Commit eae6de73 authored by Vladislav Rykov's avatar Vladislav Rykov
Browse files

dashboard completely integrated

parent b54e43a4
......@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ def get_user_data_count_per_day(cur, username, day=0):
return (True,cur.fetchone())
def get_user_data_count_per_day_period(cur, username, period):
apps = ad.get_list(username)[1]
......@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ def get_user_data_count_per_day_period(cur, username, period):
for a in apps:
utc_day = utc_roundday(day)
utc_hour = [utc_roundday(x) for x in range(period,-1,-1)]
query = 'WITH t AS ('
i = 0
......@@ -122,11 +121,15 @@ def get_user_data_count_per_day_period(cur, username, period):
query += 'SELECT utc FROM dev_{}_{} UNION ALL '.format(a[1], d[1])
i += 1
query = query[0:-10]
query += ') SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t WHERE utc > {} AND utc < {}'.format(utc_day, utc_day+24*60*60)
query += ') SELECT * FROM ('
for uh in utc_hour:
query +=' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t WHERE utc > {} AND utc < {} UNION ALL'.format(uh, uh+24*60*60)
query = query[0:-9]
query += ') w'
cur.execute(query, ())
return (True,cur.fetchone())
return (True,cur.fetchall())
......@@ -143,3 +143,10 @@ def utc_hour(hour_offset):
def utc_weekday(day_offset = 0):
d = {0:'Mo',1:'Tu',2:'We',3:'Th',4:'Fr',5:'Sa',6:'Su'}
return (d[((datetime.utcnow().weekday() - day_offset) % 7)])
def local_hour(hour_offset):
return (( - hour_offset) % 24)
def local_weekday(day_offset = 0):
d = {0:'Mo',1:'Tu',2:'We',3:'Th',4:'Fr',5:'Sa',6:'Su'}
return (d[(( - day_offset) % 7)])
......@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@
labels: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wen", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
labels: {{ week_chart[0]|safe }},
datasets: [
label: "Sales",
data: [25, 20, 30, 22, 36, 29, 15]
data: {{ week_chart[1] }}
}),"chart", a))
......@@ -249,13 +249,6 @@
lineWidth: 1,
color: Charts.colors.gray[900],
zeroLineColor: Charts.colors.gray[900]
callback: function (e)
if (!(e % 10)) return /*"$"*/ + e
......@@ -268,18 +261,18 @@
var t = a.datasets[e.datasetIndex].label || "",
o = e.yLabel,
n = "";
return 1 < a.datasets.length && (n += '<span class="popover-body-label mr-auto">' + t + "</span>"), n += '<span class="popover-body-value">$' + o + "k</span>"
return 1 < a.datasets.length && (n += '<span class="popover-body-label mr-auto">' + t + "</span>"), n += '<span class="popover-body-value">' + o + "</span>"
labels: {{ day_chart.keys()|list }},
labels: {{ day_chart[0] }},
datasets: [
label: "Performance",
data: {{ day_chart.values()|list }}
data: {{ day_chart[1] }}
}),"chart", a))
......@@ -41,14 +41,17 @@ def index():
#print('last_activity', last_activity)
info = [created_apps, active_devices, total_activity, last_activity]
r = md.get_user_data_count_per_hour_period(session['name'], 12)[1]
r = [x[0] for x in r]
day_chart_values = md.get_user_data_count_per_hour_period(session['name'], 11)[1]
day_chart_values = [x[0] for x in day_chart_values]
day_chart_labels = [misc.local_hour(x) for x in range(11,-1,-1)]
day_chart = [day_chart_labels, day_chart_values]
day_chart = {}
for i in range(12,-1,-1):
day_chart[misc.utc_hour(i)] = r[i]
week_chart_values = md.get_user_data_count_per_day_period(session['name'], 6)[1]
week_chart_values = [x[0] for x in week_chart_values]
week_chart_labels = [misc.local_weekday(x) for x in range(6,-1,-1)]
week_chart = [week_chart_labels, week_chart_values]
return render_template('new/public/dashboard.html', info=info, recent_activity=recent_activity, day_chart=day_chart)
return render_template('new/public/dashboard.html', info=info, recent_activity=recent_activity, day_chart=day_chart, week_chart=week_chart)
#apps = ad.get_list(session['name'])
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