# # DEPRECATED: implementation for ffi.verify() # import sys, imp from . import model from .error import VerificationError class VCPythonEngine(object): _class_key = 'x' _gen_python_module = True def __init__(self, verifier): self.verifier = verifier self.ffi = verifier.ffi self._struct_pending_verification = {} self._types_of_builtin_functions = {} def patch_extension_kwds(self, kwds): pass def find_module(self, module_name, path, so_suffixes): try: f, filename, descr = imp.find_module(module_name, path) except ImportError: return None if f is not None: f.close() # Note that after a setuptools installation, there are both .py # and .so files with the same basename. The code here relies on # imp.find_module() locating the .so in priority. if descr[0] not in so_suffixes: return None return filename def collect_types(self): self._typesdict = {} self._generate("collecttype") def _prnt(self, what=''): self._f.write(what + '\n') def _gettypenum(self, type): # a KeyError here is a bug. please report it! :-) return self._typesdict[type] def _do_collect_type(self, tp): if ((not isinstance(tp, model.PrimitiveType) or tp.name == 'long double') and tp not in self._typesdict): num = len(self._typesdict) self._typesdict[tp] = num def write_source_to_f(self): self.collect_types() # # The new module will have a _cffi_setup() function that receives # objects from the ffi world, and that calls some setup code in # the module. This setup code is split in several independent # functions, e.g. one per constant. The functions are "chained" # by ending in a tail call to each other. # # This is further split in two chained lists, depending on if we # can do it at import-time or if we must wait for _cffi_setup() to # provide us with the objects. This is needed because we # need the values of the enum constants in order to build the # that we may have to pass to _cffi_setup(). # # The following two 'chained_list_constants' items contains # the head of these two chained lists, as a string that gives the # call to do, if any. self._chained_list_constants = ['((void)lib,0)', '((void)lib,0)'] # prnt = self._prnt # first paste some standard set of lines that are mostly '#define' prnt(cffimod_header) prnt() # then paste the C source given by the user, verbatim. prnt(self.verifier.preamble) prnt() # # call generate_cpy_xxx_decl(), for every xxx found from # ffi._parser._declarations. This generates all the functions. self._generate("decl") # # implement the function _cffi_setup_custom() as calling the # head of the chained list. self._generate_setup_custom() prnt() # # produce the method table, including the entries for the # generated Python->C function wrappers, which are done # by generate_cpy_function_method(). prnt('static PyMethodDef _cffi_methods[] = {') self._generate("method") prnt(' {"_cffi_setup", _cffi_setup, METH_VARARGS, NULL},') prnt(' {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */') prnt('};') prnt() # # standard init. modname = self.verifier.get_module_name() constants = self._chained_list_constants[False] prnt('#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3') prnt() prnt('static struct PyModuleDef _cffi_module_def = {') prnt(' PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,') prnt(' "%s",' % modname) prnt(' NULL,') prnt(' -1,') prnt(' _cffi_methods,') prnt(' NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL') prnt('};') prnt() prnt('PyMODINIT_FUNC') prnt('PyInit_%s(void)' % modname) prnt('{') prnt(' PyObject *lib;') prnt(' lib = PyModule_Create(&_cffi_module_def);') prnt(' if (lib == NULL)') prnt(' return NULL;') prnt(' if (%s < 0 || _cffi_init() < 0) {' % (constants,)) prnt(' Py_DECREF(lib);') prnt(' return NULL;') prnt(' }') prnt(' return lib;') prnt('}') prnt() prnt('#else') prnt() prnt('PyMODINIT_FUNC') prnt('init%s(void)' % modname) prnt('{') prnt(' PyObject *lib;') prnt(' lib = Py_InitModule("%s", _cffi_methods);' % modname) prnt(' if (lib == NULL)') prnt(' return;') prnt(' if (%s < 0 || _cffi_init() < 0)' % (constants,)) prnt(' return;') prnt(' return;') prnt('}') prnt() prnt('#endif') def load_library(self, flags=None): # XXX review all usages of 'self' here! # import