * sizeof ( double ) );
hb_guess_read ( input, *nrow, *nrhs, *rhscrd, *rhsfmt, *rhstyp, *guess );
Read the exact solutions.
// if ( (*rhstyp)[2] == 'X' )
if ( toupper(*rhstyp[2]) == 'X' ) // JOSE
if ( *exact )
free ( *exact );
*exact = ( double * ) malloc ( (*nrow) * (*nrhs) * sizeof ( double ) );
hb_exact_read ( input, *nrow, *nrhs, *rhscrd, *rhsfmt, *rhstyp, *exact );
void hb_file_write ( FILE *output, char *title, char *key, int totcrd,
int ptrcrd, int indcrd, int valcrd, int rhscrd, char *mxtype, int nrow,
int ncol, int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *valfmt,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, int nrhs, int nrhsix, int colptr[],
int rowind[], double values[], double rhsval[], int rhsptr[], int rhsind[],
double rhsvec[], double guess[], double exact[] )
HB_FILE_WRITE writes an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, ofsteam &OUTPUT, the unit to which data is written.
Input, char *TITLE, a 72 character title for the matrix.
Input, char *KEY, an 8 character identifier for the matrix.
Input, int TOTCRD, the total number of lines of data.
Input, int PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
Input, int INDCRD, the number of input lines for row indices.
Input, int VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of input lines for right hand sides.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Input, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Input, char *VALFMT, the 20 character format for reading values.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int NRHSIX, the number of row indices (set to 0
in the case of unassembled matrices.) Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Input, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR(I) points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Input, int ROWIND[NNZERO], the row index of each item.
Input, double VALUES[NNZERO], the nonzero values of the matrix.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'E':
Input, int ROWIND[NELTVL], the row index of each item.
Input, double VALUES[NELTVL], the nonzero values of the matrix.
If RHSTYP[0] == 'F':
Input, double RHSVAL[NROW*NRHS], contains NRHS dense right hand
side vectors.
Input, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Input, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Input, double RHSVEC[], is not used.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'A':
Input, double RHSVAL[], is not used.
Input, int RHSPTR[NRHS+1], RHSPTR(I) points to the location of
the first entry of right hand side I in the sparse right hand
side vector.
Input, int RHSIND[NRHSIX], indicates, for each entry of
RHSVEC, the corresponding row index.
Input, double RHSVEC[NRHSIX], contains the value of the right hand
side entries.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'E':
Input, double RHSVAL[NNZERO*NRHS], contains NRHS unassembled
finite element vector right hand sides.
Input, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Input, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Input, double RHSVEC[], is not used.
Input, double GUESS[NROW*NRHS], the starting guess vectors.
Input, double EXACT[NROW*NRHS], the exact solution vectors.
Write the header block.
hb_header_write ( output, title, key, totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd,
valcrd, rhscrd, mxtype, nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl, ptrfmt, indfmt,
valfmt, rhsfmt, rhstyp, nrhs, nrhsix );
Write the matrix structure.
hb_structure_write ( output, ncol, mxtype, nnzero, neltvl,
ptrfmt, indfmt, colptr, rowind );
Write the matrix values.
hb_values_write ( output, valcrd, mxtype, nnzero, neltvl,
valfmt, values );
Write the right hand sides.
hb_rhs_write ( output, nrow, nnzero, nrhs, nrhsix,
rhscrd, ptrfmt, indfmt, rhsfmt, mxtype, rhstyp, rhsval,
rhsind, rhsptr, rhsvec );
Write the starting guesses.
hb_guess_write ( output, nrow, nrhs, rhscrd, rhsfmt, rhstyp, guess );
Write the exact solutions.
hb_exact_write ( output, nrow, nrhs, rhscrd, rhsfmt, rhstyp, exact );
void hb_guess_read ( FILE *input, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double guess[] )
HB_GUESS_READ reads the starting guess vectors in an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *INPUT, the unit from which data is read.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
right hand sides.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Output, double GUESS[NROW*NRHS], the starting guess vectors.
# define LINE_MAX 255
char code;
char *error;
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int khi;
int klo;
char line[LINE_MAX];
int line_len;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
char *s;
int w;
if ( 0 < rhscrd )
// if ( rhstyp[1] == 'G' )
if ( toupper(rhstyp[1]) == 'G' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrow * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_GUESS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrow * nrhs );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
guess[j-1] = atof ( s );
# undef LINE_MAX
void hb_guess_write ( FILE *output, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double guess[] )
HB_GUESS_WRITE writes the starting guess vectors to an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *OUTPUT, the unit to which data is written.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
right hand sides.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Input, double GUESS[NROW*NRHS], the starting guess vectors.
char code;
char format[80];
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
int w;
if ( 0 < rhscrd )
// if ( rhstyp[1] == 'G' )
if ( toupper(rhstyp[1]) == 'G' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrow * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
sprintf ( format, "%%%dg", w );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrow * nrhs );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, guess[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
void hb_header_print ( char *title, char *key, int totcrd, int ptrcrd,
int indcrd, int valcrd, int rhscrd, char *mxtype, int nrow, int ncol,
int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *valfmt,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, int nrhs, int nrhsix )
HB_HEADER_PRINT prints the header of an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
21 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, char *TITLE, a 72 character title for the matrix.
Input, char *KEY, an 8 character identifier for the matrix.
Input, int TOTCRD, the total number of lines of data.
Input, int PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
Input, int INDCRD, the number of input lines for row indices.
Input, int VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of input lines for right hand sides.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Input, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Input, char *VALFMT, the 20 character format for reading values.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int NRHSIX, the number of entries of storage for right
hand side values, in the case where RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and
MXTYPE[2] = 'A'.
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " TITLE = \"%s\".\n", title );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " TOTCRD = %d\n", totcrd );
printf ( " PTRCRD = %d\n", ptrcrd );
printf ( " INDCRD = %d\n", indcrd );
printf ( " VALCRD = %d\n", valcrd );
printf ( " RHSCRD = %d\n", rhscrd );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " KEY = \"%s\".\n", key );
printf ( " MXTYPE = \"%s\".\n", mxtype );
printf ( " RHSTYP = \"%s\".\n", rhstyp );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " NROW = %d\n", nrow );
printf ( " NCOL = %d\n", ncol );
printf ( " NNZERO = %d\n", nnzero );
printf ( " NELTVL = %d\n", neltvl );
printf ( " NRHS = %d\n", nrhs );
printf ( " NRHSIX = %d\n", nrhsix );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " PTRFMT = \"%s\".\n", ptrfmt );
printf ( " INDFMT = \"%s\".\n", indfmt );
printf ( " VALFMT = \"%s\".\n", valfmt );
printf ( " RHSFMT = \"%s\".\n", rhsfmt );
void hb_header_read ( FILE *input, char **title, char **key, int *totcrd,
int *ptrcrd, int *indcrd, int *valcrd, int *rhscrd, char **mxtype, int *nrow,
int *ncol, int *nnzero, int *neltvl, char **ptrfmt, char **indfmt, char **valfmt,
char **rhsfmt, char **rhstyp, int *nrhs, int *nrhsix )
HB_HEADER_READ reads the header of an HB file.
The user should already have opened the file, and positioned it
to the first record.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
21 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *INPUT, the unit from which data is read.
Output, char *TITLE, a 72 character title for the matrix.
Output, char *KEY, an 8 character identifier for the matrix.
Output, int *TOTCRD, the total number of lines of data.
Output, int *PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
Output, int *INDCRD, the number of input lines for row indices.
Output, int *VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
Output, int *RHSCRD, the number of input lines for right hand sides.
Output, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Output, int *NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Output, int *NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
Output, int *NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Output, int *NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Output, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Output, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Output, char *VALFMT, the 20 character format for reading values.
Output, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Output, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Output, int *NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Output, int *NRHSIX, the number of entries of storage for right
hand side values, in the case where RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and
MXTYPE[2] = 'A'.
# define LINE_MAX 255
char *error;
char *field;
char line[LINE_MAX];
int line_len;
Read line 1.
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error reading header line 1.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
*title = s_substring ( line, 1, 72 );
s_trim ( *title );
*key = s_substring ( line, 73, 80 );
s_trim ( *key );
Read line 2.
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error reading header line 2.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
field = s_substring ( line, 1, 14 );
*totcrd = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 15, 28 );
*ptrcrd = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 29, 42 );
*indcrd = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 43, 56 );
*valcrd = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 57, 70 );
*rhscrd = atoi ( field );
Read line 3.
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error reading header line 3.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
*mxtype = s_substring ( line, 1, 3 );
s_trim ( *mxtype );
field = s_substring ( line, 15, 28 );
*nrow = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 29, 42 );
*ncol = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 43, 56 );
*nnzero = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 57, 70 );
*neltvl = atoi ( field );
Read line 4.
