#include #include #include #include #include #include "ToolsMPI.h" // #define PRINT_SEND_RESOTRNF_VECTORS 1 /*********************************************************************************/ void Synchronization (MPI_Comm Synch_Comm, char *message) { int my_id, i ; MPI_Comm_rank(Synch_Comm, &my_id); MPI_Barrier (Synch_Comm); printf ("(%d) %s\n", my_id, message); if (my_id == 0) printf ("Waiting ... \n"); if (my_id == 0) scanf ("%d", &i); if (my_id == 0) printf (" ... done\n"); MPI_Barrier (Synch_Comm); } /*********************************************************************************/ // Return true if the corresponding asynchonous communication, // defined by data, has been finalized int TestSimple (void *data) { int flag = 0; ptr_SimpleNode smpnode = (ptr_SimpleNode) data; // Verify if the communication has finalized MPI_Test (&(smpnode->req), &flag, &(smpnode->sta)); if (flag) { // Remove the data included in the simple node MPI_Wait (&(smpnode->req), &(smpnode->sta)); free (smpnode); } // Returns the result return flag; } // Return true if the corresponding asynchonous communication, // defined by data, has been finalized int TestPacket (void *data) { int flag = 0; ptr_PacketNode pcknode = (ptr_PacketNode) data; // Verify if the communication has finalized MPI_Test (&(pcknode->req), &flag, &(pcknode->sta)); if (flag) { // Remove the data included in the pack MPI_Wait (&(pcknode->req), &(pcknode->sta)); MPI_Type_free (&(pcknode->pack)); free (pcknode); } // Returns the result return flag; } // Detect the lost messages whose destination is one process // into the processes of communicator Err_Comm void DetectErrorsMPI (MPI_Comm Err_Comm) { int my_id, flag= 0; MPI_Status st; // Definition of the variable my_id MPI_Comm_rank(Err_Comm, &my_id); // Test if some message exists MPI_Iprobe (MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, Err_Comm, &flag, &st); if (flag) { printf ("%d --> (%d,%d)\n", my_id, st.MPI_SOURCE, st.MPI_TAG); } } /*********************************************************************************/ // Prepare the structures required to send/receive a SparseMatrix structure // * spr refers to the SparseMatrix from where the data is obtained // * size is the number of rows to be sent // * weight is the number of nonzeros to be sent // * pcknode, where the resulted packet appears void MakeSprMatrixPacket (SparseMatrix spr, int size, int weight, ptr_PacketNode pcknode) { int k; int *lblq = pcknode->lblq; MPI_Aint *dspl = pcknode->dspl; MPI_Datatype *type = pcknode->type; // Definition of reference pointer pcknode->ptr = (unsigned char *) spr.vptr; // Definition of the required vectors to create the packet type[0] = MPI_INT ; lblq[0] = size+1; dspl[0] = (MPI_Aint) spr.vptr; type[1] = MPI_INT ; lblq[1] = weight; dspl[1] = (MPI_Aint) spr.vpos; type[2] = MPI_DOUBLE; lblq[2] = weight; dspl[2] = (MPI_Aint) spr.vval; type[3] = MPI_UB ; lblq[3] = 1 ; dspl[3] = (MPI_Aint) (spr.vptr+size+1); for (k=3; k>=0; k--) dspl[k] -= dspl[0]; // Creation of the packet MPI_Type_create_struct (4, lblq, dspl, type, &(pcknode->pack)); MPI_Type_commit(&(pcknode->pack)); } void MakeSprMatrixSendPacket (SparseMatrix spr, int *vlen, int dimL, int dspL, ptr_PacketNode pcknode) { int k, weight, dspZ; int *lblq = pcknode->lblq; MPI_Aint *dspl = pcknode->dspl; MPI_Datatype *type = pcknode->type; // printf ("dimL = %d , dspL = %d\n", dimL, dspL); // PrintInts (vlen, spr.dim1); // PrintInts (spr.vptr, spr.dim1+1); // Definition of reference pointer pcknode->ptr = (unsigned char *) (vlen+dspL); // Definition of the required vectors to create the packet dspZ = spr.vptr[dspL]; weight = spr.vptr[dspL+dimL] - dspZ; // printf ("dspZ = %d , weight = %d\n", dspZ, weight); type[0] = MPI_INT ; lblq[0] = dimL ; dspl[0] = (MPI_Aint) (vlen+dspL ); type[1] = MPI_INT ; lblq[1] = weight; dspl[1] = (MPI_Aint) (spr.vpos+dspZ ); type[2] = MPI_DOUBLE; lblq[2] = weight; dspl[2] = (MPI_Aint) (spr.vval+dspZ ); type[3] = MPI_UB ; lblq[3] = 1 ; dspl[3] = (MPI_Aint) (vlen+dimL+dspL); for (k=3; k>=0; k--) dspl[k] -= dspl[0]; // Creation of the packet MPI_Type_create_struct (4, lblq, dspl, type, &(pcknode->pack)); MPI_Type_commit(&(pcknode->pack)); } void