it as a new extension module imp.acquire_lock() try: if hasattr(sys, "getdlopenflags"): previous_flags = sys.getdlopenflags() try: if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags") and flags is not None: sys.setdlopenflags(flags) module = imp.load_dynamic(self.verifier.get_module_name(), self.verifier.modulefilename) except ImportError as e: error = "importing %r: %s" % (self.verifier.modulefilename, e) raise VerificationError(error) finally: if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags"): sys.setdlopenflags(previous_flags) finally: imp.release_lock() # # call loading_cpy_struct() to get the struct layout inferred by # the C compiler self._load(module, 'loading') # # the C code will need the objects. Collect them in # order in a list. revmapping = dict([(value, key) for (key, value) in self._typesdict.items()]) lst = [revmapping[i] for i in range(len(revmapping))] lst = list(map(self.ffi._get_cached_btype, lst)) # # build the FFILibrary class and instance and call _cffi_setup(). # this will set up some fields like '_cffi_types', and only then # it will invoke the chained list of functions that will really # build (notably) the constant objects, as if they are # pointers, and store them as attributes on the 'library' object. class FFILibrary(object): _cffi_python_module = module _cffi_ffi = self.ffi _cffi_dir = [] def __dir__(self): return FFILibrary._cffi_dir + list(self.__dict__) library = FFILibrary() if module._cffi_setup(lst, VerificationError, library): import warnings warnings.warn("reimporting %r might overwrite older definitions" % (self.verifier.get_module_name())) # # finally, call the loaded_cpy_xxx() functions. This will perform # the final adjustments, like copying the Python->C wrapper # functions from the module to the 'library' object, and setting # up the FFILibrary class with properties for the global C variables. self._load(module, 'loaded', library=library) module._cffi_original_ffi = self.ffi module._cffi_types_of_builtin_funcs = self._types_of_builtin_functions return library def _get_declarations(self): lst = [(key, tp) for (key, (tp, qual)) in self.ffi._parser._declarations.items()] lst.sort() return lst def _generate(self, step_name): for name, tp in self._get_declarations(): kind, realname = name.split(' ', 1) try: method = getattr(self, '_generate_cpy_%s_%s' % (kind, step_name)) except AttributeError: raise VerificationError( "not implemented in verify(): %r" % name) try: method(tp, realname) except Exception as e: model.attach_exception_info(e, name) raise def _load(self, module, step_name, **kwds): for name, tp in self._get_declarations(): kind, realname = name.split(' ', 1) method = getattr(self, '_%s_cpy_%s' % (step_name, kind)) try: method(tp, realname, module, **kwds) except Exception as e: model.attach_exception_info(e, name) raise def _generate_nothing(self, tp, name): pass def _loaded_noop(self, tp, name, module, **kwds): pass # ---------- def _convert_funcarg_to_c(self, tp, fromvar, tovar, errcode): extraarg = '' if isinstance(tp, model.PrimitiveType): if tp.is_integer_type() and tp.name != '_Bool': converter = '_cffi_to_c_int' extraarg = ', %s' % tp.name else: converter = '(%s)_cffi_to_c_%s' % (tp.get_c_name(''), tp.name.replace(' ', '_')) errvalue = '-1' # elif isinstance(tp, model.PointerType): self._convert_funcarg_to_c_ptr_or_array(tp, fromvar, tovar, errcode) return # elif isinstance(tp, (model.StructOrUnion, model.EnumType)): # a struct (not a struct pointer) as a function argument self._prnt(' if (_cffi_to_c((char *)&%s, _cffi_type(%d), %s) < 0)' % (tovar, self._gettypenum(tp), fromvar)) self._prnt(' %s;' % errcode) return # elif isinstance(tp, model.FunctionPtrType): converter = '(%s)_cffi_to_c_pointer' % tp.get_c_name('') extraarg = ', _cffi_type(%d)' % self._gettypenum(tp) errvalue = 'NULL' # else: raise NotImplementedError(tp) # self._prnt(' %s = %s(%s%s);' % (tovar, converter, fromvar, extraarg)) self._prnt(' if (%s == (%s)%s && PyErr_Occurred())' % ( tovar, tp.get_c_name(''), errvalue)) self._prnt(' %s;' % errcode) def _extra_local_variables(self, tp, localvars, freelines): if isinstance(tp, model.PointerType): localvars.add('Py_ssize_t