Commit 1d7fb389 authored by iker_martin's avatar iker_martin
Browse files

Realizando modificaciones en recolectores. WIP.

parent 17c190f7
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ def get_value(line, index):
# Obtains the general parameters of an execution and
# stores them for creating a global dataframe
def record_config_line(lineS, dataG_it):
ordered_indexes = [G_enum.TOTAL_RESIZES.value, G_enum.TOTAL_STAGES.value, G_enum.GRANULARITY.value, G_enum.SDR.value, \
G_enum.ADR.value, G_enum.ASYNCH_REDISTRIBUTION_TYPE.value, G_enum.SPAWN_METHOD.value, G_emun.SPAWN_STRATEGY.value]
ordered_indexes = [G_enum.TOTAL_RESIZES.value, G_enum.TOTAL_STAGES.value, \
G_enum.GRANULARITY.value, G_enum.SDR.value, G_enum.ADR.value]
offset_line = 2
for i in range(len(ordered_indexes)):
value = get_value(lineS, i+offset_line)
......@@ -76,15 +76,6 @@ def record_config_line(lineS, dataG_it):
for index in array_stages:
dataG_it[index] = [None]*dataG_it[G_enum.TOTAL_STAGES.value]
#columnsG = ["Total_Resizes", "Total_Groups", "Total_Stages", "Granularity", "SDR", "ADR", "DR", "Asynch_Redistribution_Type", \\
# "Spawn_Method", "Spawn_Strategy", "Groups", "Dist", "Stage_Types", "Stage_Times", "Stage_Bytes", \\
# "Iters", "Asynch_Iters", "T_iter", "T_stages", "T_spawn", "T_spawn_real", "T_SR", "T_AR", "T_total"] #24
#columnsG = ["N", "%Async", "Groups", "NP", "NS", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Cst", "Css", "Time", "Iters", "TE"] #13
# Obtains the parameters of a stage line
# and stores it in the dataframe
# Is needed to indicate in which stage is
......@@ -105,8 +96,8 @@ def record_stage_line(lineS, dataG_it, stage):
# Is needed to indicate to which group refers
# the resize line
def record_resize_line(lineS, dataG_it, group):
array_stages = [G_enum.ITERS.value, G_enum.GROUPS.value\
G_enum.FACTOR_S.value, G_enum.DIST.value]
array_stages = [G_enum.ITERS.value, G_enum.GROUPS.value, G_enum.FACTOR_S.value, G_enum.DIST.value, \
offset_lines = 2
for i in range(len(array_stages)):
value = get_value(lineS, i+offset_lines)
......@@ -128,7 +119,7 @@ def record_time_line(lineS, dataG_it):
dataG_it[index][i] = value
def read_global_file(f, dataA, dataB, it):
def read_global_file(f, dataG, it):
resizes = 0
timer = 0
previousNP = 0
......@@ -139,31 +130,61 @@ def read_global_file(f, dataA, dataB, it):
if len(lineS) > 0:
if lineS[0] == "Config": # CONFIG LINE
it += 1
record_config(lineS, dataG[it], dataM[it])
#dataG[it][-1] = None Indicates if local data has been recorded(1) or not(None)
record_config(lineS, dataG[it])
resize = 0
stage = 0
elif lineS[0] == "Stage":
record_stage_line(lineS, dataG[it], ??)
record_stage_line(lineS, dataG[it], stage)
elif lineS[0] == "Resize":
record_resize_line(lineS, dataG[it], ??)
elif lineS[0] in T_names:
record_resize_line(lineS, dataG[it], resize)
elif lineS[0] == "T_total:":
value = get_value(lineS, 1)
dataG[it][G_enum.T_TOTAL.value] = value
record_time_line(lineS, dataG[it])
return it
#columnsA1 = ["N", "%Async", "Groups", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Cst", "Css", "Time", "Iters", "TE"] #8
#columnsB1 = ["N", "%Async", "NP", "NS", "Dist", "Matrix", "CommTam", "Cst", "Css", "Time", "Iters", "TC", "TS", "TA"] #12
#Config loaded: resizes=2, matrix=1000, sdr=1000000000, adr=0, aib=0, time=2.000000 || grp=1
#Resize 0: Iters=100, Procs=2, Factors=1.000000, Phy=2
#Resize 1: Iters=100, Procs=4, Factors=0.500000, Phy=2
#Tspawn: 0.249393
#Tthread: 0
#Tsync: 0.330391
#Tasync: 0
#Tex: 301.428615
#Config loaded: resizes=1, matrix=0, comm_tam=0, sdr=0, adr=0, aib=0, cst=3, css=1, time=1 || grp=1
def read_local_file(f, dataG, it):
resizes = 0
timer = 0
previousNP = 0
for line in f:
lineS = line.split()
if len(lineS) > 0:
if lineS[0] == "Config": # CONFIG LINE
it += 1
record_config(lineS, dataG[it], dataM[it])
resize = 0
stage = 0
elif lineS[0] == "Stage":
record_stage_line(lineS, dataG[it], stage)
elif lineS[0] == "Resize":
record_resize_line(lineS, dataG[it], resize)
elif lineS[0] == "T_total:":
value = get_value(lineS, 1)
dataG[it][G_enum.T_TOTAL.value] = value
record_time_line(lineS, dataG[it])
return it
#columnsG = ["Total_Resizes", "Total_Groups", "Total_Stages", "Granularity", "SDR", "ADR", "DR", "Asynch_Redistribution_Type", \\
# "Spawn_Method", "Spawn_Strategy", "Groups", "Dist", "Stage_Types", "Stage_Times", "Stage_Bytes", \\
# "Iters", "Asynch_Iters", "T_iter", "T_stages", "T_spawn", "T_spawn_real", "T_SR", "T_AR", "T_total"] #24
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("The files name is missing\nUsage: python3 resultsName directory csvOutName")
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