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error reading header line 4.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
*ptrfmt = s_substring ( line, 1, 16 );
s_trim ( *ptrfmt );
*indfmt = s_substring ( line, 17, 32 );
s_trim ( *indfmt );
*valfmt = s_substring ( line, 33, 52 );
s_trim ( *valfmt );
*rhsfmt = s_substring ( line, 53, 72 );
s_trim ( *rhsfmt );
Read line 5.
// if ( 0 < rhscrd )
if ( 0 < *rhscrd ) // JOSE
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_HEADER_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error reading header line 5.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
*rhstyp = s_substring ( line, 1, 3 );
s_trim ( *rhstyp );
field = s_substring ( line, 15, 28 );
*nrhs = atoi ( field );
field = s_substring ( line, 29, 42 );
*nrhsix = atoi ( field );
*rhstyp = NULL;
*nrhs = 0;
*nrhsix = 0;
# undef LINE_MAX
void hb_header_write ( FILE *output, char *title, char *key, int totcrd,
int ptrcrd, int indcrd, int valcrd, int rhscrd, char *mxtype, int nrow,
int ncol, int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *valfmt,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, int nrhs, int nrhsix )
HB_HEADER_WRITE writes the header of an HB file.
The user should already have opened the file, and positioned it
to the first record.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
09 April 2004
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *OUTPUT, the unit to which data is written.
Input, char *TITLE, a 72 character title for the matrix.
Input, char *KEY, an 8 character identifier for the matrix.
Input, int TOTCRD, the total number of lines of data.
Input, int PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
Input, int INDCRD, the number of input lines for row indices.
Input, int VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of input lines for right hand sides.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Input, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Input, char *VALFMT, the 20 character format for reading values.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int NRHSIX, the number of row indices (set to 0
in the case of unassembled matrices.) Ignored if NRHS = 0.
Note that the seemingly bizarre negative signs on the character string field
widths causes the strings to be printed left-justified.
fprintf ( output, "%-72s%-8s\n", title, key );
fprintf ( output, "%14d%14d%14d%14d%14d\n",
totcrd, ptrcrd, indcrd, valcrd, rhscrd );
fprintf ( output, "%-3s %14d%14d%14d%14d\n",
mxtype, nrow, ncol, nnzero, neltvl );
fprintf ( output, "%-16s%-16s%-20s%-20s\n",
ptrfmt, indfmt, valfmt, rhsfmt );
if ( 0 < rhscrd )
fprintf ( output, "%-3s %14d%14d\n", rhstyp, nrhs, nrhsix );
double *hb_matvec_a_mem ( int nrow, int ncol, int nnzero, int nrhs,
int colptr[], int rowind[], double values[], double exact[] )
HB_MATVEC_A_MEM multiplies an assembled Harwell Boeing matrix times a vector.
In this "A_MEM" version of the routine, the matrix is assumed to be in
"assembled" form, and all the data is assumed to be small enough
to reside completely in memory; the matrix and multiplicand vectors
are assumed to have been read into memory before this routine is called.
It is assumed that MXTYPE(3:3) = 'A', that is, that the matrix is
stored in the "assembled" format.
Also, the storage used for the vectors X and the products A*X
corresponds to RHSTYP(1:1) = 'F', that is, the "full" storage mode
for vectors.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR(I) points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
Input, int ROWIND[NNZERO], the row index of each item.
Input, double VALUES[NNZERO], the nonzero values of the matrix.
Input, double EXACT[NCOL*NRHS], contains NRHS dense vectors.
Output, double HB_MATVEC_A_MEM[NROW*NRHS], the product vectors A*X.
int column;
int k;
double *rhsval;
int rhs;
int row;
rhsval = ( double * ) malloc ( nrow * nrhs * sizeof ( double ) );
Zero out the result vectors.
for ( rhs = 1; rhs <= nrhs; rhs++ )
for ( row = 1; row <= nrow; row++ )
rhsval[row-1+(rhs-1)*nrow] = 0.0;
For each column J of the matrix,
for ( column = 1; column <= ncol; column++ )
For nonzero entry K
for ( k = colptr[column-1]; k <= colptr[column]-1; k++ )
row = rowind[k-1];
For each right hand side vector:
B(I,1:NRHS) = B(I,1:NRHS) + A(I,J) * X(J,1:NRHS)
for ( rhs = 1; rhs <= nrhs; rhs++ )
rhsval[row-1+(rhs-1)*nrow] = rhsval[row-1+(rhs-1)*nrow]
+ values[k-1] * exact[column-1+(rhs-1)*ncol];
return rhsval;
void hb_rhs_read ( FILE *input, int nrow, int nnzero, int nrhs, int nrhsix,
int rhscrd, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *rhsfmt, char *mxtype,
char *rhstyp, double rhsval[], int rhsind[], int rhsptr[], double rhsvec[] )
HB_RHS_READ reads the right hand side information in an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *INPUT, the unit from which data is read.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int NRHSIX, the number of entries of storage for right
hand side values, in the case where RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and
MXTYPE[2] = 'A'.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
right hand sides.
Input, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Input, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
If RHSTYP[0] == 'F':
Output, double RHSVAL[NROW*NRHS], contains NRHS dense right hand
side vectors.
Output, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Output, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Output, int RHSVEC[], is not used.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'A':
Output, double RHSVAL[], is not used.
Output, int RHSPTR[NRHS+1], RHSPTR[I-1] points to the location of
the first entry of right hand side I in the sparse right hand
side vector.
Output, int RHSIND[NRHSIX], indicates, for each entry of
RHSVEC, the corresponding row index.
Output, double RHSVEC[NRHSIX], contains the value of the right hand
side entries.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'E':
Output, double RHSVAL[NNZERO*NRHS], contains NRHS unassembled
finite element vector right hand sides.
Output, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Output, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Output, double RHSVEC[], is not used.
# define LINE_MAX 255
char code;
char *error;
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int khi;
int klo;
char line[LINE_MAX];
int line_len;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
char *s;
int w;
Read the right hand sides.
case F = "full" or "dense";
case not F + matrix storage is "A" = sparse pointer RHS
case not F + matrix storage is "E" = finite element RHS
if ( 0 < rhscrd )
Dense right hand sides:
// if ( rhstyp[0] == 'F' )
if ( toupper(rhstyp[0]) == 'F' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrow * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrow * nrhs );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
rhsval[j-1] = atof ( s );
Sparse right-hand sides stored like the matrix.
Read pointer array, indices, and values.
// else if ( rhstyp[0] == 'M' )
else if ( toupper(rhstyp[0]) == 'M' ) // JOSE
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( ptrfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrhs + 1 - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrhs + 1 );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
rhsptr[j-1] = atoi ( s );
s_to_format ( indfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrhsix - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nnzero );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
rhsind[j-1] = atoi ( s );
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrhsix - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrhsix );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
rhsvec[j-1] = atof ( s );
Sparse right hand sides in finite element format.
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nnzero * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nnzero * nrhs );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
rhsval[j-1] = atof ( s );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3!\n" );
exit ( 1 );
0 < RHSCRD, but RHSTYP not recognized.
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of RHSTYP character 1!\n" );
exit ( 1 );
# undef LINE_MAX
void hb_rhs_write ( FILE *output, int nrow, int nnzero, int nrhs, int nrhsix,
int rhscrd, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *rhsfmt, char *mxtype,
char *rhstyp, double rhsval[], int rhsind[], int rhsptr[], double rhsvec[] )
HB_RHS_WRITE writes the right hand side information to an HB file.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *OUTPUT, the unit to which data is written.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int NRHSIX, the number of entries of storage for right
hand side values, in the case where RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and
MXTYPE[2] = 'A'.
Input, int RHSCRD, the number of lines in the file for
right hand sides.
Input, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Input, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Input, char *RHSFMT, the 20 character format for reading values
of the right hand side.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, char *RHSTYP, the 3 character right hand side type.
First character is F for full storage or M for same as matrix.
Second character is G if starting "guess" vectors are supplied.
Third character is X if exact solution vectors are supplied.
Ignored if NRHS = 0.
If RHSTYP[0] == 'F':
Input, double RHSVAL[NROW*NRHS], contains NRHS dense right hand
side vectors.
Input, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Input, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Input, double RHSVEC[], is not used.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'A':
Input, double RHSVAL[], is not used.
Input, int RHSPTR[NRHS+1], RHSPTR(I) points to the location of
the first entry of right hand side I in the sparse right hand
side vector.
Input, int RHSIND[NRHSIX], indicates, for each entry of
RHSVEC, the corresponding row index.
Input, double RHSVEC[NRHSIX], contains the value of the right hand
side entries.
