Commit c769c32d authored by iker_martin's avatar iker_martin
Browse files

All ready for execution

parent 70d67ded
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -922,13 +922,13 @@ void comm_results(int root, int compute) {
MPI_Bcast(mall_conf, 1, new_type, root, mall->intercomm);
if(compute) {
mall_conf->sync_time = mall_conf->sync_end - mall_conf->sync_time;
if(dist_a_data->entries) mall_conf->async_time = mall_conf->async_end - mall_conf->async_time;
mall_conf->malleability_time = mall_conf->malleability_end - mall_conf->malleability_time;
mall_conf->sync_time = mall_conf->sync_end - mall_conf->sync_time;
if(dist_a_data->entries) mall_conf->async_time = mall_conf->async_end - mall_conf->async_time;
mall_conf->malleability_time = mall_conf->malleability_end - mall_conf->malleability_time;
......@@ -937,6 +937,9 @@ void set_global_time(double ex_start) {
void retrieve_results(double *sp_time, double *sy_time, double *asy_time, double *mall_time, double *ex_start) {
mall_conf->sync_time = mall_conf->sync_end - mall_conf->sync_time;
if(dist_a_data->entries) mall_conf->async_time = mall_conf->async_end - mall_conf->async_time;
mall_conf->malleability_time = mall_conf->malleability_end - mall_conf->malleability_time;
*sp_time = mall_conf->spawn_time;
*sy_time = mall_conf->sync_time;
*asy_time = mall_conf->async_time;
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
module load /home/martini/MODULES/modulefiles/mpich-4.0.3-ofi
module load /home/martini/MODULES/modulefiles/intel64Only.module
echo "Test"
mpirun -np 4 ./build/a.out bcsstk01.rsa 2 n00 1
#mpirun -np 4 ./ConjugateGradient bcsstk17.rsa
#mpirun -np 8 ./ConjugateGradient bcsstk01.rsa
#mpirun -np 12 ./ConjugateGradient bcsstk01.rsa
echo "AUDIK"
#mpirun -np 4 ./ConjugateGradient ../../audikw_1/audikw_1.rb
#mpirun -np 4 ./ConjugateGradient ../../audikw_1/audikw_1.rb
#mpirun -np 4 ./ConjugateGradient ../../audikw_1/audikw_1.rb
echo "End"
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