datasize') localvars.add('struct _cffi_freeme_s *large_args_free = NULL') freelines.add('if (large_args_free != NULL)' ' _cffi_free_array_arguments(large_args_free);') def _convert_funcarg_to_c_ptr_or_array(self, tp, fromvar, tovar, errcode): self._prnt(' datasize = _cffi_prepare_pointer_call_argument(') self._prnt(' _cffi_type(%d), %s, (char **)&%s);' % ( self._gettypenum(tp), fromvar, tovar)) self._prnt(' if (datasize != 0) {') self._prnt(' %s = ((size_t)datasize) <= 640 ? ' 'alloca((size_t)datasize) : NULL;' % (tovar,)) self._prnt(' if (_cffi_convert_array_argument(_cffi_type(%d), %s, ' '(char **)&%s,' % (self._gettypenum(tp), fromvar, tovar)) self._prnt(' datasize, &large_args_free) < 0)') self._prnt(' %s;' % errcode) self._prnt(' }') def _convert_expr_from_c(self, tp, var, context): if isinstance(tp, model.PrimitiveType): if tp.is_integer_type() and tp.name != '_Bool': return '_cffi_from_c_int(%s, %s)' % (var, tp.name) elif tp.name != 'long double': return '_cffi_from_c_%s(%s)' % (tp.name.replace(' ', '_'), var) else: return '_cffi_from_c_deref((char *)&%s, _cffi_type(%d))' % ( var, self._gettypenum(tp)) elif isinstance(tp, (model.PointerType, model.FunctionPtrType)): return '_cffi_from_c_pointer((char *)%s, _cffi_type(%d))' % ( var, self._gettypenum(tp)) elif isinstance(tp, model.ArrayType): return '_cffi_from_c_pointer((char *)%s, _cffi_type(%d))' % ( var, self._gettypenum(model.PointerType(tp.item))) elif isinstance(tp, model.StructOrUnion): if tp.fldnames is None: raise TypeError("'%s' is used as %s, but is opaque" % ( tp._get_c_name(), context)) return '_cffi_from_c_struct((char *)&%s, _cffi_type(%d))' % ( var, self._gettypenum(tp)) elif isinstance(tp, model.EnumType): return '_cffi_from_c_deref((char *)&%s, _cffi_type(%d))' % ( var, self._gettypenum(tp)) else: raise NotImplementedError(tp) # ---------- # typedefs: generates no code so far _generate_cpy_typedef_collecttype = _generate_nothing _generate_cpy_typedef_decl = _generate_nothing _generate_cpy_typedef_method = _generate_nothing _loading_cpy_typedef = _loaded_noop _loaded_cpy_typedef = _loaded_noop # ---------- # function declarations def _generate_cpy_function_collecttype(self, tp, name): assert isinstance(tp, model.FunctionPtrType) if tp.ellipsis: self._do_collect_type(tp) else: # don't call _do_collect_type(tp) in this common case, # otherwise test_autofilled_struct_as_argument fails for type in tp.args: self._do_collect_type(type) self._do_collect_type(tp.result) def _generate_cpy_function_decl(self, tp, name): assert isinstance(tp, model.FunctionPtrType) if tp.ellipsis: # cannot support vararg functions better than this: check for its # exact type (including the fixed arguments), and build it as a # constant function pointer (no CPython wrapper) self._generate_cpy_const(False, name, tp) return prnt = self._prnt numargs = len(tp.args) if numargs == 0: argname = 'noarg' elif numargs == 1: argname = 'arg0' else: argname = 'args' prnt('static PyObject *') prnt('_cffi_f_%s(PyObject *self, PyObject *%s)' % (name, argname)) prnt('{') # context = 'argument of %s' % name for i, type in enumerate(tp.args): prnt(' %s;' % type.get_c_name(' x%d' % i, context)) # localvars = set() freelines = set() for type in tp.args: self._extra_local_variables(type, localvars, freelines) for decl in sorted(localvars): prnt(' %s;' % (decl,)) # if not isinstance(tp.result, model.VoidType): result_code = 'result = ' context = 'result of %s' % name prnt(' %s;' % tp.result.get_c_name(' result', context)) prnt(' PyObject *pyresult;') else: result_code = '' # if len(tp.args) > 1: rng = range(len(tp.args)) for i in rng: prnt(' PyObject *arg%d;' % i) prnt() prnt(' if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "%s:%s", %s))' % ( 'O' * numargs, name, ', '.join(['&arg%d' % i for i in rng]))) prnt(' return NULL;') prnt() # for i, type in enumerate(tp.args): self._convert_funcarg_to_c(type, 'arg%d' % i, 'x%d' % i, 'return NULL') prnt() # prnt(' Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS') prnt(' _cffi_restore_errno();') prnt(' { %s%s(%s); }' % ( result_code, name, ', '.join(['x%d' % i for i in