If RHSTYP[0] = 'M' and MXTYPE[2] = 'E':
Input, double RHSVAL[NNZERO*NRHS], contains NRHS unassembled
finite element vector right hand sides.
Input, int RHSPTR[], is not used.
Input, int RHSIND[], is not used.
Input, double RHSVEC[], is not used.
char code;
char format[80];
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
int w;
Read the right hand sides.
case F = "full" or "dense";
case not F + matrix storage is "A" = sparse pointer RHS
case not F + matrix storage is "E" = finite element RHS
if ( 0 < rhscrd )
Dense right hand sides:
// if ( rhstyp[0] == 'F' )
if ( toupper(rhstyp[0]) == 'F' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrow * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
sprintf ( format, "%%%dg", w );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrow * nrhs );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, rhsval[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
Sparse right-hand sides stored like the matrix.
Read pointer array, indices, and values.
// else if ( rhstyp[0] == 'M' )
else if ( toupper(rhstyp[0]) == 'M' ) // JOSE
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( ptrfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrhs + 1 - 1 ) / r;
sprintf ( format, "%%%dd", w );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrhs + 1 );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, rhsptr[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
s_to_format ( indfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrhsix - 1 ) / r;
sprintf ( format, "%%%dd", w );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrhsix );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, rhsind[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nrhsix - 1 ) / r;
sprintf ( format, "%%%dg", w );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nrhsix );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, rhsvec[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
Sparse right hand sides in finite element format.
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( rhsfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nnzero * nrhs - 1 ) / r;
sprintf ( format, "%%%dg", w );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nnzero * nrhs );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, rhsval[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_WRITE - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3!\n" );
exit ( 1 );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_RHS_WRITE - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of RHSTYP character 1!\n" );
exit ( 1 );
void hb_structure_print ( int ncol, char *mxtype, int nnzero, int neltvl,
int colptr[], int rowind[] )
HB_STRUCTURE_PRINT prints the structure of an HB matrix.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
21 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR[I-1] points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Input, int ROWIND[NNZERO], the row index of each item.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'F':
Input, int ROWIND[NELTVL], the row index of each item.
int j;
int k;
int khi;
int klo;
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( "Column Begin End ----------------------------------------\n" );
printf ( "\n" );
for ( j = 1; j <= i4_min ( ncol, 10 ); j++ )
if ( colptr[j]-1 < colptr[j-1] )
printf ( "%6d EMPTY\n", j );
for ( klo = colptr[j-1]; klo <= colptr[j]-1; klo = klo + 10 )
khi = i4_min ( klo + 9, colptr[j]-1 );
if ( klo == colptr[j-1] )
printf ( "%6d%6d%6d ", j, colptr[j-1], colptr[j]-1 );
for ( k = klo; k <= khi; k++ )
printf ( "%4d", rowind[k-1] );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " ----------------------------------------\n" );
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( "Column Begin End ----------------------------------------\n" );
printf ( " ----------------------------------------\n" );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " I haven't thought about how to print an\n" );
printf ( " unassembled matrix yet!\n" );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( "HB_STRUCTURE_PRINT - Fatal error!\n" );
printf ( " Illegal value of MXTYPE character #3 = '%c'\n", mxtype[2] );
exit ( 1 );
void hb_structure_read ( FILE *input, int ncol, char *mxtype, int nnzero,
int neltvl, int ptrcrd, char *ptrfmt, int indcrd, char *indfmt,
int colptr[], int rowind[] )
HB_STRUCTURE_READ reads the structure of an HB matrix.
The user should already have opened the file, and positioned it
to just after the header records.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *INPUT, the unit from which data is read.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, int PTRCRD, the number of input lines for pointers.
Input, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Input, int INDCRD, the number of input lines for indices.
Input, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Output, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR[I-1] points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Output, int ROWIND[NNZERO], the row index of each item.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'F':
Output, int ROWIND[NELTVL], the row index of each item.
# define LINE_MAX 255
char code;
char *error;
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int khi;
int klo;
char line[LINE_MAX];
int line_len;
int line_num;
int m;
int number;
int r;
char *s;
int w;
s_to_format ( ptrfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
line_num = 1 + ( ( ncol + 1 ) - 1 ) / r;
line_num = 1 + ( ( ncol ) - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_STRUCTURE_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, ncol + 1 );
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, ncol );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
colptr[j-1] = atoi ( s );
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( indfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
line_num = 1 + ( nnzero - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_STRUCTURE_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nnzero );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
rowind[j-1] = atoi ( s );
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
s_to_format ( indfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
number = colptr[ncol-1] - colptr[0];
line_num = 1 + ( number - 1 ) / r;
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_STRUCTURE_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, number );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
rowind[j-1] = atoi ( s );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_STRUCTURE_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
# undef LINE_MAX
void hb_structure_write ( FILE *output, int ncol, char *mxtype,
int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, int colptr[],
int rowind[] )
HB_STRUCTURE_WRITE writes the structure of an HB matrix.
If the user is creating an HB file, then the user should
already have opened the file, and written the header records.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *OUTPUT, the unit to which data is written.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, char *PTRFMT, the 16 character format for reading pointers.
Input, char *INDFMT, the 16 character format for reading indices.
Input, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR[I-1] points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Input, int ROWIND[NNZERO], the row index of each item.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'F':
Input, int ROWIND[NELTVL], the row index of each item.
char code;
char format[80];
int j;
int m;
int number;
int r;
int w;
s_to_format ( ptrfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
sprintf ( format, "%%%dd", w );
for ( j = 1; j <= ncol + 1; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, colptr[j-1] );
if ( j % r == 0 )
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
if ( ( ncol + 1 ) % r != 0 )
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
s_to_format ( indfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
sprintf ( format, "%%%dd", w );
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
for ( j = 1; j <= nnzero; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, rowind[j-1] );
if ( j % r == 0 )
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
if ( nnzero % r != 0 )
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
number = colptr[ncol-1] - colptr[0];
for ( j = 1; j <= number; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, rowind[j-1] );
if ( j % r == 0 )
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
if ( number % r != 0 )
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_STRUCTURE_WRITE - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
int *hb_ua_colind ( int ncol, int colptr[], int nnzero )
HB_UA_COLUMN_INDEX creates a column index for an unsymmetric assembled matrix.
It is assumed that the input data corresponds to a Harwell-Boeing
matrix which is unsymmetric, and assembled.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 September 2004
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, integer NCOL, the number of columns.
Input, integer COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR(I) points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
Input, int NNZERO, the number of nonzeros.
Output, int HB_UA_COLIND[NNZERO], the column index of each matrix value.
int *colind;
int i;
int j;
colind = ( int * ) malloc ( nnzero * sizeof ( int ) );
for ( i = 1; i <= ncol; i++ )
for ( j = colptr[i-1]; j <= colptr[i] - 1; j++ )
colind[j-1] = i;
return colind;
void hb_values_print ( int ncol, int colptr[], char *mxtype, int nnzero,
int neltvl, double values[] )
HB_VALUES_PRINT prints the values of an HB matrix.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns.
Input, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR[I-1] points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Input, double VALUES[NNZERO], the nonzero values of the matrix.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'E':
Input, double VALUES[NELTVL], the nonzero values of the matrix.
int j;
int k;
int khi;
int klo;
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( "Column Begin End ----------------------------------------\n" );
printf ( "\n" );
for ( j = 1; j <= ncol; j++ )
if ( 5 < j && j < ncol )
if ( j == ncol && 6 < ncol )
printf ( "Skipping intermediate columns...)\n" );
if ( colptr[j]-1 < colptr[j-1] )
printf ( "%6d EMPTY\n", j );
for ( klo = colptr[j-1]; klo <= colptr[j]-1; klo = klo + 5 )
khi = i4_min ( klo + 4, colptr[j]-1 );
if ( klo == colptr[j-1] )
printf ( "%5d %5d %5d ", j, colptr[j-1], colptr[j]-1 );
for ( k = klo; k <= khi; k++ )
printf ( "%12g", values[k-1] );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( " ----------------------------------------\n" );
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( "Column Begin End ----------------------------------------\n" );
printf ( " ----------------------------------------\n" );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( "I haven't thought about how to print an\n" );
printf ( "unassembled matrix yet!\n" );
printf ( "\n" );
printf ( "HB_VALUES_PRINT - Fatal error!\n" );
printf ( " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3 = '%c'\n", mxtype[2] );
exit ( 1 );
void hb_values_read ( FILE *input, int valcrd, char *mxtype, int nnzero,
int neltvl, char *valfmt, double values[] )
HB_VALUES_READ reads the values of an HB matrix.
The user should already have opened the file, and positioned it
to just after the header and structure records.
Values are contained in an HB file if the VALCRD parameter
is nonzero.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *INPUT, the unit from which data is read.
