Commit a8aee891 authored by Vladislav Rykov's avatar Vladislav Rykov
Browse files

map view fully added

parent 8bae9d72
......@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
[2020-10-01 15:11:55,695] INFO in views: superuser admin deleted for application 8cc6f4b1 device 2
[2020-10-07 17:18:50,561] INFO in views: Logged in superuser admin
[2020-10-07 17:19:21,368] INFO in views: Logged in superuser admin
[2020-10-07 19:11:04,501] INFO in views: superuser admin added new device testgeo for application 8cc6f4b1
......@@ -128,7 +128,13 @@ def get_list(cur, appkey):
return (True, cur.fetchall())
devlist = cur.fetchall()
for i in range(len(devlist)):
devlist[i] = [d for d in devlist[i]]
devlist[i][3] = json.loads(devlist[i][3].tobytes())
return (True, devlist)
from psycopg2 import sql
import app.helpers.device_data_model as ddm
from app.helpers.misc import with_psql, utc_roundhour, utc_roundday, utc_local_diff
import app.dao.application.application as ad
import app.dao.device.device as dd
import as data
import json
# appkeys is a list of tuples [(app1), (app2), ..., (appn)]
# devids is a list of lists of tuples [[(dev1),...],[(dev1),...]]
......@@ -174,13 +177,21 @@ def get_recent_activity(cur, username, n=5):
return (True, [])
def get_devices_locations(cur, username):
def get_devices_locations(username):
devlocs = {}
apps = ad.get_list(username)[1]
for a in apps:
devs = dd.get_list(a[1])[1]
devs = [d for d in devs if all (k in d[3]['format'] for k in ('lat', 'lon'))]
if devs != []:
for d in devs:
ddata = data.get_last_n(a[1], d[1], 1)
if ddata[0]:
devlocs[a[1]] = {int(d[1]) : {}}
ddata = ddm.decode_datum(ddata[1][0], d[3])
#decodify the data and put it into the dict
devlocs[a[1]][int(d[1])].update({'appname' : a[0], 'devname' : d[0], 'utc' : int(ddata[0]), 'lat' : ddata[2]['lat'], 'lon': ddata[2]['lon']})
return devlocs
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ import msgpack
import struct
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import app.helpers.misc as misc
from psycopg2 import Binary
from datetime import datetime
'json' : 'JSON',
......@@ -95,36 +92,6 @@ def test_done():
print(read_data_ddm(rdata, ddm))
def mpack_test(cur):
import random
m = {
"temperature" : random.randint(0, 100),
"lever": random.randint(0,1)
m = msgpack.packb(m)
query = """
INSERT INTO dev_3b56f3d8_3 VALUES ({}, '{}', {})
""".format(misc.get_utc(),'%H:%M:%S'), Binary(m))
return (True,)
def raw_test(cur):
import random
upstr = '<fQ20s?h'
m = struct.pack(upstr, random.random()*1000, random.randint(10000,10000000), 'hello'.encode('utf-8'), random.randint(0,2), random.randint(0, 30000))
query = """
INSERT INTO dev_3b56f3d8_2 VALUES ({}, '{}', {})
""".format(misc.get_utc(),'%H:%M:%S'), Binary(m))
return (True,)
def decode_datum(data, ddm):
data = [d for d in data]
......@@ -105,12 +105,26 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var devslocs = JSON.parse('{{ devslocs | safe }}');
var devmap ='map').setView([50, 50], 2);
L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery © <a href="">Mapbox</a>',
maxZoom: 18
Object.entries(devslocs).forEach(([appkey, devdata]) => {
applink = "/application/" + appkey;
Object.entries(devdata).forEach(([devid, data]) => {
devlink = applink + "/device/" + devid;
var devmarker = L.marker([data["lat"],data["lon"]]).addTo(devmap);
var popuptxt = "<b> Application: <a href='"+applink+"'>"+data["appname"] + "</a></b><br>";
popuptxt += "<b> Device: <a href='"+devlink+"'>"+data["devname"] + "</a></b><br>";
var dateutc = new Date(data["utc"]*1000);
popuptxt += "<b>Timestamp: </b>"+dateutc.toString();
{% endblock %}
......@@ -659,6 +659,6 @@ def map():
last_activity = md.get_user_data_count_per_day(session['name'])[1][0]
info = [created_apps, active_devices, total_activity, last_activity]
return render_template('views/public/map.html', info=info)
devslocs = md.get_devices_locations(session['name'])
import json
return render_template('views/public/map.html', info=info, devslocs=json.dumps(devslocs))
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