range(len(tp.args))]))) prnt(' _cffi_save_errno();') prnt(' Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS') prnt() # prnt(' (void)self; /* unused */') if numargs == 0: prnt(' (void)noarg; /* unused */') if result_code: prnt(' pyresult = %s;' % self._convert_expr_from_c(tp.result, 'result', 'result type')) for freeline in freelines: prnt(' ' + freeline) prnt(' return pyresult;') else: for freeline in freelines: prnt(' ' + freeline) prnt(' Py_INCREF(Py_None);') prnt(' return Py_None;') prnt('}') prnt() def _generate_cpy_function_method(self, tp, name): if tp.ellipsis: return numargs = len(tp.args) if numargs == 0: meth = 'METH_NOARGS' elif numargs == 1: meth = 'METH_O' else: meth = 'METH_VARARGS' self._prnt(' {"%s", _cffi_f_%s, %s, NULL},' % (name, name, meth)) _loading_cpy_function = _loaded_noop def _loaded_cpy_function(self, tp, name, module, library): if tp.ellipsis: return func = getattr(module, name) setattr(library, name, func) self._types_of_builtin_functions[func] = tp # ---------- # named structs _generate_cpy_struct_collecttype = _generate_nothing def _generate_cpy_struct_decl(self, tp, name): assert name == tp.name self._generate_struct_or_union_decl(tp, 'struct', name) def _generate_cpy_struct_method(self, tp, name): self._generate_struct_or_union_method(tp, 'struct', name) def _loading_cpy_struct(self, tp, name, module): self._loading_struct_or_union(tp, 'struct', name, module) def _loaded_cpy_struct(self, tp, name, module, **kwds): self._loaded_struct_or_union(tp) _generate_cpy_union_collecttype = _generate_nothing def _generate_cpy_union_decl(self, tp, name): assert name == tp.name self._generate_struct_or_union_decl(tp, 'union', name) def _generate_cpy_union_method(self, tp, name): self._generate_struct_or_union_method(tp, 'union', name) def _loading_cpy_union(self, tp, name, module): self._loading_struct_or_union(tp, 'union', name, module) def _loaded_cpy_union(self, tp, name, module, **kwds): self._loaded_struct_or_union(tp) def _generate_struct_or_union_decl(self, tp, prefix, name): if tp.fldnames is None: return # nothing to do with opaque structs checkfuncname = '_cffi_check_%s_%s' % (prefix, name) layoutfuncname = '_cffi_layout_%s_%s' % (prefix, name) cname = ('%s %s' % (prefix, name)).strip() # prnt = self._prnt prnt('static void %s(%s *p)' % (checkfuncname, cname)) prnt('{') prnt(' /* only to generate compile-time warnings or errors */') prnt(' (void)p;') for fname, ftype, fbitsize, fqual in tp.enumfields(): if (isinstance(ftype, model.PrimitiveType) and ftype.is_integer_type()) or fbitsize >= 0: # accept all integers, but complain on float or double prnt(' (void)((p->%s) << 1);' % fname) else: # only accept exactly the type declared. try: prnt(' { %s = &p->%s; (void)tmp; }' % ( ftype.get_c_name('*tmp', 'field %r'%fname, quals=fqual), fname)) except VerificationError as e: prnt(' /* %s */' % str(e)) # cannot verify it, ignore prnt('}') prnt('static PyObject *') prnt('%s(PyObject *self, PyObject *noarg)' % (layoutfuncname,)) prnt('{') prnt(' struct _cffi_aligncheck { char x; %s y; };' % cname) prnt(' static Py_ssize_t nums[] = {') prnt(' sizeof(%s),' % cname) prnt(' offsetof(struct _cffi_aligncheck, y),') for fname, ftype, fbitsize, fqual in tp.enumfields(): if fbitsize >= 0: continue # xxx ignore fbitsize for now prnt(' offsetof(%s, %s),' % (cname, fname)) if isinstance(ftype, model.ArrayType) and ftype.length is None: prnt(' 0, /* %s */' % ftype._get_c_name()) else: prnt(' sizeof(((%s *)0)->%s),' % (cname, fname)) prnt(' -1') prnt(' };') prnt(' (void)self; /* unused */') prnt(' (void)noarg; /* unused */') prnt(' return _cffi_get_struct_layout(nums);') prnt(' /* the next line is not executed, but compiled */') prnt(' %s(0);' % (checkfuncname,)) prnt('}') prnt() def _generate_struct_or_union_method(self, tp, prefix, name): if tp.fldnames is None: return # nothing to do with opaque structs layoutfuncname = '_cffi_layout_%s_%s' % (prefix, name) self._prnt(' {"%s", %s, METH_NOARGS, NULL},' % (layoutfuncname, layoutfuncname)) def _loading_struct_or_union(self, tp, prefix, name, module): if tp.fldnames is None: return # nothing to do with opaque structs layoutfuncname = '_cffi_layout_%s_%s' % (prefix, name) # function = getattr(module, layoutfuncname) layout = function() if isinstance(tp, model.StructOrUnion) and tp.partial: # use the function()'s sizes and offsets to guide the # layout of the struct totalsize = layout[0] totalalignment = layout[1] fieldofs = layout[2::2] fieldsize = layout[3::2] tp.force_flatten() assert len(fieldofs) == len(fieldsize) == len(tp.fldnames) tp.fixedlayout = fieldofs, fieldsize, totalsize, totalalignment else: cname = ('%s %s' % (prefix, name)).strip() self._struct_pending_verification[tp] = layout, cname def _loaded_struct_or_union(self, tp): if tp.fldnames is None: return # nothing to do with opaque structs self.ffi._get_cached_btype(tp) # force 'fixedlayout' to be considered if tp in self._struct_pending_verification: # check that the layout sizes and offsets match the real ones def check(realvalue, expectedvalue, msg): if realvalue != expectedvalue: raise VerificationError( "%s (we have %d, but C compiler says %d)" % (msg, expectedvalue, realvalue)) ffi = self.ffi BStruct = ffi._get_cached_btype(tp) layout, cname = self._struct_pending_verification.pop(tp) check(layout[0], ffi.sizeof(BStruct), "wrong total size") check(layout[1], ffi.alignof(BStruct), "wrong total alignment") i = 2 for fname, ftype, fbitsize, fqual in tp.enumfields(): if fbitsize >= 0: continue # xxx ignore fbitsize for now check(layout[i], ffi.offsetof(BStruct, fname), "wrong offset for field %r" % (fname,)) if layout[i+1] != 0: BField = ffi._get_cached_btype(ftype) check(layout[i+1], ffi.sizeof(BField), "wrong size for field %r" % (fname,)) i += 2 assert i == len(layout) # ---------- # 'anonymous' declarations. These are produced for anonymous structs # or unions; the 'name' is obtained by a typedef. _generate_cpy_anonymous_collecttype = _generate_nothing def _generate_cpy_anonymous_decl(self, tp, name): if isinstance(tp, model.EnumType): self._generate_cpy_enum_decl(tp, name, '') else: self._generate_struct_or_union_decl(tp, '', name) def _generate_cpy_anonymous_method(self, tp, name): if not isinstance(tp, model.EnumType): self._generate_struct_or_union_method(tp, '', name) def _loading_cpy_anonymous(self, tp, name, module): if isinstance(tp, model.EnumType): self._loading_cpy_enum(tp, name, module) else: self._loading_struct_or_union(tp, '', name, module) def _loaded_cpy_anonymous(self, tp, name, module, **kwds): if isinstance(tp, model.EnumType): self._loaded_cpy_enum(tp, name, module, **kwds) else: self._loaded_struct_or_union(tp) # ---------- # constants, likely declared with '#define' def _generate_cpy_const(self, is_int, name, tp=None, category='const', vartp=None, delayed=True, size_too=False, check_value=None): prnt = self._prnt funcname = '_cffi_%s_%s' % (category, name) prnt('static int %s(PyObject *lib)' % funcname) prnt('{') prnt(' PyObject *o;') prnt(' int res;') if not is_int: prnt(' %s;' % (vartp or tp).get_c_name(' i', name)) else: assert category == 'const' # if check_value is not None: self._check_int_constant_value(name, check_value) # if not is_int: if category == 'var': realexpr = '&' + name else: realexpr = name prnt(' i = (%s);' % (realexpr,)) prnt(' o = %s;' % (self._convert_expr_from_c(tp, 'i', 'variable type'),)) assert delayed else: prnt(' o = _cffi_from_c_int_const(%s);' % name) prnt(' if (o == NULL)') prnt(' return -1;') if size_too: prnt(' {') prnt(' PyObject *o1 = o;') prnt(' o = Py_BuildValue("On", o1, (Py_ssize_t)sizeof(%s));' % (name,)) prnt(' Py_DECREF(o1);') prnt(' if (o == NULL)') prnt(' return -1;') prnt(' }') prnt(' res = PyObject_SetAttrString(lib, "%s", o);' % name) prnt(' Py_DECREF(o);') prnt(' if (res < 0)') prnt(' return -1;') prnt(' return %s;' % self._chained_list_constants[delayed]) self._chained_list_constants[delayed] = funcname + '(lib)' prnt('}') prnt() def _generate_cpy_constant_collecttype(self, tp, name): is_int = isinstance(tp, model.PrimitiveType) and tp.is_integer_type() if not is_int: self._do_collect_type(tp) def _generate_cpy_constant_decl(self, tp, name): is_int = isinstance(tp, model.PrimitiveType) and tp.is_integer_type() self._generate_cpy_const(is_int, name, tp) _generate_cpy_constant_method = _generate_nothing _loading_cpy_constant = _loaded_noop _loaded_cpy_constant = _loaded_noop # ---------- # enums def _check_int_constant_value(self, name, value, err_prefix=''): prnt = self._prnt if value <= 0: prnt(' if ((%s) > 0 || (long)(%s) != %dL) {' % ( name, name, value)) else: prnt(' if ((%s) <= 0 || (unsigned long)(%s) != %dUL) {' % ( name, name, value)) prnt(' char buf[64];') prnt(' if ((%s) <= 0)' % name) prnt(' snprintf(buf, 63, "%%ld", (long)(%s));' % name) prnt(' else') prnt(' snprintf(buf, 63, "%%lu", (unsigned long)(%s));' % name) prnt(' PyErr_Format(_cffi_VerificationError,') prnt(' "%s%s has the real value %s, not %s",') prnt(' "%s", "%s", buf, "%d");' % ( err_prefix, name, value)) prnt(' return -1;') prnt(' }') def _enum_funcname(self, prefix, name): # "$enum_$1" => "___D_enum____D_1" name = name.replace('$', '___D_') return '_cffi_e_%s_%s' % (prefix, name) def _generate_cpy_enum_decl(self, tp, name, prefix='enum'): if tp.partial: for enumerator in tp.enumerators: self._generate_cpy_const(True, enumerator, delayed=False) return # funcname = self._enum_funcname(prefix, name) prnt = self._prnt prnt('static int %s(PyObject *lib)' % funcname) prnt('{') for enumerator, enumvalue in zip(tp.enumerators, tp.enumvalues): self._check_int_constant_value(enumerator, enumvalue, "enum %s: " % name) prnt(' return %s;' % self._chained_list_constants[True]) self._chained_list_constants[True] = funcname + '(lib)' prnt('}') prnt() _generate_cpy_enum_collecttype = _generate_nothing _generate_cpy_enum_method = _generate_nothing def _loading_cpy_enum(self, tp, name, module): if tp.partial: enumvalues = [getattr(module, enumerator) for enumerator in tp.enumerators] tp.enumvalues = tuple(enumvalues) tp.partial_resolved = True def _loaded_cpy_enum(self, tp, name, module, library): for enumerator, enumvalue in zip(tp.enumerators, tp.enumvalues): setattr(library, enumerator, enumvalue) # ---------- # macros: for now only for integers def _generate_cpy_macro_decl(self, tp, name): if tp == '...': check_value = None else: check_value = tp # an integer self._generate_cpy_const(True, name, check_value=check_value) _generate_cpy_macro_collecttype = _generate_nothing _generate_cpy_macro_method = _generate_nothing _loading_cpy_macro = _loaded_noop _loaded_cpy_macro = _loaded_noop # ---------- # global variables def _generate_cpy_variable_collecttype(self, tp, name): if isinstance(tp, model.ArrayType): tp_ptr = model.PointerType(tp.item) else: tp_ptr = model.PointerType(tp) self._do_collect_type(tp_ptr) def _generate_cpy_variable_decl(self, tp, name): if isinstance(tp, model.ArrayType): tp_ptr = model.PointerType(tp.item) self._generate_cpy_const(False, name, tp, vartp=tp_ptr, size_too = (tp.length == '...')) else: tp_ptr = model.PointerType(tp) self._generate_cpy_const(False, name, tp_ptr, category='var') _generate_cpy_variable_method = _generate_nothing _loading_cpy_variable = _loaded_noop def _loaded_cpy_variable(self, tp, name, module, library): value = getattr(library, name) if isinstance(tp, model.ArrayType): # int a[5] is "constant" in the # sense that "a=..." is forbidden if tp.length == '...': assert isinstance(value, tuple) (value, size) = value BItemType = self.ffi._get_cached_btype(tp.item) length, rest = divmod(size, self.ffi.sizeof(BItemType)) if rest != 0: raise VerificationError( "bad size: %r does not seem to be an array of %s" % (name, tp.item)) tp = tp.resolve_length(length) # 'value' is a which we have to replace with # a if the N is actually known if tp.length is not None: BArray = self.ffi._get_cached_btype(tp) value = self.ffi.cast(BArray, value) setattr(library, name, value) return # remove ptr= from the library instance, and replace # it by a property on the class, which reads/writes into ptr[0]. ptr = value delattr(library, name) def getter(library): return ptr[0] def setter(library, value): ptr[0] = value setattr(type(library), name, property(getter, setter)) type(library)._cffi_dir.append(name) # ---------- def _generate_setup_custom(self): prnt = self._prnt prnt('static int _cffi_setup_custom(PyObject *lib)') prnt('{') prnt(' return %s;' % self._chained_list_constants[True]) prnt('}') cffimod_header = r''' #include #include /* this block of #ifs should be kept exactly identical between c/_cffi_backend.c, cffi/vengine_cpy.py, cffi/vengine_gen.py and cffi/_cffi_include.h */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) # include /* for alloca() */ # if _MSC_VER < 1600 /* MSVC < 2010 */ typedef __int8 int8_t; typedef __int16 int16_t; typedef __int32 int32_t; typedef __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t; typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t; typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; typedef __int8 int_least8_t; typedef __int16 int_least16_t; typedef __int32 int_least32_t; typedef __int64 int_least64_t; typedef unsigned __int8 uint_least8_t; typedef unsigned __int16 uint_least16_t; typedef unsigned __int32 uint_least32_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint_least64_t; typedef __int8 int_fast8_t; typedef __int16 int_fast16_t; typedef __int32 int_fast32_t; typedef __int64 int_fast64_t; typedef unsigned __int8 uint_fast8_t; typedef unsigned __int16 uint_fast16_t; typedef unsigned __int32 uint_fast32_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint_fast64_t; typedef __int64 intmax_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uintmax_t; # else # include # endif # if _MSC_VER < 1800 /* MSVC < 2013 */ # ifndef __cplusplus typedef unsigned char _Bool; # endif # endif #else # include # if (defined (__SVR4) && defined (__sun)) || defined(_AIX) || defined(__hpux) # include # endif #endif #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 # undef PyCapsule_CheckExact # undef PyCapsule_GetPointer # define PyCapsule_CheckExact(capsule) (PyCObject_Check(capsule)) # define PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule, name) \ (PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(capsule)) #endif #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 # define PyInt_FromLong PyLong_FromLong #endif #define _cffi_from_c_double PyFloat_FromDouble #define _cffi_from_c_float PyFloat_FromDouble #define _cffi_from_c_long PyInt_FromLong #define _cffi_from_c_ulong PyLong_FromUnsignedLong #define _cffi_from_c_longlong PyLong_FromLongLong #define _cffi_from_c_ulonglong PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong #define _cffi_from_c__Bool PyBool_FromLong #define _cffi_to_c_double PyFloat_AsDouble #define _cffi_to_c_float PyFloat_AsDouble #define _cffi_from_c_int_const(x) \ (((x) > 0) ? \ ((unsigned long long)(x) <= (unsigned long long)LONG_MAX) ? \ PyInt_FromLong((long)(x)) : \ PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((unsigned long long)(x)) : \ ((long long)(x) >= (long long)LONG_MIN) ? \ PyInt_FromLong((long)(x)) : \ PyLong_FromLongLong((long long)(x))) #define _cffi_from_c_int(x, type) \ (((type)-1) > 0 ? /* unsigned */ \ (sizeof(type) < sizeof(long) ? \ PyInt_FromLong((long)x) : \ sizeof(type) == sizeof(long) ? \ PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((unsigned long)x) : \ PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((unsigned long long)x)) : \ (sizeof(type) <= sizeof(long) ? \ PyInt_FromLong((long)x) : \ PyLong_FromLongLong((long long)x))) #define _cffi_to_c_int(o, type) \ ((type)( \ sizeof(type) == 1 ? (((type)-1) > 0 ? (type)_cffi_to_c_u8(o) \ : (type)_cffi_to_c_i8(o)) : \ sizeof(type) == 2 ? (((type)-1) > 0 ? (type)_cffi_to_c_u16(o) \ : (type)_cffi_to_c_i16(o)) : \ sizeof(type) == 4 ? (((type)-1) > 0 ? (type)_cffi_to_c_u32(o) \ : (type)_cffi_to_c_i32(o)) : \ sizeof(type) == 8 ? (((type)-1) > 0 ? (type)_cffi_to_c_u64(o) \ : (type)_cffi_to_c_i64(o)) : \ (Py_FatalError("unsupported size for type " #type), (type)0))) #define _cffi_to_c_i8 \ ((int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[1]) #define _cffi_to_c_u8 \ ((int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[2]) #define _cffi_to_c_i16 \ ((int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[3]) #define _cffi_to_c_u16 \ ((int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[4]) #define _cffi_to_c_i32 \ ((int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[5]) #define _cffi_to_c_u32 \ ((unsigned int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[6]) #define _cffi_to_c_i64 \ ((long long(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[7]) #define _cffi_to_c_u64 \ ((unsigned long long(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[8]) #define _cffi_to_c_char \ ((int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[9]) #define _cffi_from_c_pointer \ ((PyObject *(*)(char *, CTypeDescrObject *))_cffi_exports[10]) #define _cffi_to_c_pointer \ ((char *(*)(PyObject *, CTypeDescrObject *))_cffi_exports[11]) #define _cffi_get_struct_layout \ ((PyObject *(*)(Py_ssize_t[]))_cffi_exports[12]) #define _cffi_restore_errno \ ((void(*)(void))_cffi_exports[13]) #define _cffi_save_errno \ ((void(*)(void))_cffi_exports[14]) #define _cffi_from_c_char \ ((PyObject *(*)(char))_cffi_exports[15]) #define _cffi_from_c_deref \ ((PyObject *(*)(char *, CTypeDescrObject *))_cffi_exports[16]) #define _cffi_to_c \ ((int(*)(char *, CTypeDescrObject *, PyObject *))_cffi_exports[17]) #define _cffi_from_c_struct \ ((PyObject *(*)(char *, CTypeDescrObject *))_cffi_exports[18]) #define _cffi_to_c_wchar_t \ ((wchar_t(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[19]) #define _cffi_from_c_wchar_t \ ((PyObject *(*)(wchar_t))_cffi_exports[20]) #define _cffi_to_c_long_double \ ((long double(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[21]) #define _cffi_to_c__Bool \ ((_Bool(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[22]) #define _cffi_prepare_pointer_call_argument \ ((Py_ssize_t(*)(CTypeDescrObject *, PyObject *, char **))_cffi_exports[23]) #define _cffi_convert_array_from_object \ ((int(*)(char *, CTypeDescrObject *, PyObject *))_cffi_exports[24]) #define _CFFI_NUM_EXPORTS 25 typedef struct _ctypedescr CTypeDescrObject; static void *_cffi_exports[_CFFI_NUM_EXPORTS]; static PyObject *_cffi_types, *_cffi_VerificationError; static int _cffi_setup_custom(PyObject *lib); /* forward */ static PyObject *_cffi_setup(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *library; int was_alive = (_cffi_types != NULL); (void)self; /* unused */ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO", &_cffi_types, &_cffi_VerificationError, &library)) return NULL; Py_INCREF(_cffi_types); Py_INCREF(_cffi_VerificationError); if (_cffi_setup_custom(library) < 0) return NULL; return PyBool_FromLong(was_alive); } union _cffi_union_alignment_u { unsigned char m_char; unsigned short m_short; unsigned int m_int; unsigned long m_long; unsigned long long m_longlong; float m_float; double m_double; long double m_longdouble; }; struct _cffi_freeme_s { struct _cffi_freeme_s *next; union _cffi_union_alignment_u alignment; }; #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((unused)) #endif static int _cffi_convert_array_argument(CTypeDescrObject *ctptr, PyObject *arg, char **output_data, Py_ssize_t datasize, struct _cffi_freeme_s **freeme) { char *p; if (datasize < 0) return -1; p = *output_data; if (p == NULL) { struct _cffi_freeme_s *fp = (struct _cffi_freeme_s *)PyObject_Malloc( offsetof(struct _cffi_freeme_s, alignment) + (size_t)datasize); if (fp == NULL) return -1; fp->next = *freeme; *freeme = fp; p = *output_data = (char *)&fp->alignment; } memset((void *)p, 0, (size_t)datasize); return _cffi_convert_array_from_object(p, ctptr, arg); } #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((unused)) #endif static void _cffi_free_array_arguments(struct _cffi_freeme_s *freeme) { do { void *p = (void *)freeme; freeme = freeme->next; PyObject_Free(p); } while (freeme != NULL); } static int _cffi_init(void) { PyObject *module, *c_api_object = NULL; module = PyImport_ImportModule("_cffi_backend"); if (module == NULL) goto failure; c_api_object = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_C_API"); if (c_api_object == NULL) goto failure; if (!PyCapsule_CheckExact(c_api_object)) { PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_ImportError); goto failure; } memcpy(_cffi_exports, PyCapsule_GetPointer(c_api_object, "cffi"), _CFFI_NUM_EXPORTS * sizeof(void *)); Py_DECREF(module); Py_DECREF(c_api_object); return 0; failure: Py_XDECREF(module); Py_XDECREF(c_api_object); return -1; } #define _cffi_type(num) ((CTypeDescrObject *)PyList_GET_ITEM(_cffi_types, num)) /**********/ '''