Input, int VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, char *VALFMT, the 20 character format for reading values.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Output, double VALUES[NNZERO], the nonzero values of the matrix.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'E':
Output, double VALUES[NELTVL], the nonzero values of the matrix.
# define LINE_MAX 255
char code;
char *error;
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int khi;
int klo;
char line[LINE_MAX];
int line_len;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
char *s;
int w;
s_to_format ( valfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
Read the matrix values.
case "A" = assembled;
case "E" = unassembled finite element matrices.
if ( 0 < valcrd )
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
line_num = 1 + ( nnzero - 1 ) / r;
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
line_num = 1 + ( neltvl - 1 ) / r;
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_VALUES_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
error = fgets ( line, LINE_MAX, input );
if ( !error )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_VALUES_READ - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " I/O error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
line_len = strlen ( line );
line[line_len-1] = '\0';
jlo = jhi + 1;
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nnzero );
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, neltvl );
khi = 0;
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
klo = khi + 1;
khi = i4_min ( klo + w - 1, strlen ( line ) );
s = s_substring ( line, klo, khi );
values[j-1] = atof ( s );
# undef LINE_MAX
void hb_values_write ( FILE *output, int valcrd, char *mxtype,
int nnzero, int neltvl, char *valfmt, double values[] )
HB_VALUES_WRITE writes the values of an HB matrix.
If the user is creating an HB file, then the user should already
have opened the file, and written the header and structure records.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, FILE *OUTPUT, the unit to which data is written.
Input, int VALCRD, the number of input lines for numerical values.
Input, char *MXTYPE, the 3 character matrix type.
First character is R for Real, C for complex, P for pattern only.
Second character is S for symmetric, U for unsymmetric, H for
Hermitian, Z for skew symmetric, R for rectangular.
Third character is A for assembled and E for unassembled
finite element matrices.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes. In the case of unassembled finite
element matrices, in which the right hand side vectors are also
stored as unassembled finite element vectors, this is the total
number of entries in a single unassembled right hand side vector.
Input, int NELTVL, the number of finite element matrix entries,
set to 0 in the case of assembled matrices.
Input, char *VALFMT, the 20 character format for reading values.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'A':
Input, double VALUES[NNZERO], the nonzero values of the matrix.
If MXTYPE[2] == 'E':
Input, double VALUES[NELTVL], the nonzero values of the matrix.
char code;
char format[80];
int i;
int j;
int jhi;
int jlo;
int line_num;
int m;
int r;
int w;
if ( 0 < valcrd )
s_to_format ( valfmt, &r, &code, &w, &m );
sprintf ( format, "%%%dg", w );
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
line_num = 1 + ( nnzero - 1 ) / r;
// else if ( mxtype[2] == 'E' )
else if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'E' ) // JOSE
line_num = 1 + ( neltvl - 1 ) / r;
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "HB_VALUES_WRITE - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of MXTYPE character 3.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
jhi = 0;
for ( i = 1; i <= line_num; i++ )
jlo = jhi + 1;
// if ( mxtype[2] == 'A' )
if ( toupper(mxtype[2]) == 'A' ) // JOSE
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, nnzero );
jhi = i4_min ( jlo + r - 1, neltvl );
for ( j = jlo; j <= jhi; j++ )
fprintf ( output, format, values[j-1] );
fprintf ( output, "\n" );
double *hb_vecmat_a_mem ( int nrow, int ncol, int nnzero, int nrhs,
int colptr[], int rowind[], double values[], double exact[] )
HB_VECMAT_A_MEM multiplies a vector times an assembled Harwell Boeing matrix.
In this "A_MEM" version of the routine, the matrix is assumed to be in
"assembled" form, and all the data is assumed to be small enough
to reside completely in memory; the matrix and multiplicand vectors
are assumed to have been read into memory before this routine is called.
It is assumed that MXTYPE(3:3) = 'A', that is, that the matrix is
stored in the "assembled" format.
Also, the storage used for the vectors X and the products A*X
corresponds to RHSTYP(1:1) = 'F', that is, the "full" storage mode
for vectors.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Iain Duff, Roger Grimes, John Lewis,
User's Guide for the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix Collection,
October 1992.
Input, int NROW, the number of rows or variables.
Input, int NCOL, the number of columns or elements.
Input, int NNZERO. In the case of assembled sparse matrices,
this is the number of nonzeroes.
Input, int NRHS, the number of right hand sides.
Input, int COLPTR[NCOL+1], COLPTR(I) points to the location of
the first entry of column I in the sparse matrix structure.
Input, int ROWIND[NNZERO], the row index of each item.
Input, double VALUES[NNZERO], the nonzero values of the matrix.
Input, double EXACT[NROW*NRHS], contains NRHS dense vectors.
Output, double HB_VECMAT_A_MEM[NCOL*NRHS], the product vectors A'*X.
int column;
int k;
double *rhsval;
int rhs;
int row;
rhsval = ( double * ) malloc ( ncol * nrhs * sizeof ( double ) );
Zero out the result vectors.
for ( rhs = 1; rhs <= nrhs; rhs++ )
for ( column = 1; column <= ncol; column++ )
rhsval[column-1+(rhs-1)*ncol] = 0.0;
For each column J of the matrix,
for ( column = 1; column <= ncol; column++ )
For nonzero entry K
for ( k = colptr[column-1]; k <= colptr[column]-1; k++ )
row = rowind[k-1];
For each right hand side vector:
B(J,1:NRHS) = B(J,1:NRHS) + X(I,1:NRHS) * A(I,J)
for ( rhs = 1; rhs <= nrhs; rhs++ )
rhsval[column-1+(rhs-1)*ncol] = rhsval[column-1+(rhs-1)*ncol]
+ values[k-1] * exact[row-1+(rhs-1)*nrow];
return rhsval;
int i4_max ( int i1, int i2 )
I4_MAX returns the maximum of two I4's.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
29 August 2006
John Burkardt
Input, int I1, I2, are two integers to be compared.
Output, int I4_MAX, the larger of I1 and I2.
int value;
if ( i2 < i1 )
value = i1;
value = i2;
return value;
int i4_min ( int i1, int i2 )
I4_MIN returns the smaller of two I4's.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
29 August 2006
John Burkardt
Input, int I1, I2, two integers to be compared.
Output, int I4_MIN, the smaller of I1 and I2.
int value;
if ( i1 < i2 )
value = i1;
value = i2;
return value;
void i4vec_print ( int n, int a[], char *title )
I4VEC_PRINT prints an I4VEC.
An I4VEC is a vector of I4's.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
14 November 2003
John Burkardt
Input, int N, the number of components of the vector.
Input, int A[N], the vector to be printed.
Input, char *TITLE, a title.
int i;
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %6d: %8d\n", i, a[i] );
void i4vec_print_part ( int n, int a[], int max_print, char *title )
I4VEC_PRINT_PART prints "part" of an I4VEC.
The user specifies MAX_PRINT, the maximum number of lines to print.
If N, the size of the vector, is no more than MAX_PRINT, then
the entire vector is printed, one entry per line.
Otherwise, if possible, the first MAX_PRINT-2 entries are printed,
followed by a line of periods suggesting an omission,
and the last entry.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
27 October 2010
John Burkardt
Input, int N, the number of entries of the vector.
Input, int A[N], the vector to be printed.
Input, int MAX_PRINT, the maximum number of lines
to print.
Input, char *TITLE, a title.
int i;
if ( max_print <= 0 )
if ( n <= 0 )
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
if ( n <= max_print )
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %8d\n", i, a[i] );
else if ( 3 <= max_print )
for ( i = 0; i < max_print - 2; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %8d\n", i, a[i] );
fprintf ( stdout, " ...... ........\n" );
i = n - 1;
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %8d\n", i, a[i] );
for ( i= 0; i < max_print - 1; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %8d\n", i, a[i] );
i = max_print - 1;
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %8d ...more entries...\n", i, a[i] );
void r8mat_print ( int m, int n, double a[], char *title )
R8MAT_PRINT prints an R8MAT.
An R8MAT is a doubly dimensioned array of R8 values, stored as a vector
in column-major order.
Entry A(I,J) is stored as A[I+J*M]
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
28 May 2008
John Burkardt
Input, int M, the number of rows in A.
Input, int N, the number of columns in A.
Input, double A[M*N], the M by N matrix.
Input, char *TITLE, a title.
r8mat_print_some ( m, n, a, 1, 1, m, n, title );
void r8mat_print_some ( int m, int n, double a[], int ilo, int jlo, int ihi,
int jhi, char *title )
R8MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT.
An R8MAT is a doubly dimensioned array of R8 values, stored as a vector
in column-major order.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
26 June 2013
John Burkardt
Input, int M, the number of rows of the matrix.
M must be positive.
