Malleable implementation of the application BIConjugate Gradient STABilized (BICGSTAB).
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Malleable implementation of the application BIConjugate Gradient STABilized (BICGSTAB). This branch shows the code and results for the paper "MaM: A Malleable User-Friendly Interface for MPI Applications" in the workshop DYNRESHPC24 inside the conference EURO-PAR24.
This branch contains the following directories:
- BiCGStab_Iker: Contains the code related to the BiCGStab with a Makefile. A single "make" is needed to compile the code.
- Exec: Contains multiple scripts to execute the code and perform analysis of the resulting data.
- Results: Contains two subdirectories with the raw data of executions. They refer to the MPICH channel used, which is either Nemesis(Ethernet network) or OFI(Infiniband network). In the paper only the data from OFI has been used.
- malleability: Contains the code used of MaM along with a Makefile. A single "make install" is required to compile the code. In addition, this make should be done prior to compiling the BiCGStab.
The paper did not have enough space to show the main header of MAM with its main functions and constants. Following can be found first the functions, and then the constants.