MakeSprMatrixRecvPacket (SparseMatrix sprL, int nnzL, ptr_PacketNode pcknode) { int k, dimL = sprL.dim1; int *lblq = pcknode->lblq; MPI_Aint *dspl = pcknode->dspl; MPI_Datatype *type = pcknode->type; // printf ("nnzL = %d\n", nnzL); // Definition of reference pointer pcknode->ptr = (unsigned char *) (sprL.vptr+1); // Definition of the required vectors to create the packet type[0] = MPI_INT ; lblq[0] = dimL; dspl[0] = (MPI_Aint) (sprL.vptr+1); type[1] = MPI_INT ; lblq[1] = nnzL; dspl[1] = (MPI_Aint) sprL.vpos; type[2] = MPI_DOUBLE; lblq[2] = nnzL; dspl[2] = (MPI_Aint) sprL.vval; type[3] = MPI_UB ; lblq[3] = 1 ; dspl[3] = (MPI_Aint) (sprL.vptr+1+dimL); for (k=3; k>=0; k--) dspl[k] -= dspl[0]; // Creation of the packet MPI_Type_create_struct (4, lblq, dspl, type, &(pcknode->pack)); MPI_Type_commit(&(pcknode->pack)); } // Compute the number of nonzeros elements of a PermSprMatrixRecvPacket packet // * prc_src is the processor from which the messages is sent // * dimL is the number of rows to be received // * comm is the communicator in which the messages is sent int ComputeSprMatrixRecvWeights (int prc_src, int dimL, MPI_Comm comm) { int tam, tam_int, tam_double, tam_ub; MPI_Status sta; // Definition of sizes MPI_Type_size(MPI_INT, &tam_int); MPI_Type_size(MPI_DOUBLE, &tam_double); MPI_Type_size(MPI_UB, &tam_ub); MPI_Probe (prc_src, Tag_Send_Packet_Matrix_To_Leaf, comm, &sta); MPI_Get_count (&sta, MPI_BYTE, &tam); // Return the number of nonzeros included in a packet return (tam - (dimL*tam_int + tam_ub)) / (tam_int + tam_double); } int DistributeMatrix (SparseMatrix spr, int index, ptr_SparseMatrix sprL, int indexL, int *vdimL, int *vdspL, int root, MPI_Comm comm) { int myId, nProcs; int i, dim = spr.dim1, divL, rstL, dimL, dspL, nnzL; ptr_PacketNode pcknode; // Getiing the parameter of the communicator MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myId); MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nProcs); // Broadcasting the matrix dimension MPI_Bcast (&dim, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm); // Calculating the vectors of sizes (vdimL) and displacements (vdspl) divL = (dim / nProcs); rstL = (dim % nProcs); for (i=0; iptr, 1, pcknode->pack, i, Tag_Send_Packet_Matrix_To_Leaf, comm); MPI_Type_free (&(pcknode->pack)); free (pcknode); } } nnzL = spr.vptr[dspL+dimL] - spr.vptr[dspL]; CreateSparseMatrix (sprL, indexL, dimL, dim, nnzL, 0); CopyInts (vlen+dspL, sprL->vptr+1, dimL); CopyInts (spr.vpos+spr.vptr[dspL], sprL->vpos, nnzL); CopyDoubles (spr.vval+spr.vptr[dspL], sprL->vval, nnzL); RemoveInts (&vlen); } else { MPI_Status sta; // Compute the number of nonzeroes and creating the local matrix nnzL = ComputeSprMatrixRecvWeights (root, dimL, comm); CreateSparseMatrix (sprL, indexL, dimL, dim, nnzL, 0); // Receiving the data on the local matrix pcknode = (ptr_PacketNode) malloc (sizeof(PacketNode)); MakeSprMatrixRecvPacket (*sprL, nnzL, pcknode); MPI_Recv (pcknode->ptr, 1, pcknode->pack, root, Tag_Send_Packet_Matrix_To_Leaf, comm, &sta); MPI_Type_free (&(pcknode->pack)); free (pcknode); } *(sprL->vptr) = indexL; TransformLengthtoHeader (sprL->vptr, dimL); return dim; } int ComputeMatrixSizes (int dim, int *vdimL, int *vdspL, MPI_Comm comm) { int myId, nProcs; int i, divL, rstL; // Getiing the parameter of the communicator MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myId); MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nProcs); // Calculating the vectors of sizes (vdimL) and displacements (vdspl) divL = (dim / nProcs); rstL = (dim % nProcs); for (i=0; i= vdspL[prc])) { vdimP[prc-1] = k - vdspP[prc-1]; vdspP[prc] = k; prc++; } } } while ((prc <= nProcs) && (col >= vdspL[prc])) { vdimP[prc-1] = k - vdspP[prc-1]; vdspP[prc] = k; prc++; } return k; } // Creation of the MPI_Datatype vectors to perform a reduction of the communications // vectDatatypeP includes MPI_DOUBLE for all processes. // vectDatatypeR includes the permutation required for each process. void createVectMPITypes (int myId, int nProcs, int *vdimL, int *vdimP, int *permR, int *vdimR, int *vdspR, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeP, MPI_Datatype *vectDatatypeR) { int i; for (i=0; i