Input, int N, the number of columns of the matrix.
N must be positive.
Input, double A[M*N], the matrix.
Input, int ILO, JLO, IHI, JHI, designate the first row and
column, and the last row and column to be printed.
Input, char *TITLE, a title.
# define INCX 5
int i;
int i2hi;
int i2lo;
int j;
int j2hi;
int j2lo;
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title );
if ( m <= 0 || n <= 0 )
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, " (None)\n" );
Print the columns of the matrix, in strips of 5.
for ( j2lo = jlo; j2lo <= jhi; j2lo = j2lo + INCX )
j2hi = j2lo + INCX - 1;
if ( n < j2hi )
j2hi = n;
if ( jhi < j2hi )
j2hi = jhi;
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
For each column J in the current range...
Write the header.
fprintf ( stdout, " Col: ");
for ( j = j2lo; j <= j2hi; j++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %7d ", j - 1 );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, " Row\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
Determine the range of the rows in this strip.
if ( 1 < ilo )
i2lo = ilo;
i2lo = 1;
if ( m < ihi )
i2hi = m;
i2hi = ihi;
for ( i = i2lo; i <= i2hi; i++ )
Print out (up to) 5 entries in row I, that lie in the current strip.
fprintf ( stdout, "%5d:", i - 1 );
for ( j = j2lo; j <= j2hi; j++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %14g", a[i-1+(j-1)*m] );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
# undef INCX
void r8vec_print ( int n, double a[], char *title )
R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC.
An R8VEC is a vector of R8's.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
08 April 2009
John Burkardt
Input, int N, the number of components of the vector.
Input, double A[N], the vector to be printed.
Input, char *TITLE, a title.
int i;
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %14g\n", i, a[i] );
void r8vec_print_part ( int n, double a[], int max_print, char *title )
R8VEC_PRINT_PART prints "part" of an R8VEC.
The user specifies MAX_PRINT, the maximum number of lines to print.
If N, the size of the vector, is no more than MAX_PRINT, then
the entire vector is printed, one entry per line.
Otherwise, if possible, the first MAX_PRINT-2 entries are printed,
followed by a line of periods suggesting an omission,
and the last entry.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
27 February 2010
John Burkardt
Input, int N, the number of entries of the vector.
Input, double A[N], the vector to be printed.
Input, int MAX_PRINT, the maximum number of lines
to print.
Input, char *TITLE, a title.
int i;
if ( max_print <= 0 )
if ( n <= 0 )
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n" );
if ( n <= max_print )
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %14g\n", i, a[i] );
else if ( 3 <= max_print )
for ( i = 0; i < max_print - 2; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %14g\n", i, a[i] );
fprintf ( stdout, " ...... ..............\n" );
i = n - 1;
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %14g\n", i, a[i] );
for ( i = 0; i < max_print - 1; i++ )
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %14g\n", i, a[i] );
i = max_print - 1;
fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %14g ...more entries...\n", i, a[i] );
int s_len_trim ( char *s )
S_LEN_TRIM returns the length of a string to the last nonblank.
It turns out that I also want to ignore the '\n' character!
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
05 October 2014
John Burkardt
Input, char *S, a pointer to a string.
Output, int S_LEN_TRIM, the length of the string to the last nonblank.
If S_LEN_TRIM is 0, then the string is entirely blank.
int n;
char *t;
n = strlen ( s );
t = s + strlen ( s ) - 1;
while ( 0 < n )
if ( *t != ' ' && *t != '\n' )
return n;
return n;
char *s_substring ( char *s, int a, int b )
S_SUBSTRING returns a substring of a given string.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
21 January 2014
John Burkardt
Input, char *S, a pointer to a string.
Input, int A, B, the indices of the first and last character of S to copy.
These are 1-based indices! B should be
Output, char *S_SUBSTRING, a pointer to the substring.
int i;
int j;
char *t;
t = ( char * ) malloc ( ( b + 2 - a ) * sizeof ( char ) );
j = 0;
for ( i = a; i <= b; i++ )
t[j] = s[i-1];
j = j + 1;
t[j] = '\0';
return t;
void s_to_format ( char *s, int *r, char *code, int *w, int *m )
S_TO_FORMAT reads a FORTRAN format from a string.
This routine will read as many characters as possible until it reaches
the end of the string, or encounters a character which cannot be
part of the format. This routine is limited in its ability to
recognize FORTRAN formats. In particular, we are only expecting
a single format specification, and cannot handle extra features
such as 'ES' and 'EN' codes, '5X' spacing, and so on.
Legal input is:
0 nothing
1 blanks
2 optional '('
3 blanks
4 optional repeat factor R
5 blanks
6 CODE ( 'A', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'I', 'L', 'O', 'Z', '*' )
7 blanks
8 width W
9 optional decimal point
10 optional mantissa M
11 blanks
12 optional ')'
13 blanks
'I12 1 I 12 0
'E8.0' 1 E 8 0
'F10.5' 1 F 10 5
'2G14.6' 2 G 14 6
'*' 1 * -1 -1
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
22 January 2014
John Burkardt
Input, char *S, the string containing the
data to be read. Reading will begin at position 1 and
terminate at the end of the string, or when no more
characters can be read.
Output, int *R, the repetition factor, which defaults to 1.
Output, char *CODE, the format code.
Output, int *W, the field width.
Output, int *M, the mantissa width.
char c;
int d;
int debug = 0;
int LEFT = 1;
int paren_sum;
int pos;
int RIGHT = -1;
int s_length;
int state;
state = 0;
paren_sum = 0;
pos = 0;
s_length = s_len_trim ( s );
*r = 0;
*w = 0;
*code = '?';
*m = 0;
while ( pos < s_length )
c = s[pos];
pos = pos + 1;
BLANK character:
if ( c == ' ' )
if ( state == 4 )
state = 5;
else if ( state == 6 )
state = 7;
else if ( state == 10 )
state = 11;
else if ( state == 12 )
state = 13;
else if ( c == '(' )
if ( state < 2 )
paren_sum = paren_sum + LEFT;
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current state = %d\n", state );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
DIGIT (R, F, or W)
else if ( ch_is_digit ( c ) )
if ( state <= 3 )
state = 4;
*r = ch_to_digit ( c );
else if ( state == 4 )
d = ch_to_digit ( c );
*r = 10 * (*r) + d;
else if ( state == 6 || state == 7 )
if ( *code == '*' )
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current state = %d\n", state );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current code = '%c'.\n", *code );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
state = 8;
*w = ch_to_digit ( c );
else if ( state == 8 )
d = ch_to_digit ( c );
*w = 10 * (*w) + d;
else if ( state == 9 )
state = 10;
*m = ch_to_digit ( c );
else if ( state == 10 )
d = ch_to_digit ( c );
*m = 10 * (*m) + d;
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current state = %d\n", state );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
else if ( c == '.' )
if ( state == 8 )
state = 9;
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current state = %d\n", state );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
else if ( c == ')' )
paren_sum = paren_sum + RIGHT;
if ( paren_sum != 0 )
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current paren sum = %d\n", paren_sum );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
if ( state == 6 && *code == '*' )
state = 12;
else if ( 6 <= state )
state = 12;
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current state = %d\n", state );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
else if ( ch_is_format_code ( c ) )
if ( state < 6 )
state = 6;
*code = c;
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current state = %d\n", state );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
Unexpected character
if ( debug )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Current state = %d\n", state );
fprintf ( stderr, " Input character = '%c'.\n", c );
exit ( 1 );
state = -1;
if ( paren_sum != 0 )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Parentheses mismatch.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( state < 0 )
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, "S_TO_FORMAT - Fatal error!\n" );
fprintf ( stderr, " Parsing error.\n" );
exit ( 1 );
if ( *r == 0 )
*r = 1;
void s_trim ( char *s )
S_TRIM promotes the final null forward through trailing blanks.
