Commit 4f344a7b authored by iker_martin's avatar iker_martin
Browse files

Arreglado error de memoria en spawn background. Sigue sin funcionar si hay...

Arreglado error de memoria en spawn background. Sigue sin funcionar si hay comunicacion en primer plano
parent c437c212
......@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ int checkpoint(int iter, int state, MPI_Request **comm_req) {
group->numS = config_file->procs[group->grp +1];
int comm_type = COMM_SPAWN_PTHREAD; // TODO Pasar a CONFIG
if(group->myId == ROOT) { printf("Malleability\n");}
state = TC(group->numS, comm_type);
if (state == COMM_FINISHED){
......@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ struct Slurm_data {
int type_creation;
struct Creation_data {
typedef struct {
char **argv;
int numP_childs, myId, root, type_dist;
MPI_Comm comm;
//--------------PRIVATE SPAWN TYPE DECLARATIONS---------------//
......@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ int init_slurm_comm(char **argv, int myId, int numP, int root, int type_dist, in
if(myId == root) {
processes_dist(argv, numP, type_dist);
} else {
slurm_data->cmd = malloc(1 * sizeof(char));
slurm_data->info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
create_processes(myId, root, child, comm);
......@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ int init_slurm_comm(char **argv, int myId, int numP, int root, int type_dist, in
} else if(type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_PTHREAD) {
struct Creation_data *creation_data = malloc(sizeof(struct Creation_Data*));
Creation_data *creation_data = (Creation_data *) malloc(sizeof(Creation_data));
creation_data->argv = argv;
creation_data->numP_childs = numP;
creation_data->myId = myId;
......@@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ int init_slurm_comm(char **argv, int myId, int numP, int root, int type_dist, in
creation_data->type_dist = type_dist;
creation_data->comm = comm;
if(pthread_create(&slurm_thread, NULL, thread_work, creation_data)) {
if(pthread_create(&slurm_thread, NULL, thread_work, (void *)creation_data)) {
printf("Error al crear el hilo de contacto con SLURM\n");
return -1;
......@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ int init_slurm_comm(char **argv, int myId, int numP, int root, int type_dist, in
* y en caso de que lo este, se devuelve el communicador a estos nuevos procesos.
int check_slurm_comm(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *child) {
int state;
int state=-10;
if(slurm_data->type_creation == COMM_SPAWN_PTHREAD) {
MPI_Allreduce(&commSlurm, &state, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
......@@ -123,9 +126,12 @@ int check_slurm_comm(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *child) {
return -10;
commSlurm = COMM_FINISHED;
*child = *returned_comm;
if(myId == root) {
return commSlurm;
......@@ -141,18 +147,20 @@ int check_slurm_comm(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *child) {
* se avisa al hilo maestro.
void* thread_work(void* creation_data_arg) {
struct Creation_data *creation_data = (struct Creation_data*) creation_data_arg;
Creation_data *creation_data = (Creation_data*) creation_data_arg;
returned_comm = (MPI_Comm *) malloc(sizeof(MPI_Comm));
if(creation_data->myId == creation_data->root) {
//if(creation_data->myId == creation_data->root) { printf("WORKD SPAWN 1\n");} fflush(stdout);
processes_dist(creation_data->argv, creation_data->numP_childs, creation_data->type_dist);
} else {
slurm_data->cmd = malloc(1 * sizeof(char));
slurm_data->info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
create_processes(creation_data->myId, creation_data->root, returned_comm, creation_data->comm);
commSlurm = COMM_FINISHED;
//free(creation_data); //FIXME No se libera bien
......@@ -215,18 +223,12 @@ void processes_dist(char *argv[], int numP_childs, int type) {
* "processes_dist()".
int create_processes(int myId, int root, MPI_Comm *child, MPI_Comm comm) {
//if(myId == root) { printf("WORKD SPAWN 2.1 cmd=%s pr=%d\n", slurm_data->cmd, slurm_data->qty_procs);} fflush(stdout);
int spawn_err = MPI_Comm_spawn(slurm_data->cmd, MPI_ARGV_NULL, slurm_data->qty_procs, slurm_data->info, root, comm, child, MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE);
if(spawn_err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
printf("Error creating new set of %d procs.\n", slurm_data->qty_procs);
if(myId == root) {
return spawn_err;
......@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ void node_dist(slurm_job_info_t job_record, int type, int total_procs, int **qty
procs[i] += total_procs - asigCores;
if(*used_nodes > job_record.num_nodes) *used_nodes = job_record.num_nodes;
if(*used_nodes > job_record.num_nodes) *used_nodes = job_record.num_nodes; //FIXME Si ocurre esto no es un error?
*qty = calloc(*used_nodes, sizeof(int)); // Numero de procesos por nodo
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