Commit 815045f2 authored by Iker Martín Álvarez's avatar Iker Martín Álvarez
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parent c758f526
# malleability_benchmark
# Journal of Supercomputing Submission Branch
Benchmark for a MPI malleable application
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## Overview
This branch contains the codebase used for Proteo experiments and results presented for the paper in section "Paper Information" in the system Nasp. The code represents the state of the project at the time of submission and is tagged accordingly.
## Paper Information
- **Title:** Proteo: A Framework for the Generation and Evaluation of Malleable MPI Applications
- **Authors:** Iker Martín-Álvarez, José I. Aliaga, Maribel Castillo, Sergio Iserte
- **Journal:** Journal of Supercomputing
- **Submission Date:** 30/11/2023
## Branch Structure
This branch is divided into the following 4 directories:
- **Analysis**: Contains the scripts and notebook to perform analysis of Proteo executions.
- **Codes**: Contains all the codes used to compile Proteo.
- **Exec**: Contains the scripts to execute the CG and perform a post-mortem analysis.
- **Results**: Contains the configuration files used to emulate the malleable emulation of the CG.
## Installation
### Prerequisites
Before installing, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- MPI (MPICH) installed on your system. This code has been tested with MPICH versions 3.4.1 and 4.0.3 with the OFI netmod.
- Slurm is installed on your system. This code has been tested with slurm-wlm 19.05.5.
The following requisites are optional and only needed to process and analyse the data:
- Python 3(Optional). Only if you want to perform the post-mortem processing or analyse the data.
- Numpy 1.24.3(Optional). Only if you want to perform the post-mortem processing or analyse the data.
- Pandas 1.5.3(Optional). Only if you want to perform the post-mortem processing or analyse the data.
- Seaborn 0.12.2(Optional). Only if you want to analyse the data.
- Matplotlib 3.7.1(Optional). Only if you want to analyse the data.
- Scipy 1.10.1(Optional). Only if you want to analyse the data.
- scikit-posthocs 0.7.0(Optional). Only if you want to analyse the data.
### Steps
1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
$ git clone
$ cd malleability_benchmark
$ git checkout JournalSupercomputing23/24
2. Compile the code using the `make` command:
$ cd Codes/
$ make install_slurm
This command compiles the code using the MPI (MPICH) library.
3. Test the installation:
$ cd ../Results
$ bash ../Exec/ ../Codes/test.ini
This test launches an Slurm Job with a basic configuration file that performs a reconfiguration from 10 to 2 processes.
As soon as it ends, 4 files will appear, one is the slurm output, and the other 3 are Proteo's output.
Example of a successful run with expected output:
$ cat
FIXME Description to add
### Clean Up
To clean the installation and remove compiled binaries, use:
$ make clean
## Reproducing Experiments
All the needed files to emulate the CG in Nasp are already in this branch. Keep in mind these only work properly in the system Nasp, as they have been modelled for that system.
To reproduce the experiments performed with Proteo the following steps have to be performed:
1. From the main directory of this branch execute:
$ cd Results/DataRedist/Synch
$ bash ../Exec/ 5 > runOfi.txt
3. (Optional) When the experiments end, you can process the data. To perform this task the optional installation requisites must be meet. To process the data:
$ cd Exec/
$ python3
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$ python3 dataG.pkl dataM
$ python3 dataG.pkl dataL
After this commands, you will have two files called dataG.pkl, dataM.pkl and dataL*.pkl. These files can be opened in Pandas as dataframes to analyse the data.
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