What we're trying to say is that we reposition the null character
so that trailing blanks are no longer visible.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
10 April 2004
John Burkardt
Input/output, char *S, the string to be trimmed.
char c;
int n;
char *t;
n = strlen ( s );
t = s + strlen ( s ) - 1;
while ( 0 < n )
if ( *t != ' ' )
c = *t;
*t = *(t+1);
*(t+1) = c;
void timestamp ( )
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
31 May 2001 09:45:54 AM
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
24 September 2003
John Burkardt
# define TIME_SIZE 40
static char time_buffer[TIME_SIZE];
const struct tm *tm;
size_t len;
time_t now;
now = time ( NULL );
tm = localtime ( &now );
len = strftime ( time_buffer, TIME_SIZE, "%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p", tm );
fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", time_buffer );
# undef TIME_SIZE
int ch_eqi ( char ch1, char ch2 );
int ch_is_digit ( char c );
int ch_is_format_code ( char c );
int ch_to_digit ( char ch );
void hb_exact_read ( FILE *input, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double exact[] );
void hb_exact_write ( FILE *output, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double exact[] );
void hb_file_read ( FILE *input, char **title, char **key, int *totcrd,
int *ptrcrd, int *indcrd, int *valcrd, int *rhscrd, char **mxtype, int *nrow,
int *ncol, int *nnzero, int *neltvl, char **ptrfmt, char **indfmt, char **valfmt,
char **rhsfmt, char **rhstyp, int *nrhs, int *nrhsix, int **colptr,
int **rowind, double **values, double **rhsval, int **rhsptr, int **rhsind,
double **rhsvec, double **guess, double **exact );
void hb_file_write ( FILE *output, char *title, char *key, int totcrd,
int ptrcrd, int indcrd, int valcrd, int rhscrd, char *mxtype, int nrow,
int ncol, int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *valfmt,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, int nrhs, int nrhsix, int colptr[],
int rowind[], double values[], double rhsval[], int rhsptr[], int rhsind[],
double rhsvec[], double guess[], double exact[] );
void hb_guess_read ( FILE *input, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double guess[] );
void hb_guess_write ( FILE *output, int nrow, int nrhs, int rhscrd,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, double guess[] );
void hb_header_print ( char *title, char *key, int totcrd, int ptrcrd,
int indcrd, int valcrd, int rhscrd, char *mxtype, int nrow, int ncol,
int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *valfmt,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, int nrhs, int nrhsix );
void hb_header_read ( FILE *input, char **title, char **key, int *totcrd,
int *ptrcrd, int *indcrd, int *valcrd, int *rhscrd, char **mxtype, int *nrow,
int *ncol, int *nnzero, int *neltvl, char **ptrfmt, char **indfmt, char **valfmt,
char **rhsfmt, char **rhstyp, int *nrhs, int *nrhsix );
void hb_header_write ( FILE *output, char *title, char *key, int totcrd,
int ptrcrd, int indcrd, int valcrd, int rhscrd, char *mxtype, int nrow,
int ncol, int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *valfmt,
char *rhsfmt, char *rhstyp, int nrhs, int nrhsix );
double *hb_matvec_a_mem ( int nrow, int ncol, int nnzero, int nrhs,
int colptr[], int rowind[], double values[], double exact[] );
void hb_rhs_read ( FILE *input, int nrow, int nnzero, int nrhs, int nrhsix,
int rhscrd, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *rhsfmt, char *mxtype,
char *rhstyp, double rhsval[], int rhsind[], int rhsptr[], double rhsvec[] );
void hb_rhs_write ( FILE *output, int nrow, int nnzero, int nrhs, int nrhsix,
int rhscrd, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, char *rhsfmt, char *mxtype,
char *rhstyp, double rhsval[], int rhsind[], int rhsptr[], double rhsvec[] );
void hb_structure_print ( int ncol, char *mxtype, int nnzero, int neltvl,
int colptr[], int rowind[] );
void hb_structure_read ( FILE *input, int ncol, char *mxtype, int nnzero,
int neltvl, int ptrcrd, char *ptrfmt, int indcrd, char *indfmt,
int colptr[], int rowind[] );
void hb_structure_write ( FILE *output, int ncol, char *mxtype,
int nnzero, int neltvl, char *ptrfmt, char *indfmt, int colptr[],
int rowind[] );
int *hb_ua_colind ( int ncol, int colptr[], int nnzero );
void hb_values_print ( int ncol, int colptr[], char *mxtype, int nnzero,
int neltvl, double values[] );
void hb_values_read ( FILE *input, int valcrd, char *mxtype, int nnzero,
int neltvl, char *valfmt, double values[] );
void hb_values_write ( FILE *output, int valcrd, char *mxtype,
int nnzero, int neltvl, char *valfmt, double values[] );
double *hb_vecmat_a_mem ( int nrow, int ncol, int nnzero, int nrhs,
int colptr[], int rowind[], double values[], double exact[] );
int i4_max ( int i1, int i2 );
int i4_min ( int i1, int i2 );
void i4vec_print ( int n, int a[], char *title );
void i4vec_print_part ( int n, int a[], int max_print, char *title );
void r8mat_print ( int m, int n, double a[], char *title );
void r8mat_print_some ( int m, int n, double a[], int ilo, int jlo, int ihi,
int jhi, char *title );
void r8vec_print ( int n, double a[], char *title );
void r8vec_print_part ( int n, double a[], int max_print, char *title );
int s_len_trim ( char *s );
char *s_substring ( char *s, int a, int b );
void s_to_format ( char *s, int *r, char *code, int *w, int *m );
void s_trim ( char *s );
void timestamp ( );
## ============================================================
## ============================================================
#CC = mpicc
#CFLAGS = -Wall -g -openmp -I. -I${MKLROOT}/include
#CFLAGS = -Wall -openmp -I. -I${MKLROOT}/include
#CLFLAGS = -Wall -fopenmp -I. -I${MKLROOT}/include
#CLINKER = mpicc
#FLINKER = mpif77
#LDFLAGS = -openmp
#LIBLIST = -L. -lhbio -lclock -lsparsenew -lvector -lm -lc
#LIBLIST = -L. -lhbio -lclock -lvector -lm -lc
#LIBLIST = -L. -lhbio -lclock -lm -lc
#LIBLIST = -L. -lsparse -lvector -lclock -lm -lc
#LIBMKL = -L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread
# ============================================================
# ============================================================
CC = mpicxx
CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -mavx -fabi-version=0 -Wall -fopenmp -I. -I${MKLROOT}/include -I${HOME}/libs
CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -Wall -fopenmp -I. -I${MKLROOT}/include -I${HOME}/libs
CLFLAGS = -Wall -fopenmp -I. -I${MKLROOT}/include
CLINKER = mpicxx
LDFLAGS = -fopenmp
LIBLIST = -L. -lhbio -lclock -lsparsenew -lvector -lm -lc
LIBLIST = -L. -lhbio -lclock -lvector -lm -lc
LIBLIST = -L. -lhbio -lclock -lm -lc
LIBLIST = -L. -lsparse -lvector -lclock -lm -lc
LIBMKL = -L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread
# ============================================================
AR = ar
RL = ranlib
# ============================================================
OBJS_CLOCK = reloj.o
OBJS_VECTOR = ScalarVectors.o
OBJS_SPARSE = hb_io.o SparseProduct.o
# ============================================================
default: libclock.a libvector.a libsparse.a BiCGStab
libshared.a : $(OBJS)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $?
$(RL) $(RLFLAGS) $@
libclock.a : $(OBJS_CLOCK)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $?
$(RL) $(RLFLAGS) $@
libvector.a : $(OBJS_VECTOR)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $?
$(RL) $(RLFLAGS) $@
libsparse.a : $(OBJS_SPARSE)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $?
$(RL) $(RLFLAGS) $@
BiCGStab: BiCGStab.o ToolsMPI.o matrix.o
$(CLINKER) $(LDFLAGS) -o BiCGStab BiCGStab.o ToolsMPI.o matrix.o $(LIBMKL) $(LIBLIST)
# ============================================================
echo compiling
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
rm -f *.o *.a BiCGStab
# ============================================================
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
//#include "global.h"
//#include "debug.h"
#include "matrix.h"
//#include "cg_aux_conLabel.h"
// finite-difference method for a 3D Poisson's equation with a 7, 19 or 27 point stencil
void generate_Poisson3D(ptr_SparseMatrix A, const int p, const int stencil_points, int dspL, int dimL, int dim)
int p2 = p * p, i, j=0; //, pos=0;
int pos = 0;
int *vptr = A->vptr;
const int *stenc_c;
const double *stenc_v;
const int stenc_c7[] = { -p2, -p, -1, 0, 1, p, p2};
const double stenc_v7[] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 6.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0};
const double r = 1.0;
const int stenc_c19[] =
-p2-p, -p2-1, -p2+0, -p2+1, -p2+p,
-p-1, -p, -p+1, -1, 0, 1, p-1, p, p+1,
p2-p, p2-1, p2+0, p2+1, p2+p
const double stenc_v19[] =
-(1+r), -(1+r), -(8*r-4), -(1+r), -(1+r),
-2, -(6-2*r), -2, -(6-2*r), -(-32-16*r), -(6-2*r), -2, -(6-2*r), -2,
-(1+r), -(1+r), -(8*r-4), -(1+r), -(1+r)
const int stenc_c27[] =
-p2-p-1, -p2-p, -p2-p+1, -p2-1, -p2+0, -p2+1, -p2+p-1, -p2+p, -p2+p+1,
-p-1, -p, -p+1, -1, 0, 1, p-1, p, p+1,
p2-p-1, p2-p, p2-p+1, p2-1, p2+0, p2+1, p2+p-1, p2+p, p2+p+1
const double stenc_v27[] =
-(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(100*r-40), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r),
-(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(-400-200*r), -(80-20*r), -(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(20-2*r),
-(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(100*r-40), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r)
if( stencil_points == 7 )
stenc_c = stenc_c7;
stenc_v = stenc_v7;
else if( stencil_points == 19 )
stenc_c = stenc_c19;
stenc_v = stenc_v19;
else if( stencil_points == 27 )
stenc_c = stenc_c27;
stenc_v = stenc_v27;
// this should be impossible, but silences compiler warnings
// to compute the nnz, we just need to know that each stencil point at distance |d| from the diagonal
// will be excluded from the matrix on d lines, otherwise each stencil point is on each line
// let's only do the part here.
//for(j=start_row; j<end_row; j++)
printf("Generate matrix ---- dim: %d, dimL: %d, dspL: %d\n", dim, dimL, dspL);
for(j=0; j<dimL; j++) //M
vptr[j] = pos;
// printf("A->vptr[%d]: %d \n", j, A->vptr[j]);
for(i=0; i<stencil_points; i++){
int val = j + dspL + stenc_c[i];
//long val = j + dspL + stenc_c[i];
// printf("j: %d dspL: %d, stenc_c[%d]: %d, dim: %d \n", j, dspL, i, stenc_c[i], dim);
if( val >= 0 && val < dim )
A->vpos[pos] = val;
A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i];
// printf("j: %d, stenc_c[%d]: %d, A->vpos[%d]: %d, A->vval[%d]: %f\n", j, i, stenc_c[i], pos, A->vpos[pos], pos, A->vval[pos]);
// point to just beyond last element
//MA->vptr[j] = pos;
vptr[j] = pos;
//A->elemc = pos;
// A->vptr[j-start_row] = pos;
// finite-difference method for a 3D Poisson's equation with a 7, 19 or 27 point stencil
void generate_Poisson3D_filled(ptr_SparseMatrix A, const int p, const int stencil_points, int band_width, int dspL, int dimL, int dim)
int p2 = p * p, i, j=0; //, pos=0;
int pos = 0;
int *vptr = A->vptr;
const double value = 0.1;
const int *stenc_c;
const double *stenc_v;
double eps = 0.0001;
const int stenc_c7[] = { -p2, -p, -1, 0, 1, p, p2};
const double stenc_v7[] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 6.0, -(1.0-eps), -(1.0-eps), -(1.0-eps)};
const double r = 1.0;
const int stenc_c19[] =
-p2-p, -p2-1, -p2+0, -p2+1, -p2+p,
-p-1, -p, -p+1, -1, 0, 1, p-1, p, p+1,
p2-p, p2-1, p2+0, p2+1, p2+p
const double stenc_v19[] =
-(1+r), -(1+r), -(8*r-4), -(1+r), -(1+r),
-2, -(6-2*r), -2, -(6-2*r), -(-32-16*r), -(6-2*r), -2, -(6-2*r), -2,
-(1+r), -(1+r), -(8*r-4), -(1+r), -(1+r)
const int stenc_c27[] =
-p2-p-1, -p2-p, -p2-p+1, -p2-1, -p2+0, -p2+1, -p2+p-1, -p2+p, -p2+p+1,
-p-1, -p, -p+1, -1, 0, 1, p-1, p, p+1,
p2-p-1, p2-p, p2-p+1, p2-1, p2+0, p2+1, p2+p-1, p2+p, p2+p+1
const double stenc_v27[] =
-(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(100*r-40), -(8-10*r+eps), -(2+r-eps), -(8-10*r+eps), -(2+r-eps),
-(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(-400-200*r), -(80-20*r+eps), -(20-2*r+eps), -(80-20*r+eps), -(20-2*r+eps),
-(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(100*r-40-eps), -(8-10*r+eps), -(2+r-eps), -(8-10*r+eps), -(2+r-eps)
if( stencil_points == 7 )
stenc_c = stenc_c7;
stenc_v = stenc_v7;
else if( stencil_points == 19 )
stenc_c = stenc_c19;
stenc_v = stenc_v19;
else if( stencil_points == 27 )
stenc_c = stenc_c27;
stenc_v = stenc_v27;
// this should be impossible, but silences compiler warnings
// to compute the nnz, we just need to know that each stencil point at distance |d| from the diagonal
// will be excluded from the matrix on d lines, otherwise each stencil point is on each line
// let's only do the part here.
//for(j=start_row; j<end_row; j++)
printf("Generate matrix ---- dim: %d, dimL: %d, dspL: %d, band_width: %d \n", dim, dimL, dspL, band_width);
for(j=0; j<dimL; j++) //M
int iii;
//long iii;
int jjj = j + dspL;
int prv = 0;
vptr[j] = pos;
//printf("j: %d, dspL: %d, pos: %d, dim: %d, band_width: %d\n", j, dspL, pos, dim, band_width);
//printf(stderr, "A->vptr[%d]: %ld \n", j, vptr[j]);
for(i=0; i<stencil_points; i++){
int val = j + dspL + stenc_c[i];
//long val = j + dspL + stenc_c[i];
//printf("j: %d, i: %d, val: %d, dspL: %d, pos: %d, stenc_c[%d]: %d, dim: %d, band_width: %d\n", j, i, val, dspL, pos, i, stenc_c[i], dim, band_width);
//printf("j: %d, val: %d, dspL: %d, pos: %ld , stenc_c[%d]: %d, dim: %d, band_width: %d \n", j, val, dspL, pos, i, stenc_c[i], dim, band_width);
// if( j + dspL + stenc_c[i] >= 0 && j + dspL + stenc_c[i] < dim )
if( val >= 0 && val < dim )
// Analyzing if val is into the band
// if( val >= (j-band_width) && val <= (j+band_width) ) {
if( val >= (jjj-band_width) && val <= (jjj+band_width) ) {
// Adding the elements in the band which are previous to val
// int kk1 = ((j-band_width) < 0)? 0: (j-band_width);
int kk1 = ((jjj-band_width) < 0)? 0: (jjj-band_width);
if (prv != 0) kk1 = prv;
//printf("Entra en if kk1: %d, val: %d j: %d, band_width: %d, j-band_width: %d, j+band_width: %d \n", kk1, val, j, band_width, j-band_width, j+band_width);
for (iii=kk1; iii<val; iii++) {
A->vpos[pos] = iii;
A->vval[pos] = value;
prv = val + 1;
// Choosing the correct value to val
// if ( val == j ) {
if ( val == jjj ) {
//printf("Diagonal val: %d, pos: %ld \n", val, pos);
A->vpos[pos] = val;
A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i] + band_width * value;
//A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i] + (2 * band_width * value) / 20;
} else {
//printf("No Diagonal val: %d, j: %ld \n", val, pos);
A->vpos[pos] = val;
A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i] + value;
// } else if (val < (j-band_width)) {
} else if (val < (jjj-band_width)) {
// Choosing the correct value to val
A->vpos[pos] = val;
A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i];
// prv = val + 1;
} else {
// Adding the elements in the band which are previous to val
// int kk2 = ((j+band_width) >= dim)? dim-1: (j+band_width);
int kk2 = ((jjj+band_width) >= dim)? dim-1: (jjj+band_width);
// if (prv == 0) prv = j+1;
if (prv == 0) prv = jjj+1;
//printf("No entra en if prv: %d, kk2: %d, val: %d, j: %d, band_width: %d, j-band_width: %d, j+band_width: %d \n", prv, kk2, val, j, band_width, j-band_width, j+band_width);
for (iii=prv; iii<=kk2; iii++) {
A->vpos[pos] = iii;
A->vval[pos] = value;
prv = kk2 + 1;
// Choosing the correct value to val
A->vpos[pos] = val;
A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i];
// A->vpos[pos] = j + stenc_c[i] + dspL;
A->vpos[pos] = val;
A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i];
// printf("j: %d, stenc_c[%d]: %d, A->vpos[%d]: %d, A->vval[%d]: %f\n", j, i, stenc_c[i], pos, A->vpos[pos], pos, A->vval[pos]);
// if (prv <= (j+band_width)) {
if (prv <= (jjj+band_width)) {
// int kk2 = ((j+band_width) >= dim)? dim-1: (j+band_width);
int kk2 = ((jjj+band_width) >= dim)? dim-1: (jjj+band_width);
// if (prv == 0) prv = j+1;
if (prv == 0) prv = jjj+1;
//printf("No entra en if prv: %d, kk2: %d, j: %d, band_width: %d, j-band_width: %d, j+band_width: %d \n", prv, kk2, j, band_width, j-band_width, j+band_width);
for (iii=prv; iii<=kk2; iii++) {
A->vpos[pos] = iii;
A->vval[pos] = value;
// point to just beyond last element
//A->vptr[j] = pos;
vptr[j] = pos;
//A->elemc = pos;
// A->vptr[j-start_row] = pos;
printf("FIN Generate matrix ---- dim: %d, dimL: %d, dspL: %d, band_width: %d \n", dim, dimL, dspL, band_width);
void generate_Poisson3D_perm(ptr_SparseMatrix A, const int p, const int stencil_points, int init, int step, int dimL, int dim)
int p2 = p * p, i, j=0; //, pos=0;
int pos = 0;
int *vptr = A->vptr;
const int *stenc_c;
const double *stenc_v;
const int stenc_c7[] = { -p2, -p, -1, 0, 1, p, p2};
//const double stenc_v7[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,-6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
const double stenc_v7[] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 6.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0};
const double r = 1.0;
const int stenc_c19[] =
-p2-p, -p2-1, -p2+0, -p2+1, -p2+p,
-p-1, -p, -p+1, -1, 0, 1, p-1, p, p+1,
p2-p, p2-1, p2+0, p2+1, p2+p
//const double stenc_v19[] =
// {
// 1+r, 1+r, 8*r-4, 1+r, 1+r,
// 2, 6-2*r, 2, 6-2*r, -32-16*r, 6-2*r, 2, 6-2*r, 2,
// 1+r, 1+r, 8*r-4, 1+r, 1+r
// };
const double stenc_v19[] =
-(1+r), -(1+r), -(8*r-4), -(1+r), -(1+r),
-2, -(6-2*r), -2, -(6-2*r), -(-32-16*r), -(6-2*r), -2, -(6-2*r), -2,
-(1+r), -(1+r), -(8*r-4), -(1+r), -(1+r)
const int stenc_c27[] =
-p2-p-1, -p2-p, -p2-p+1, -p2-1, -p2+0, -p2+1, -p2+p-1, -p2+p, -p2+p+1,
-p-1, -p, -p+1, -1, 0, 1, p-1, p, p+1,
p2-p-1, p2-p, p2-p+1, p2-1, p2+0, p2+1, p2+p-1, p2+p, p2+p+1
//const double stenc_v27[] =
// {
// 2+r, 8-10*r, 2+r, 8-10*r, 100*r-40, 8-10*r, 2+r, 8-10*r, 2+r,
// 20-2*r, 80-20*r, 20-2*r, 80-20*r, -400-200*r, 80-20*r, 20-2*r, 80-20*r, 20-2*r,
// 2+r, 8-10*r, 2+r, 8-10*r, 100*r-40, 8-10*r, 2+r, 8-10*r, 2+r
// };
const double stenc_v27[] =
-(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(100*r-40), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r),
-(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(-400-200*r), -(80-20*r), -(20-2*r), -(80-20*r), -(20-2*r),
-(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(100*r-40), -(8-10*r), -(2+r), -(8-10*r), -(2+r)
if( stencil_points == 7 )
stenc_c = stenc_c7;
stenc_v = stenc_v7;
else if( stencil_points == 19 )
stenc_c = stenc_c19;
stenc_v = stenc_v19;
else if( stencil_points == 27 )
stenc_c = stenc_c27;
stenc_v = stenc_v27;
// this should be impossible, but silences compiler warnings
// to compute the nnz, we just need to know that each stencil point at distance |d| from the diagonal
// will be excluded from the matrix on d lines, otherwise each stencil point is on each line
/*A->nnz = stencil_points * p3 ;
for(i=0; i<stencil_points; i++)
A->nnz -= abs(stenc_c[i]);*/ //M
//A->nnz = A->nnz / nProcs; //M
// let's only do the part here.
//for(j=start_row; j<end_row; j++)
int dimB = (step == 1) ? 0: (dim / step);
int resB = (step == 1) ? 0: (dim % step);
int row=init;
// printf ("init = %d , step = %d , dimB = %d , dim = %d\n", init, step, dimB, dim);
for(j=0; j<dimL; j++) //M
// for(j=init; j<dim; j+=step) //M
//A->vptr[j-start_row] = pos;
//MA->vptr[j] = pos;
vptr[j] = pos;
// printf("A->vptr[%d]: %d \n", j, A->vptr[j]);
// printf ("(%d) row = %d , pos = %d\n", init, row-1, pos);
for(i=0; i<stencil_points; i++){
int val = row + stenc_c[i];
int val1 = (val / step);
int val2 = (val % step);
// int k = (val2 * dimB + val1) ;
int k = (val2 * dimB + val1 + ((val2 < resB)? val2: resB)) ;
//long k = (val2 * dimB + val1 + ((val2 < resB)? val2: resB)) ;
// printf("j: %d dspL: %d, stenc_c[%d]: %d, dim: %d \n", j, dspL, i, stenc_c[i], dim);
// if( k >= 0 && k < dim )
if( val >= 0 && val < dim )
A->vpos[pos] = k;
A->vval[pos] = stenc_v[i];
// printf("j: %d, stenc_c[%d]: %d, A->vpos[%d]: %d, A->vval[%d]: %f\n", j, i, stenc_c[i], pos, A->vpos[pos], pos, A->vval[pos]);
row += step;
// point to just beyond last element
//M A->vptr[j] = pos;
vptr[j] = pos;
//A->elemc = pos;
// A->vptr[j-start_row] = pos;
void allocate_matrix(const int m, const int n, const int nnz, ptr_SparseMatrix A)
A->dim1 = m;
A->dim2 = n;
//A->elemc = nnz;
//long *vptr = A->vptr;
//A->vptr = (int*)calloc((n+1), sizeof(int));
A->vptr = (int*)calloc((n+1), sizeof(int));
//vptr = (long*)calloc((n+1), sizeof(long));
A->vpos = (int*)calloc(nnz, sizeof(int));
//A->vpos = (long *)calloc(nnz, sizeof(long));
A->vval = (double*)calloc(nnz, sizeof(double));
/* if( ! A->vval )
fprintf(stderr, "Allocating vval failed !\n");
if (! A->vpos )
fprintf(stderr, "Allocating vpos failed !\n");
if (! A->vptr )
fprintf(stderr, "Allocating vptr failed !\n");
if( ! A->vval || ! A->vpos || ! A->vptr )
fprintf(stderr, "Allocating sparse matrix of size %d rows and %d non-zeros failed !\n", n, nnz);
fprintf(stderr, "Matrix allocated\n");
void ScaleFirstRowCol(SparseMatrix A, int despL, int dimL, int myId, int root, double factor){
// To generate ill-conditioned matrices
int i;
if (myId == root) {
for (i=A.vptr[0]; i< A.vptr[1]; i++)
A.vval[i] *= factor;
if (despL == 0) {
i = 0;
while((i < dimL) && (A.vpos[A.vptr[i]] == 0)) {
A.vval[A.vptr[i]] *= factor;
void deallocate_matrix(Matrix *A)
if( A->v )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <SparseProduct.h>
typedef struct Matrix
int n, m, *c, *r;
long nnz;
double *v;
} Matrix;
typedef enum
} matrix_type;
void generate_Poisson3D(ptr_SparseMatrix A, const int p, const int stencil_points, int dspL, int dimL, int dim);
// memory utility functions
void allocate_matrix(const int n, const int m, const int nnz, ptr_SparseMatrix A);
void generate_Poisson3D_filled(ptr_SparseMatrix A, const int p, const int stencil_points, int band_width, int dspL, int dimL, int dim);
void generate_Poisson3D_perm(ptr_SparseMatrix A, const int p, const int stencil_points, int init, int step, int dimL, int dim);
void ScaleFirstRowCol(SparseMatrix A, int despL, int dimL, int myId, int root, double factor);
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static double timetick;
static double tstart = 0.0;
static double ucpustart = 0.0;
static int first = 1;
void reloj (double *elapsed, double *ucpu)
struct tms cpu;
struct timeval tp;
// struct timezone tzp;
if(first) {
/* Initialize clock */
timetick = 1.0 / (double)(sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK));
first = 0;
gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); // gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp);
tstart = (double)tp.tv_sec + (double)tp.tv_usec * 1.0e-6;
/* Initialize CPU time */
ucpustart = (double)(cpu.tms_utime + cpu.tms_cutime) * timetick;
/* Return values */
*elapsed = 0.0e0;
*ucpu = 0.0e0;
else {
/* Get clock time */
gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); // gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp);
*elapsed = (double)tp.tv_sec + (double)tp.tv_usec * 1.0e-6 - tstart;
/* Get CPU time */
*ucpu = (double)(cpu.tms_utime + cpu.tms_cutime) * timetick - ucpustart;
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>
extern void reloj (double *elapsed, double *ucpu);
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